Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

LOL. Blaming USA is just an emotional knee jerk reaction. It’s the Israelis doing that and USA is actually holding it back from worse.
All the weapons to commit this genocide are mostly American and European and some Indian. Aiding and abetting a genocide is crime against humanity, it is simple under international law but arrogant people don't obey the law.
There are many arguments that support that approach, to be sure.
One would be it would remove any excuses the Arab governments have given to joining the Abraham Accords. From this conflict, Israel risks further isolation and lost business prospects, while the US could lose business to China or angry populations disrupting business (such as the BDS).

If China gains enough of a foothold in market share of key products, it could be enough to sustain their industries for a genration and overcome their demographic and current debt problems. A decade or two could allow China to bounce back, and make the competition much more costly for the US.

The US therefore maybe holding back Israel on the periphery of actions, but by and large, Israel feels no pressure or incentive to acquiesce to a two state solution.
wow I am mistaken I really am I’m sorry damn I actually liked Blair to a certain degree
Heh, Blair has a likeable quality I agree, it's just that he used every scintilla of his heart and soul to push every us war possible.

The idea of him working on Gaza actively is terrifying.

Keir starmer, future UK pm leans on the tony Blair institute for policy advice.
All the weapons to commit this genocide are mostly American and European and some Indian. Aiding and abetting a genocide is crime against humanity, it is simple under international law but arrogant people don't obey the law.
We have just been through this, he had to delete my posts. He is trolling us... On this subject. Make your own inferences.
One would be it would remove any excuses the Arab governments have given to joining the Abraham Accords. From this conflict, Israel risks further isolation and lost business prospects, while the US could lose business to China or angry populations disrupting business (such as the BDS).

If China gains enough of a foothold in market share of key products, it could be enough to sustain their industries for a genration and overcome their demographic and current debt problems. A decade or two could allow China to bounce back, and make the competition much more costly for the US.

The US therefore maybe holding back Israel on the periphery of actions, but by and large, Israel feels no pressure or incentive to acquiesce to a two state solution.

As i have above many times, this is indeed a complex issue, from all sides.
All the weapons to commit this genocide are mostly American and European and some Indian. Aiding and abetting a genocide is crime against humanity, it is simple under international law but arrogant people don't obey the law.

So were the weapons used by Pakistan in FATA. And by SA in Yemen. Your point simply doesn't make any sense at all for Gaza either.
If Tel Aviv airport runway is hit by just one single rocket, it will effectively kill much of tourism and technology sector for many many months.
Who would invest in a country on the verge of losing its own security?
Nethanyahooo and Ben Gvir quite possibly killed their own zionist pet-project Greater Israel.

Yup!! 100% in agreement.
You see: Pakistan and India too saw a lot of domestic violence especially after 1979 but they are large countries with large populations and ability to 'take it on the chin' attitude and more than survived.

Israel is a different matter. Very different. A cowardly, pampered nation propped up by a Superpower and its allies. A nation where a chunk of the population either can use Dual Nationalities to escape or granted easy 'refugee status' like Portugal is giving to Israelis these days.
Winds of change .

British public comments from a UK daily newspaper below .

hmm interesting ......see for more comments

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Trying to find a bright side to this catastrophe, I note that yet another invading IDF brigade has just been sent back home, presumably "degraded" as the military calls it.. The IDF is taking a hammering. Thousands of dead women and children from airborne attacks but no sign of any success against the Resistance on the ground, apart from stripping and torturing old men and boys.

Not much to show Genocide Joe to thank him for all his bombs.

I read that 5 brigades have been withdrawn.

And not conscripts, professionals. The Givati Brigade is one of the IDF's crack units. Haaretz has reported large numbers of soldiers under psychiatric care in hospital. The vast number of reservists called-up were part of an intimidation exercise.... they'd never be allowed to fight in Gaza. Lambs to the slaughter.
The IDF has good equipment (thanks to the US) but inadequate soldiers.

Of the 5,000 seriously injured, about 2,000 are severely traumatised with psychological injuries.
Igf, all the gear, no idea! Pampas covers their rears.

Personally I think the IDF soldiers are as much victims in this as anyone else. The ‘war' is utterly crazy and what a stupid way to lose you life. When Israelis recover from their collective psychosis they will feel ashamed. EDITED

That collective psychosis, has be indoctrinated into them.
Some will wave a chicken above their heads to absolve themselves.

Probably because they engaged in war crimes

A liberal education is a good thing.

You should be ashamed of your bloodlust for babies.

Natenyahu has killed more children than King Herod.

In the mid 1970s, Margaret Thatcher dropped a comment about the UK being in danger of being swamped by people of a different culture. That is exactly what happened in Palestine
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Latest footage?? Even if the tanks are not being totally destroyed, they are put out of service and with probable trauma/injuries to the soldiers inside.

So were the weapons used by Pakistan in FATA. And by SA in Yemen. Your point simply doesn't make any sense at all for Gaza either.
Has anyone said Pakistan is commiting a genocide? Has Pakistan indiscriminately bombed women and children and starved them? There is clear evidence of genocide in Israel, the UN has condemned Israel it hasn't condemned Pakistan.
Has anyone said Pakistan is commiting a genocide? Has Pakistan indiscriminately bombed women and children and starved them? There is clear evidence of genocide in Israel, the UN has condemned Israel it hasn't condemned Pakistan.
There is evidence of genocide and clear intent as well which I posted a number of comments back, including many high ranking Israeli politicians calling for genocide.
Has anyone said Pakistan is commiting a genocide? Has Pakistan indiscriminately bombed women and children and starved them? There is clear evidence of genocide in Israel, the UN has condemned Israel it hasn't condemned Pakistan.

The point relevant to this thread is that the source of the weaponry used is immaterial; the use to which they are put is up to the end user.

Or would you like to apply the same standard to what is happening to the Rohingyas in Burma with Pakistani made JF-17s? Or ask the locals what happened in FATA and Baluchistan.

Hypocrisy never goes far.
Has anyone said Pakistan is commiting a genocide? Has Pakistan indiscriminately bombed women and children and starved them? There is clear evidence of genocide in Israel, the UN has condemned Israel it hasn't condemned Pakistan.

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As to the quoted part: Pakistani military went into a very hostile Swat Valley in late 2000s; it was a hostile terrain, ruled by the Taliban. Pakistani military also went into the Tribal Areas of Pakistan after the Army Public School massacre (2014?). In both cases. the Pakistan military took enormous losses trying to protect the civilians and concentrating on the terrorists. THAT'S real military unlike the IDF!!

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