Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

One of the reasons why Hezbolah has zero tolerance for assassination policy of settlers entity, it is big no and expect big retaliatory attack by Hezbolah which will be probably something different then in last three months, some big target also not that big to cause all out war or blunt casus beli for zionist but on step up for sure on escalation ladder
They won't do anything. On contrary, they probably played role in getting him and other Hamas officials killed so they can get rid of Hamas from Lebanon completely.
I hope that does not happen, but I am impressed that you are privy to Israel's plans with such certainty.
I dont know, I'm just guessing, that's the purpose of a forum.

Israel keep threating Iran since one decade ago, now they have excuse to make all they ever wanted "thanks" to Oct 7, if Israel attacks Iran, Hezbollah will defend Tehran masters, but if Israel attacks Hezbollah, Tehran will do nothing, so the order must be first Hezbollah, then Iran.

I am not a military guy but from what I keep hearing, the air craft carriers are described as 'Oh so 1940s' useless now. Good for PR and against really weak forces but not much use against modern missiles and/or overwhelming barrage of missiles. I don't know. But it is reassuring that, except for some hardcore perennial war hawks, America doesn't want a regional war.

If USS Ike moves from the Persian Gulf to the E. Med Sea then the threat to Iran would be less?

I'm not a military guy neither, but a aircraft carrier is not just the carrier, it's the full strike group, with more warships.

USS Ike is already out of the Persian Gulf, I guess due to Yemen tensions in Red Sea. It's currently in the Gulf of Aden next to Yemen.

(Ike = Eisenhower President nickname)
A attack like this, if you don't respond right away then absolutely nothing will happen. Lebanese PM is already saying it's a attempt to pull Lebanon into a wider war. Hezbollah made no official statement so far. They'll just say he died as a casualty of the Gaza war and move on. This group is very scared and adverse to a skirmish with Israel. Iranian agents likely gave up information about his whereabouts to get rid of as he's causing them a problem by activating Lebanese front through Palestinians.
I dont know, I'm just guessing, that's the purpose of a forum.

Thank you for that clarification. I think your previous words were pretty definitive and did not make that clear.
He'll do nothing. This guy has no credibility at all. He's probably the one who got him killed as they were angry Hamas asked them to do more. If Hezbollah doesn't go to war over this, then you know Hezbollah, Israel, and Iran were behind his killing.

I remember this thread when it first started on the old forum, everyone got into lord of the rings mode. when will x come and save the day, country y at any moment will save Gaza etc etc

Since then, no one has done anything, or will do anything.

Countries effectively seemed to have conceded Israel their right to erase Gaza.

The question then becomes, do you want to be online obituarust for Gaza and it's people, painfully posting each transgression and crime but always reactive.

The discussion needs to include how to be pro active on an individual level.
He'll do nothing. This guy has no credibility at all. He's probably the one who got him killed as they were angry Hamas asked them to do more. If Hezbollah doesn't go to war over this, then you know Hezbollah, Israel, and Iran were behind his killing.

Your credibility starts to waiver. You cant suddenly accuse Iran of now getting the Hamas leader killed?
You are really scraping the barrel and aiming your anger in the wrong place.
It's that the mainstream view in the country?
Hard to say, but Lebanon is extremely divided and there is a large proportion of pro-West Christians who love to adopt French culture and hate Hezbollah so much that they would celebrate Israeli attacks against them
I remember this thread when it first started on the old forum, everyone got into lord of the rings mode. when will x come and save the day, country y at any moment will save Gaza etc etc

Since then, no one has done anything, or will do anything.

Countries effectively seemed to have conceded Israel their right to erase Gaza.

The question then becomes, do you want to be online obituarust for Gaza and it's people, painfully posting each transgression and crime but always reactive.

The discussion needs to include how to be pro active on an individual level.
Politics have been a scam since day 1. Palestinians are getting scammed every day by all sides.

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