Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Now he wants to take credit for the resilience of Gaza and Hamas. His resistance front is first of all not even a thing. His country never fired one missile at Israel. Hezbollah won't fire a single rocket at Haifa which is next door to them. It's only Houthi's in Yemen who took substantial action that actually has put pressure on Israel and the US, to their best ability. He doesn't care about Palestinians and slammed Hamas and insulted Hamas privately but likes to butter up his regime's image using the resilience of the Palestinians as the main driver. What a scumbag.

They are angry that Hamas rebuked the Iranian general which said this operation was a revenge for their general Qassem which they didn't avenge themselves. Tomorrow hopefully Hamas puts him in his place.

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Hatred against white people spreading , the war of religions is gaining pace:-

From the article you posted. It literally says it has nothing to do with race or religion.

Ian said the police told him the man was mentally ill. He said: "The first lady he hit is actually a Belgian-Moroccan lady. She looks like a typical local. He wasn’t targeting white people or anything. He didn’t even shout anything. He just ran down.

The 33-year-old man who attacked them had been previously jailed for drug trafficking offences.
That story is about human trafficking and the jump to conclude organ harvesting is entirely false.
Are you a moderator for Israel? Are you disputing the reports from the ground in Gaza?
The danger for these government is they are abdicated the imagination of their own populations to Hamas. They way they did to Hezbollah in 2006, but even more so, because of what the Palestinians have endured and that they are mostly Sunni.

The people are mostly Sunni but the govts are Arab-speaking Zionists. I once had a debate with a Jewish Zionist guy. He told me "you will never defeat us because some of your leaders are us (Zionist Jews)". These ruling families were given power by the British, and the West keeps them in power. I think we have Zionist Jews as the leaders of these supposedly Muslim countries. Keep in mind, if they can infiltrate the West, not sure what stops them from infiltrating Muslim societies, especially when these ruling families and other rulers were put into power by the West.
Are you a moderator for Israel? Are you disputing the reports from the ground in Gaza?
Only the exaggerations. We need a level head. Hyperemotionality is self defeating.
You tell your boss.

Calling people who are under Israeli barrage and getting killed in Lebanon crooks is new.

Your action is more reportable.

This is a free forum. Jordanians are not under Israel barrage. There are intercepting Yemeni missiles as foot soldiers.
Sending some foot soldiers outside their battle formations in order to restrict operations to token strikes doesn't make Hezbollah and it's leadership any less frauds.

Jordanian regime is a well known US pawn regime. You didn't tell us anything new.
Only the exaggerations. We need a level head. Hyperemotionality is self defeating.
Hyperemotionality is allowed for Jews only?They seem to rant as much as they want, make genocidal statements , murder and commit atrocities and commit crimes willy nilly.
That story is about human trafficking and the jump to conclude organ harvesting is entirely false.

I will not cite pro-Palestine or unauthenticated social media posts. Here are the allegations from different organizations and reported through non-Hamas affiliated sources -

Israel 'stealing organs' from bodies in Gaza, alleges human rights group​

Soruce: Euronews

The Human rights group in the article is Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor

An excerpt from the article with additional references from Israeli source - "Israel has long been accused of harvesting organs. Reports have circulated in recent years that Israel is unlawfully using Palestinian corpses. In her book Over Their Dead Bodies, Israeli doctor Meira Weiss claimed organs were taken from dead Palestinians between 1996 and 2002 and used in medical research at Israeli universities and transplanted into Israeli patients’ bodies. "

Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent​

Source: The Guardian

Their organ harvesting without consent is well evidenced and documented. Is it stil inconceivable that organ harvesting is still not happening? Israel has been caught lying so many times since Oct 7, that I literally lost count. Should anyone trust a party who has a history of lying and accept that organ harvesting is no longer happening?

Combine their proven history of organ harvesting with their history of leniency towards human traffickers, it is not unrealistic at all to come to that conclusion.
And look at how bad their credibility is. Do you want to have us to lose our credibility too if we rant lies just like they do?
I will not cite pro-Palestine or unauthenticated social media posts. Here are the allegations from different organizations and reported through non-Hamas affiliated sources -

Israel 'stealing organs' from bodies in Gaza, alleges human rights group​

Soruce: Euronews

The Human rights group in the article is Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor

An excerpt from the article with additional references from Israeli source - "Israel has long been accused of harvesting organs. Reports have circulated in recent years that Israel is unlawfully using Palestinian corpses. In her book Over Their Dead Bodies, Israeli doctor Meira Weiss claimed organs were taken from dead Palestinians between 1996 and 2002 and used in medical research at Israeli universities and transplanted into Israeli patients’ bodies. "

Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent​

Source: The Guardian

Their organ harvesting track record is well evidenced and documented. Is it stil inconceivable that organ harvesting is still not happening? Israel has been caught lying so many times since Oct 7, that I literally lost count. Should anyone trust a party who has a history of lying and accept that organ harvesting is no longer happening?

Combine their proven history of organ harvesting with their history of leniency towards human traffickers, it is not unrealistic at all to come to that conclusion.

That involves autopsy samples without consent. Not organ harvesting. Learn the difference please.
That involves autopsy samples without consent. Not organ harvesting. Learn the difference please.

I did quote to you Israeli doctor Meira Weiss's testimony - "...organs were taken from dead Palestinians between 1996 and 2002 and used in medical research at Israeli universities and transplanted into Israeli patients’ bodies."

So you mean to imply autopsy samples being transplanted into Israeli patient's bodies? I may not be from medical field, but I think I do understand the difference between autopsy sample and organ harvesting without consent.

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