Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

8000+ terrorists down now, 22k to go, 1 out of 30 leaders down too.

How do you know the Zionists have killed 8000 Hamas fighters?

Mark Regev was challenged on this number and said it was based on every fighting age male killed being Hamas. So nonsense as majority of Hamas fighters are in their 20s.
If the Arabs do not take the lead here, no one can do much.

- The GCC Arabs are close neighbors of the Palestinians.
- The GCC Arabs are related to the Palestinians. In other words, blood relations and ethnically the same.
- The GCC Arabs actually hold clout. They have oil, money and political resources.

The GCC Arabs have the number one responsibility to aid the Palestinians directly. Thus far the GCC Arabs have failed to live up to expectations. Non-Arab Islamic countries absolutely stand shoulder to shoulder with the Palestinians. Although their role is limited and no one can expect anything from countries far away from the region. That is the bitter truth.
Btw I agree with you about Iran always. Greatest threat to the modern world
Greatest ally of America and Israel in the Middle East you mean. I know you from previous forum. Iran has full cooperation with the US in Iraq and Syria.

The Greatest threat to the modern world is the Jewish ISIS terrorist state.
There is only one conclusion after so many days of fighting and bloodshed. The Arabs have abandoned the Palestinians. We can shout and scream all day long. It won't make any difference. As long as the Arabs won't take responsibility the Palestinians will continue to be slaughtered. The Western nations don't give a hoot about human rights abuses and the massacre of Palestinians. Everyone is watching the massacre with their eyes. No one can do anything about it.

The onus is on the Arabs. Particularly the GCC Arabs.

It was fairly obvious before they would do nothing, I am sorry but this incident has to lead to more mature and sober thinking.
The gulf Arabs are more concerned with their perception in Tel aviv and Washington.

This is one of those scenes where everyone looks to anyone else but themselves for a solution.
Arabs, Turks, Iranians, and Asians. They're all busy with this life and it's luxuries ignoring the afterlife.

Still brother, the onus directly lies with the GCC Arab nations. They must organise and act. Otherwise lip service will follow from the rest.

Palestinian anger must be aimed at GCC Arabs. Turks, Iranians and the rest can only do so much when the GCC Arabs are dancing with Shakira.
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So Turkey catch a load of people spying and you then jump to the fact Mossad is going to attack Turkey? You are embarrassing - carry on.
So Turkey catch a load of people spying and you then jump to the fact Mossad is going to attack Turkey? You are embarrassing - carry on.
Did you read the article? Turkey warns against attacks on Turkish soil
Israel sends Mossad agents, some get caught. They were hardly there to sight see the Hagia Sofia
It was fairly obvious before they would do nothing, I am sorry but this incident has to lead to more mature and sober thinking.
The gulf Arabs are more concerned with their perception in Tel aviv and Washington.

This is one of those scenes where everyone looks to anyone else but themselves for a solution.

This is a no-brainer for the entire world. The entire world is scratching their head and wondering why the Arabs are so passive. The truth is that Arab leaders don't care anymore about the Palestinians. There is no other explanation for Arab silence.
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This is a no-brainer for the entire world. The entire world is scratching their head and wondering why the Arabs are so passive. The truth is that Arab leaders don't care anymore about the Palestinians.

Not just the leaders. The people are complicit in this silence.
Did you read the article? Turkey warns against attacks on Turkish soil
Israel sends Mossad agents, some get caught. They were hardly there to sight see the Hagia Sofia

You have been smoking some heavy stuff. Turkey will retaliate and the Israelis will find out.
This is a no-brainer for the entire world. The entire world is scratching their head and wondering why the Arabs are so passive. The truth is that Arab leaders don't care anymore about the Palestinians.
Bro if they dont care - why should we expect the western world to care? They will do whats right for them.
This is a no-brainer for the entire world. The entire world is scratching their head and wondering why the Arabs are so passive. The truth is that Arab leaders don't care anymore about the Palestinians.

They didn't for some time, that's my point.

It's better to quickly exclude them from helping the Palestinians.

They want the gaza issue gone, off their plate.

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