Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Again, I must respect your right to hold whatever opinion you may wish to hold, and indeed I will protect that right.

But I also do not see such a single-minded focus for a highly complex issue getting anywhere at all. Please do continue.
Sure we are all here to have opinions, although mine are supported by scholars, academics, news reporters, eye witnesses, even State department employees.

Also this is not a complex issue, its more simple than many make out. The solution which everyone including Hamas agreed to is rejected by Netanyahoo and his Likud party whos charter states no Palestinian state from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea.
Of course they do. We have seen them from 1947 onwards in particular, have we not? Nothing different about the ones now, either.

If we are talking about the mutiple resolutions that demands Israeli withdrawl to 1967 border then yes.

Israel not respecting the resolutions and wish of the world community is only allowed to take place by the protective and supporting hand over Israel, by the US.

The US on one hand suported these resolutions and on other hands protects Israel from consequences of not following the very same resolutions.
Sure we are all here to have opinions, although mine are supported by scholars, academics, news reporters, eye witnesses, even State department employees.

Also this is not a complex issue, its more simple than many make out. The solution which everyone including Hamas agreed to is rejected by Netanyahoo and his Likud party whos charter states no Palestinian state from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea.

I am sure you can solve this issue in no time, if only the rest of the world listens to you, right? After all, you seem to have figured out just how simple this issue is, but such clarity eludes the rest of the world.
What would like me to do? Concentrate on only one aspect that you prefer and ignore all the other complexities that go into it? Sorry, I cannot be such an emotional zealot.
You said you make data based observations and conclusions, yet you are ignoring important data and avoiding inference.

I am literally just asking you to follow through on your perception of yourself.

Follow, analyse and observe the data, at this stage any data
If we are talking about the mutiple resolutions that demands Israeli withdrawl to 1967 border then yes.

Israel not respecting the resolutions and wish of the world community is only allowed to take place by the protective and supporting hand over Israel, by the US.

The US on one hand suported these resolutions and on other hands protects Israel from consequences of not following the very same resolutions.

So we are concentrating on UN resolutions about Israel only? And only from 1967 onwards? Not really a complete look to assess your statement about the importance of UN resolutions, is it?
You said you make data based observations and conclusions, yet you are ignoring important data and avoiding inference.

I am literally just asking you to follow through on your perception of yourself.

Follow, analyse and observe the data, at this stage any data

I am. And I will. It may not be the conclusion that you like, but it will be the conclusions supported by the facts an data, and not by emotion or bias. Now can we please stay focused on the posts and not the posters? Thank you.
So we are concentrating on UN resolutions about Israel only? And only from 1967 onwards? Not really a complete look to assess your statement about the importance of UN resolutions, is it?

It would be easier to form an opinion if you presented specificially what UN resolution youre pointing towards.
I am sure you can solve this issue in no time, if only the rest of the world listens to you, right? After all, you seem to have figured out just how simple this issue is, but such clarity eludes the rest of the world.
No majority of countries including the one you reside in support what I just wrote. The issue is implementation of it which Israel has been blocking.
No majority of countries including the one you reside in support what I just wrote. The issue is implementation of it which Israel has been blocking.

That claim is simply untrue.
The data suggests that USA has provided Israel with plenty weapons and money throughout this Gaza onslaught.

I wonder if anyone has any data driven thesis to suggest otherwise.
You are one who brought in the UN resolutions, not me.

As i said, the US also voted for the very same resolutions.

Are you implying a US double game? That the US and therefore its European allies by extention dosent really want Israel to end the occupation?
So are you saying the US and majority of the world don't support a 2 state solution based on 67 borders?

If so then its clear your trolling and this conversation is done.

Where did I say that.?

And yes, this conversation is over, and do not incorrectly conclude about what I have not said at all.
As history tells us whole lot of arabs cant defeat puny israel since their inception in 1947 i doubt even without USA help israel can be defeated if all arab nations start a war of tomorrow.
Arabs are famous for famous defeats and they know that maybe thats why they are saving faces now.
Really? Based on the great Israeli victories 50 years ago, you are able to predict what's going to happen forever?? Have you not seen even Israeli bloggers/columnists who repeatedly say that Israel is cooked if the Americans stop supporting them even fighting the militias?
BTW, 'puny Israel' is an insult to our intelligence: One man with a machine gun can mow down 100 charging men with swords. That was Israel even in 1948 and since 1967 Israel has the full American backing--yes, a Superpower's backing!!

The only whataboutery is coming from yourself.
What do you call providing unending material supporting throughout this attack?
Still can't find the words can you.
I wish there is a way to 'Ignore' him at least in this thread? Is there?? Otherwise, I just scroll down when I see his posts here.
I think war is shifting to the north, today was the harshest bombardment of south lebanon, jews are falling in big trap willingly.

It may well be a the 'big trap' that you mention: Forces in Syria and Lebanon and elsewhere are watching and calculating the conflict's depletion of the Israeli armament. I don't think the Iron Dome is the same as it was before October 7. Israel is going to be a sitting duck against Hezbollah and the militias in Syria.

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