Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You haven’t noticed his same is spammer 🤦‍♂️ it’s best to ignore and not reply to him.
Literally this.

Some people literally cannot help themselves going head first into a troll discussion.

Ofcourse I may have just done the same, with someone who should be upholding a better standard.
Thanks for the info.
Yes, Kissinger, hated by many, was certainly a man with a brain. Look at what we have now in the US govt? Only the CIA Director Burns is the 'adult in the room'. What a pathetic situation in a Superpower's power setup!!
PS. I was actually shocked that the CIA guy Larry C. Johnson in his interview yesterday said that Trump will make a deal to end the conflict between Israel-Palestinians. I didn't expect that because Trump is so openly for-Israel. But then Trump is Trump!!! VOTE TRUMP GUYS/GALS!! Can't be any worse than these hypocrites Dems!!

I guess say what you want about Pak army, about general pak political discourse everyone knew this was true about the Afghanistan war.

Trump will get the gulf states to throw some crumbs at the Palestinians.

I heard that mbs wanted to take custodianship of al aqsa.

The gulf states have done so well to slip under the radar
As history tells us whole lot of arabs cant defeat puny israel since their inception in 1947 i doubt even without USA help israel can be defeated if all arab nations start a war of tomorrow.
Arabs are famous for famous defeats and they know that maybe thats why they are saving faces now.
Poor Palestinians are being oppressed by a gang of colonial cuntries: US, UK, France, Australia, EU etc
SO according to you all this innocent deaths are fine then if the end goal is only to save hamas from extinction??
No wonder isreal is not caring for civilians.

how many men did China lose in WW2 and they won
how may men did Soviets lose in WW2 and they won
how many men did Vietnam lose and they won

when the aggressor attacks the loses are on the victim

Four specific operations announced by the Palestinian resistance today:
-15 officers and soldiers were killed in a minefield in the Al-Tuffah neighborhood
- Detonation of a booby-trapped house for a number of soldiers in Khan Yunis
-Blowing up a tunnel in an Israeli force in Khan Yunis
- Explosion of a tunnel in an Israeli force in the Al-Tuffah neighborhood
SO according to you all this innocent deaths are fine then if the end goal is only to save hamas from extinction??
No wonder isreal is not caring for civilians.

Slow down.
Thts not what i said.

Israel and its leadership is 100% accountable for its actions, which are illegal according to international law.

Israeli withdrawl from Gaza without reaching its stated objectives means Israel fought for nothing. Having depleted its millitary cards and manpower in vain.

It will embolden Palestinins to continue their struggle as Israels invincibility is shattered. Further down the road allowing Palestinians to seek retribution for enduring 75 years of ethnic cleansing and apartheid.

Lets face the facts. Time is ticking against Israel.
how many men did China lose in WW2 and they won
how may men did Soviets lose in WW2 and they won
how many men did Vietnam lose and they won

when the aggressor attacks the loses are on the victim
The clue is in the user name.
Don't be a catch to such basic bait.

The thread deserves better.

Nb. Applies to me as well.
Slow down.
Thts not what i said.
Israel and its leadership is 100% accountable for its actions, which are illegal according to international law.
Israeli withdrawl from Gaza without reaching its stated objectives means Israel fought for nothing. Having depleted its millitary cards and manpower in vain.
It will embolden Palestinins to continue their struggle as Israels invincibility is shattered. Further down the road allowing Palestinians to seek retribution for enduring 75 years of ethnic cleansing and apartheid.
Lets face the facts. Time is ticking against Israel.

Good post.
Netanyahu knows it well it is really really bad for him personally as well as for Israel as a country if the Gazans would be able to launch even one rocket a day in future. Even one rocket!
Good post.
Netanyahu knows it well it is really really bad for him personally as well as for Israel as a country if the Gazans would be able to launch even one rocket a day in future. Even one rocket!


If Tel Aviv airport runway is hit by just one single rocket, it will effectively kill much of tourism and technology sector for many many months.

Who would invest in a country on the verge of losing its own security? Nethanyahooo and Ben Gvir quite possibly killed their own zionist pet-project Greater Israel.

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