Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The US imposes it as a condition of its continued support to the protection of Israel. It’s the best way to end Iranian influence in the region and effectively work towards the end of that regime, while ending the distraction that pulls the US away from focusing on outcompeting China.

The US forcing Israel to end occuption and accepting 2 state solution according to 1967 will effectively end the conflict. The domino effect will be a more stable and peaceful middle-east, allowing USA to refocus on its main geopolitical rivals.
By US the as Israels foremost protector, telling Israel to abide by Oslo agreement. If Israel refuse to apply, then sanction Israel like it sanctioned North Korea, Iran etc.

Was the Oslo Agreement ever signed and in force, or did it remain a draft?
The US imposes it as a condition of its continued support to the protection of Israel. It’s the best way to end Iranian influence in the region and effectively work towards the end of that regime, while ending the distraction that pulls the US away from focusing on outcompeting China.

There are many arguments that support that approach, to be sure.
the only thing Hamas need to do is survive to win

Israel cannot win this not now not in 900 days
Lets say hamas survive but the human cost will be so large that it wont really be a victory for hamas.
And israel even if not able to finish hamas today they can obvisiouly do anything they want in future.
Just look at the death toll if fighting stops today will you call it a hamas victory? After loosing 22k people if they survive what sort of the victory is this?
Israel has lost nothing yet nobody cares for the reputation everybody cares for the money and strength and you dont believe me look at your obedient arab nations how obedient they are of israel.
So my dear friend either all arab and muslim nations do something militarily against israel and end the whole history of isreal then only hamas will be victorious.
The US imposes it as a condition of its continued support to the protection of Israel. It’s the best way to end Iranian influence in the region and effectively work towards the end of that regime, while ending the distraction that pulls the US away from focusing on outcompeting China.

The 2 state solution was simply a tag line to have plausible deniability that it's not blanket support for Israel, let me repeat it was empty sloganeering.

The USA has literally ignored all the ways a 2 state solution has progressively been made impossible.

They have ignored the Palestinians to their demise.

when not deleting posts he cannot respond to Our American moderator friend is trolling us, yes he is trolling us on this topic. He knows only the US can enforce change onto Israel.
That's what Kevork said in the Tweet above and truer words have never been spoken!!

"Israel doesn't dare to launch a ground invasion of Lebanon because every single air base in Israel will be neutralized by Hezbollah's precision missiles. This means the Israeli air force will need the American aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean to land its F-16s.Therefore, these threats if materialized are aimed at forcing the United States to intervene directly on the side of Israel with its air force, warships, and probably with boots on the ground.Israel is, in fact, trying to bring the U.S. to a conflict in West Asia that the latter doesn't want to and has no interest in if you measure it from the perspective of American national security and geopolitical interests.Therefore, ask yourself this question: is Israel a friend and an ally of America?"
That's what Kevork said in the Tweet above and truer words have never been spoken!!

"Israel doesn't dare to launch a ground invasion of Lebanon because every single air base in Israel will be neutralized by Hezbollah's precision missiles. This means the Israeli air force will need the American aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean to land its F-16s.Therefore, these threats if materialized are aimed at forcing the United States to intervene directly on the side of Israel with its air force, warships, and probably with boots on the ground.Israel is, in fact, trying to bring the U.S. to a conflict in West Asia that the latter doesn't want to and has no interest in if you measure it from the perspective of American national security and geopolitical interests.Therefore, ask yourself this question: is Israel a friend and an ally of America?"

How can any thinking American say it's in their benefit to see the erasure of life in Gaza, even more so when the Israelis refuse to make it easy for their allies by being brazen in their intent.

The Israeli ambassador to the UK was asked 3 times if a two state solution was possible, emphatically no.

Do we need to upgrade our thinking to understand that Israel is now a super power that is able to utilise American resources at will?
That's what Kevork said in the Tweet above and truer words have never been spoken!!

