Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The genocide is in full motion. I've lost hope of the Ummah, and unless miracle happens, nobody seems to be coming to the aid of Palestinians. My dua and prayers are with mujahideen who are the only people defending the people of Palestine despite the odds of not having weapons that can match with the sworn enemy.

You are correct.
This is a civilizational/ethnic/religious conflict which even Col. Macgregor is now starting to call 'Jewish Supremacy' in the Middle East. If, say, Egypt were to become a regional Superpower, like the Ottomans used to be for centuries, then that would be less of an 'offence'. But Israelis proudly claim to be 'The Last Outpost of the West in the Middle East' while also claiming a 3000-year old 'claim to the land. Israelis are proudly and very stupidly distancing themselves from the Middle East-- $issing on the locals. In effect calling them inferior. It's an insult to the locals even if their rulers, for the sake of expediency, are taking. But even the rulers should know that they will ALWAYS be under threat from the imperial Israelis should a trade or commerce deal wouldn't favor Israel. It is not an exaggeration to say that if the GCC or the Saudis decide to take independent foreign policy then they would be bombed!!

It is in the nature of the scorpion to sting. It is in the nature of the warmongering machine to wage wars--because that's its sustenance. You'd see that once you remove the glitters of shiny cities and dancing beautiful women.
Smaller GCC countries have been fooled into occupation and strings are pulled by their masters. When your enemies protect you then you know you are not on the side of the people.
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Smaller GCC countries have been fooled into occupation and strings are pulled by their masters.
Simple formula really, get them addicted to luxury then make their luxury dependent on you.

Then watch internal fissures and contradiction take hold, once that process has started the west can't lose.
In January 2020, Haniyeh delivered a eulogy at the funeral of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the external operations arms of the IRGC. Soleimani, killed in a US airstrike in Baghdad, played a key role in building the military capabilities of Iranian allies and proxies across the Middle East. What Soleimani “provided to Palestine and the resistance has brought them to the position they are in today in terms of power and steadfastness,” Haniyeh said in Tehran. He also met with Soleimani’s successor, Brigadier General Esmail Ghaani, the new head of the Qods Force.

Confirmed, thanks for posting this.

You know what i realized recently (and predicted) but wasn't expecting to? The people in the world, especially in the Middle East, who hate Iran or/and Shiites, they never allow Iran any moment to shine- if this theory was true, then i believe these same people will attack Iran the more the Palestinians fight back successfully against Israel, and i'm seeing that already- Gaza Palestinians are fighting back successfully today because they fight differently, they equip themselves differently, they are disciplined differently, they adopted Hezbollahi "Korean" tunneling differently, they received intelligence differently, and 90% of these, were because of Iran, this is the fact, anything seriously challenging this is mere propaganda, because like i said, they hate Iran and Shiites so much ,they never allow Iran any credit, because its just not possible for their hearts to do that. No Muslim force has defeated Israel in battle in modern times that wasn't linked to or supported by Iran. The hate these Shiite haters have for Iran and Shiites should have been directed towards Israel and Fatah, Mahmoud Abbas's party, smh.
Douglas McGregor, finally got the courage to say what he has wanted to say for years
When the richest person in the world like Elon Musk had to bite his tongue but vaguely appearing 'balanced' then Macgregor is a small fry. I am waiting for Tucker Carlson to let fully lose against Israel. That would be a major media coup. Major!! In a video of him I posted above 2-3 days ago, he said something like 'I have to Israel and I have been to Arab countries. I like them both'. He is lying about Arab countries--he was the decades long voice of Islamophobia and racism in general. But he is starting to see where the wind is blowing. Good!!

When your enemies protect you then you know you are not on the side of the people.

That's a great line!!!
Confirmed, thanks for posting this.

You know what i realized recently (and predicted) but wasn't expecting to? The people in the world, especially in the Middle East, who hate Iran or/and Shiites, they never allow Iran any moment to shine- if this theory was true, then i believe these same people will attack Iran the more the Palestinians fight back successfully against Israel, and i'm seeing that already- Gaza Palestinians are fighting back successfully today because they fight differently, they equip themselves differently, they are disciplined differently, they adopted Hezbollahi "Korean" tunneling differently, they received intelligence differently, and 90% of these, were because of Iran, this is the fact, anything seriously challenging this is mere propaganda, because like i said, they hate Iran and Shiites so much ,they never allow Iran any credit, because its just not possible for their hearts to do that. No Muslim force has defeated Israel in battle in modern times that wasn't linked to or supported by Iran. The hate these Shiite haters have for Iran and Shiites should have been directed towards Israel and Fatah, Mahmoud Abbas's party, smh.
Iran's moment to shine was weeks ago when Palestinians were clearly enduring a genocide and ethnic cleansing attempts that was starting in northern Gaza. Instead, Iran just stood and watched by.

You are lying. Nobody hates Shiites. Palestinians are fighting for their existence and facing a Holocaust. They won't be able to stop this Holocaust without help from third parties. It's going at full force. And no, they didn't adopt anything from Hezbollah. Palestinian PLO taught Hezbollah how to fight asymmetric warfare and fought it long before them. Hamas has more combat experience than with Israel than Iran and Hezbollah.

You want a propaganda victory for Iran in the middle of a genocide. That's all your concern is. You don't care about Palestinians.

Palestinians are in a dire situation. It's obvious from weeks ago Hezbollah needs to intervene. Instead, you want to shoehorn your way into the Hamas strategic strike on Israel and claim credit for it. Despite you having zero to do with it and Iran being shocked by it. And it's supporters attacking Hamas saying they shouldn't have done that and they won't intervene because they weren't consulted.

It's now possible when Israel's done with Gaza, it may look north. Instead of fighting a two front war which would give better odds for Gaza and Lebanon, Khamenei ordered Hezbollah to stand down. And now Israel might go after them regardless. Leaving them isolated. That's if they do. Its possible Hezbollah just agrees to their terms and Khamanei the evil murderer of Muslims makes a pact with the US to never attack Israel. If Gaza is gone we will never see any organized strikes on Israel ever.

They bunched up 2 million people in southern Gaza and will soon attempt to forcibly expel them all. And you will then move the goalpost again and somehow try to make Iran look all good in this.


Iran's moment to shine was weeks ago when Palestinians were clearly enduring a genocide and ethnic cleansing attempts that was starting in northern Gaza. Instead, Iran just stood and watched by.

You are lying. Nobody hates Shiites. Palestinians are fighting for their existence and facing a Holocaust. They won't be able to stop this Holocaust without help from third parties. It's going at full force. And no, they didn't adopt anything from Hezbollah. Palestinian PLO taught Hezbollah how to fight asymmetric warfare and fought it long before them. Hamas has more combat experience than with Israel than Iran and Hezbollah.

You want a propaganda victory for Iran in the middle of a genocide. That's all your concern is. You don't care about Palestinians.

Sinwar leader of Hamas says you are lying.

This is not looking good for Netanyahu.
He has personal stake in the prolongation of this conflict.


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