Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Wherever Muslims have gone in the world, it has ended in terrorism and killings, their is something wrong with the Muslims

One terrorist attack is terrible

But 100 terrorist attacks in every country you turn up in, and a war on terror where they try to bomb you man, what have been doing that annoys people this much?
And we can see with our own eyes the news behaviour in Israel
The control of Western universities through liberals

Eventually people wake up and want revenge on the Muslims, wherever they go

Just as braindead as your antisemitic spiel. Allah stands with the Jews, and protects them, Inshallah, against the evil Hamas

This isnt the 2000s anymore.
No one cares about anti-muslim polemics anymore, except tiny little crying babies with inferiority complex.

Now shoo zionist troll
This isnt the 2000s anymore.
No one cares about anti-muslim polemics anymore, except tiny little crying babies with inferiority complex.

Now shoo zionist troll
You do realise I jsut replaced Jews with Muslims and didn't actually type that meaning it right? It's also not time for anti-semitic diatribes by haters like him
7 oct is carte blanche to act in Lebanon too, it's already happening, like you said, there are already Israeli of North displaced due to Lebanon-Hezbollah border incidents.
USS Gerald Ford, that it was moved to Hezbollah deterrence is coming back home, but there is still USS Ike near to Yemen now.
I guess, when USS Ike will go to East Mediterranean, Hezbollah/Israel hot war will start.

I am not a military guy but from what I keep hearing, the air craft carriers are described as 'Oh so 1940s' useless now. Good for PR and against really weak forces but not much use against modern missiles and/or overwhelming barrage of missiles. I don't know. But it is reassuring that, except for some hardcore perennial war hawks, America doesn't want a regional war.

If USS Ike moves from the Persian Gulf to the E. Med Sea then the threat to Iran would be less?
I think, Israel first will crush Hezbollah in Lebanon.

And later, it will launch a first strike against Iran nuclear program.

I hope that does not happen, but I am impressed that you are privy to Israel's plans with such certainty.
You do realise I jsut replaced Jews with Muslims and didn't actually type that meaning it right? It's also not time for anti-semitic diatribes by haters like him

I have no soft spot for bigotry. May it be against muslims, jews, hindus or any other group.

Now lets stick to the topic
I have no soft spot for bigotry. May it be against muslims, jews, hindus or any other group.
Same, my point was that it is dumb to say that against Jews, same as saying the same but with Muslims is dumb. No offence was intended

Explosion hits southern Beirut, killing Hamas official Saleh al-Arouri​

The attack took place in Hezbollah's stronghold in the capital's southern suburb

Explosion hits southern Beirut, killing Hamas official Saleh al-Arouri
The attack took place in Hezbollah's stronghold in the capital's southern suburb

The arrogance of Israelis: Killing Irani officials in Syria. Killing Palestinians in Lebanon. Planning to kill Hamas officials in Turkey and Qatar. Always in some 'Munich' assassination mode.
Little do these idiots know that one deals with the senior leadership to find political solutions and when you kill senior leaders then the replacement maybe even more aggressive.

This is a major escalation; Israelis desperately trying to bring America in. Well... a regional war seems more likely after this.
This cowardly murder of Hamas official in Lebanon is one step more towards scale of war escalation, Hezbolah response will be in accordance to that as zio jews scaled up "allowed" scope of actions in this on toes war in north.
This cowardly murder of Hamas official in Lebanon is one step more towards scale of war escalation, Hezbolah response will be in accordance to that as zio jews scaled up "allowed" scope of actions in this on toes war in north.

Hassan Nasrallah himself is under Israeli assassination threats since at least 2006 to the point that he is rarely out in the public. What are Israelis going to achieve by killing him? Some false sense of 'victory' while his replacement would be even more aggressive toward Israel? Or maybe that's what the idiots in Israel want: A regional war in which America and Europe are dragged in. A catastrophe for the Middle East, resulting in even larger refugee waves fleeing to the shores of Europe. Expulsion of poor expat workers from the GCC to Pakistan, India, Philippines etc. A catastrophe to the global commerce due to the choking of the Persian Gulf and the Suez Canal.

I don't think many human beings will be immune to such catastrophe!! The MENA region is one of the centers of major human conflicts. Worse affected will be the Middle East and Europe due to geographic reasons.
I told you guys there is big lack of deterrence by Hezbollah and Iran. I don't even think Hezbollah will respond in a big way just view it as casualty of Gaza war.

As for Saleh Al-Arouri, he did his duty for Palestine and was martyred like the tens of thousands of children in Gaza.

Hassan Nasrallah himself is under Israeli assassination threats since at least 2006 to the point that he is rarely out in the public. What are Israelis going to achieve by killing him? Some false sense of 'victory' while his replacement would be even more aggressive toward Israel? Or maybe that's what the idiots in Israel want: A regional war in which America and Europe are dragged in. A catastrophe for the Middle East, resulting in even larger refugee waves fleeing to the shores of Europe. Expulsion of poor expat workers from the GCC to Pakistan, India, Philippines etc. A catastrophe to the global commerce due to the choking of the Persian Gulf and the Suez Canal.

I don't think many human beings will be immune to such catastrophe!! The MENA region is one of the centers of major human conflicts. Worse affected will be the Middle East and Europe due to geographic reasons.
One of the reasons why Hezbolah has zero tolerance for assassination policy of settlers entity, it is big no and expect big retaliatory attack by Hezbolah which will be probably something different then in last three months, some big target also not that big to cause all out war or blunt casus beli for zionist but on step up for sure on escalation ladder

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