"Israel doesn't dare to launch a ground invasion of Lebanon because every single air base in Israel will be neutralized by Hezbollah's precision missiles. This means the Israeli air force will need the American aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean to land its F-16s.Therefore, these threats if materialized are aimed at forcing the United States to intervene directly on the side of Israel with its air force, warships, and probably with boots on the ground.Israel is, in fact, trying to bring the U.S. to a conflict in West Asia that the latter doesn't want to and has no interest in if you measure it from the perspective of American national security and geopolitical interests.Therefore, ask yourself this question: is Israel a friend and an ally of America?"
Lol as i said earlier no matter how much you try to twist it worlds largest jew population USA is an indespensible ally of israel and america will fight for israel no matter what. Whatever you want to believe it or not just like muslims support palestine america will always stand with israel jews will help jews its so simple.
dare i say they will even throw out the palestine supporters from america in near future if the war continues.
so its futile to think america wont support jews rather why is muslim world not taking a concrete action against israel??
Lets say hamas survive but the human cost will be so large that it wont really be a victory for hamas.
And israel even if not able to finish hamas today they can obvisiouly do anything they want in future.
Just look at the death toll if fighting stops today will you call it a hamas victory? After loosing 22k people if they survive what sort of the victory is this?
Israel has lost nothing yet nobody cares for the reputation everybody cares for the money and strength and you dont believe me look at your obedient arab nations how obedient they are of israel.
So my dear friend either all arab and muslim nations do something militarily against israel and end the whole history of isreal then only hamas will be victorious.

Denying your opressor from reaching his objective is a cruicial victory. This is exactly how every insurgency starts and then ends up forcing the occupier to withdraw.

It deals a psychological blow to your opponent.
Lets say hamas survive but the human cost will be so large that it wont really be a victory for hamas.
And israel even if not able to finish hamas today they can obvisiouly do anything they want in future.
Just look at the death toll if fighting stops today will you call it a hamas victory? After loosing 22k people if they survive what sort of the victory is this?
Israel has lost nothing yet nobody cares for the reputation everybody cares for the money and strength and you dont believe me look at your obedient arab nations how obedient they are of israel.
So my dear friend either all arab and muslim nations do something militarily against israel and end the whole history of isreal then only hamas will be victorious.

I can say with a fair degree of confidence that most guerilla forces 'win' by merely surviving.
In case of Israel, the mere survival of Hezbollah, the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza is a huge strategic problem. Why so? Because another October 7 can be repeated and thanks to the cursed Israeli geography and it's relative unwillingless to take a lot of casualties, even October 7 like events become 'strategic' in nature. You know what: Israelis are already terrified of some 'digging' going on it the West Bank in fear of another October 7??

In contrast, countries like India and Pakistan have seen a lot internal violence/terrorism since the early 1990s but they can 'absorb' such violence due to the large population, large land area, and indeed due to the ability to 'take it on the chin' attitude. All Indians and Pakistanis know that!!!
How can any thinking American say it's in their benefit to see the erasure of life in Gaza, even more so when the Israelis refuse to make it easy for their allies by being brazen in their intent.

The Israeli ambassador to the UK was asked 3 times if a two state solution was possible, emphatically no.

Do we need to upgrade our thinking to understand that Israel is now a super power that is able to utilise American resources at will?
Obviously its been like that for decades usa and israel is one they are a superpower its the others to decide how to defeat them putin is atleast giving a fightback unlike arab muslim nstions.
Denying your opressor from reaching his objective is a cruicial victory. This is exactly how every insurgency starts and then ends up forcing the occupier to withdraw.

It deals a psychological blow to your opponent.
SO according to you all this innocent deaths are fine then if the end goal is only to save hamas from extinction??
No wonder isreal is not caring for civilians.
Lol as i said earlier no matter how much you try to twist it worlds largest jew population USA is an indespensible ally of israel and america will fight for israel no matter what. Whatever you want to believe it or not just like muslims support palestine america will always stand with israel jews will help jews its so simple.
dare i say they will even throw out the palestine supporters from america in near future if the war continues.
so its futile to think america wont support jews rather why is muslim world not taking a concrete action against israel??

Jews don't represent that much of the U.S

They have AIPAC as a lobbying organisation

Just like the Jews created massive amounts of hatred wherever they went resulting in numerous progroms and. Holocaust across the world, the Jews are hated in the middle east and beyond

Their control of politics in the U.S could end up burning the Jew population as people see through the bias and ask why the U.S tax payers foot the bill.for the Jew state and diplomatic cost becomes too large

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