Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hard to say, but Lebanon is extremely divided and there is a large proportion of pro-West Christians who love to adopt French culture and hate Hezbollah so much that they would celebrate Israeli attacks against them
I see makes sense, I thought that the Christians had moved a bit towards being pro Hezbollah.
51m ago17.22 GMT

Who was Saleh al-Arouri?​

The death of a senior Hamas figure, Saleh al-Arouri, in a reported drone strike in Beirut on Tuesday is a significant victory for the Israel Defense Forces as the military campaign against the group in Hamas continues.

Born in 1966 in the West Bank town of Aroura, he had been a member of Hamas’s politburo since 2010 and its deputy chair since October 2017, according to the Mapping Palestinian Politics website.

Saleh al-Arouri.

Saleh al-Arouri was the founder of Hamas’s military wing in the West Bank. Photograph: Amr Abdallah Dalsh/Reuters
He was also the founder of Hamas’s military wing in the West Bank and, according to the Associated Press, was a target of Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, even before the group launched its 7 October attacks on Israel.

According to the The MPP website, Arouri led Hamas’s delegation in successive reconciliation talks with Fatah, the rival pro-Palestinian military and political group, and helped negotiate the release of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2011, in exchange for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.

He joined Hamas in 1987 and led the Islamic student movement before helping to establish Hamas’s military wing in the West Bank. He has been repeatedly detained by Israel, MPP said, including for long periods between 1985 and 1992, and between 1992 and 2007.

The Times of Israel reported that Israeli intelligence officials believed he helped plan the June 2014 kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers – Gil-ad Shaar, Eyal Yifrach and Naftali Fraenkel – as well as many other attacks.

In 2010 he was deported by Israel to Syria, where he lived for three years before moving to Turkey. He was based in Lebanon at the time of his death.
I remember this thread when it first started on the old forum, everyone got into lord of the rings mode. when will x come and save the day, country y at any moment will save Gaza etc etc

Since then, no one has done anything, or will do anything.

Countries effectively seemed to have conceded Israel their right to erase Gaza.

The question then becomes, do you want to be online obituarust for Gaza and it's people, painfully posting each transgression and crime but always reactive.

The discussion needs to include how to be pro active on an individual level.

Probably the Arab states are playing a waiting game akin to China vs Taiwan

Israel plays a similar role as Taiwan: a thorn in the eye of what is historically strong civilizational poles Middle World and East Asia (Islamicate and Sinic world).
Your credibility starts to waiver. You cant suddenly accuse Iran of now getting the Hamas leader killed?
You are really scraping the barrel and aiming your anger in the wrong place.
So will Hezbollah respond in a big way or no? Do you realize repercussions of this for Hezbollah? Hamas is already in midst of a war and is threatened for the coming years. It's Hezbollah's credibility which has taken a big hit.
Probably the Arab states are playing a waiting game akin to China vs Taiwan

Israel plays a similar role as Taiwan: a thorn in the eye of what is historically strong civilizational poles Middle World and East Asia (Islamicate and Sinic world).
I feel like the only waiting game they are playing is how long before they can invest and profit from gaza 2.0 after it has been erased of people from gaza.

So yes I am sceptical about the Arabs doing anything.
Reports of another senior Hamas official killed as well in the strike. Unverified at the moment:

Lebanese sources told Sky News Arabia: Hamas leader Khalil al-Hayya was among those killed in the Beirut suburb explosion.

There is only one conclusion after so many days of fighting and bloodshed. The Arabs have abandoned the Palestinians. We can shout and scream all day long. It won't make any difference. As long as the Arabs won't take responsibility the Palestinians will continue to be slaughtered. The Western nations don't give a hoot about human rights abuses and the massacre of Palestinians. Everyone is watching the massacre with their eyes. No one can do anything about it.

The onus is on the Arabs. Particularly the GCC Arabs.
8000+ terrorists down now, 22k to go, 1 out of 30 leaders down too.

Shouldn't you deal with people like this instead of following my posts waiting for any criticism directed at Iran?

For one, this is a lie. And ignores the entire genocide and Holocaust happening in Gaza.
For one, this is a lie. And ignores the entire genocide and Holocaust happening in Gaza.
There are 8000 Hamas deaths as Hamas has attesetd, and one leader died today.

The Western World calls Hamas terrorists.
There is only one conclusion after so many days of fighting and bloodshed. The Arabs have abandoned the Palestinians. We can shout and scream all day long. It won't make any difference. As long as the Arabs won't take responsibility the Palestinians will continue to be slaughtered. The Western nations don't give a hoot about human rights abuses and the massacre of Palestinians. Everyone is watching the massacre with their eyes. No one can do anything about it.

The onus is on the Arabs. Particularly the GCC Arabs.
Arabs, Turks, Iranians, and Asians. They're all busy with this life and it's luxuries ignoring the afterlife.

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