Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I shouldnt feel this way but I find myself having very little sympathy for the Israeli hostages. What happened to them was wrong, two wrongs dont make a right. With all the massacres and genocide happening of the Palestinians, I simply stopped caring about Israeli hostages a long time ago.

This conflict seems to be eating away at my own humanity.
//MOD EDIT: Please remain focused on the posts and not the posters. Thank you.//

As to the quoted part: Pakistani military went into a very hostile Swat Valley in late 2000s; it was a hostile terrain, ruled by the Taliban. Pakistani military also went into the Tribal Areas of Pakistan after the Army Public School massacre (2014?). In both cases. the Pakistan military took enormous losses trying to protect the civilians and concentrating on the terrorists. THAT'S real military unlike the IDF!!
There is absolutely NO comparison between what Pak did in SWAT and what Israel is doing now in Gaza. Anyone making such an assertion need to get their head checked.
There is absolutely NO comparison between what Pak did in SWAT and what Israel is doing now in Gaza. Anyone making such an assertion need to get their head checked.

The point is that the source of the weaponry is substantially similar, but the end user determines how it is used. The blame or credit belongs there.
I shouldnt feel this way but I find myself having very little sympathy for the Israeli hostages. What happened to them was wrong, two wrongs dont make a right. With all the massacres and genocide happening of the Palestinians, I simply stopped caring about Israeli hostages a long time ago.

This conflict seems to be eating away at my own humanity.

Most hostages are Israeli military/Reservists or younger people. The Gazans have extremely carefully advanced their PR campaign!!!
Yup, Israel is much more careful in their bombing operation
Stop the trolling. Israel killed more children than have been killed in last 3 years across all conflicts in the world. So much for your fake careful crap.
It's replenishment of stock in the middle of an onslaught. Ofcourse the use is without question.
Latest footage?? Even if the tanks are not being totally destroyed, they are put out of service and with probable trauma/injuries to the soldiers inside.

Indeed, The crews are more important than the machines.

Hyping up their population and promoting it to the world as the great tech hope all plays into the imagine. Btw, they are going to roll out an Israeli superhero woman this year. Planned before this war, let’s see how that plays considering all the atrocities committed in this war, on top of the decades of occupation related atrocities.

Ohh, on second thought, in light of the war, this may have been shelved.
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Stop the trolling. Israel killed more children than have been killed in last 3 years across all conflicts in the world. So much for your fake careful crap.
Just report his posts where he is engaging in trolling. Thank you.
It's replenishment of stock in the middle of an onslaught. Ofcourse the use is without question.

Music to the Chinese and Russian ears!!
But then "Every country acts in its own interests" according to, you know, who!!!
Even worse news for Palestinian is this news, they really do want to kill off the poor Palestinians, the Europoodle murderers are after every single drop of blood and misery they can get out of the Palestinians, having a Dutch person to coordinate aid for the Palestinians was like asking Hitler to feed the Jews:-

The point is that the source of the weaponry is substantially similar, but the end user determines how it is used. The blame or credit belongs there.
If you know how the end user will use 2000lb dumb bombs in a highly populated area, in some circumstances to target a probable single hamas operative in a building with 100+ civilians and you know what the result will be, then doesn't that make the supplier complicit?

To my mind I don't even remember the US itself being this wreckless in Afghanistan and Iraq, maybe im getting old and have forgotten.
Incorrect. Israel has used 2000 lb bombs pretty indiscriminately over heavily populated civilian areas.
Just report his posts where he is engaging in trolling. Thank you.
I will say I am not trolling. Considering the bomb amounts used, the casualty rate is rather low. This is more bombs than many campaigns but fewer civilian deaths. Israel is by all accounts dropping leaflets warning people to leave and calling up telling people to leave. That is more than any nation is obligated to do. The hate the Jewish state gets for existing is insane. Hamas can always release hostages, surrender and stop the bombing operation anytime.

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