Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Let us be clear that it is only a small number of Muslim states and they are mainly neighbours of the entity.

Worst offenders are Turkey, Azerbaijan(oil), KSA(helped block sanctions on the entity back in November 2023) and Jordan here. Egypt is a bit more nuanced as its hands are somewhat tied due to "Camp David" to get Sinai back.
technicalities, lack of any unified and firm answer is main thing, those fragmented justifications enhance my point.

"Oh, my eyes, when the sniper shoots

Scenes documenting Palestinian unity in the Palestinian military battalions.

This sniping operation was carried out by the honorable members of the Fatah movement in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Jabalia.

The Palestinian resistance fighters are all united in attacking and confronting the terrorist [Israeli] soldiers."

"Captain (reserve) Alon Kaminer, 28 years old, an officer in the 55th Parachute Brigade, and he was deputy commander of the fin unit in the Israeli Navy. When he entered, he was excited to fight in Khan Yunis, and when he crossed the border, a huge explosion occurred, as a result of which he was seriously injured before he started fighting or entered the battle.

He was a student in industrial engineering and management at Tel Aviv University. He lost his life for Netanyahu and his war. "
We are facing a country whose leaders are being tried as war criminals in the criminal court
It is tried as a state that committed genocide in the court of justice
During these trials, instead of reducing the targeting of civilians
It burns civilians alive in their tents by bombing it with missiles
“Until this moment, silence prevails over the countries that support this rogue state.”

It is clear for while but now it is beyond any discussion that west is directly orchestrating genocide in Gaza with full compliance of majority states with predominantly muslim population (will not call them muslim states as it would be travesty), atrocity over atrocity and nobody has guts to say enough is enough and take any kind of action beside what Yemen and Hezbolah did in their limited capacities.

In Plato's book "Republic," a character named Thrasymachus presents the idea that "Justice is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger." This means that those in power, the ruling class, create rules to benefit themselves and use various forms of power to enforce them. Therefore, justice is not about fairness but about control and governance by the ruling class. They establish these rules to provide a sense of justice to the weak and keep them in check.

The "global south" seeks justice from the stronger, who set the rules to their advantage. A prudent mind should look at the past year and compare conflicts. The Russians did not inflict nearly as much damage on infrastructure or collective punishment on the civilian population as the Israelis did on the Palestinians. However, the West, which established the system, calls for the arrest of Putin. In the last 10 years, no more than 15,000 civilians have been killed, whereas in the last 7 months, over 35,000 civilians have been killed. The amount of ordinance dropped on Gaza matches what U.S. and coalition forces dropped in Afghanistan in one year.

This stark contrast and selective justice makes the point that those seeking justice mute when they have no stronger will than the strongest to enforce it within the system.

Just imagine if the Nazis had won in Europe. They would have likely held trials against the Allied forces and executed those involved, as they were the stronger power. They would have also made laws to benefit themselves.

I've been saying from the start that relying on those who have set up the system to achieve justice, whether through the courts or negotiations, is foolish unless you have the power to enforce rules and control. This often leads to more injustice for the victim, as history has shown. Sitting with the ruling elite to negotiate has also eroded more power and advantage, as it would do more damage to them if you followed an alternative path that does not conform to their rules.

@Fatman17 @RescueRanger @mulj @GoMig-21
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In Plato's book "Republic," a character named Thrasymachus presents the idea that "Justice is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger." This means that those in power, the ruling class, create rules to benefit themselves and use various forms of power to enforce them. Therefore, justice is not about fairness but about control and governance by the ruling class. They establish these rules to provide a sense of justice to the weak and keep them in check.

The "global south" seeks justice from the stronger, who set the rules to their advantage. A prudent mind should look at the past year and compare conflicts. The Russians did not inflict nearly as much damage on infrastructure or collective punishment on the civilian population as the Israelis did on the Palestinians. However, the West, which established the system, calls for the arrest of Putin. In the last 10 years, no more than 15,000 civilians have been killed, whereas in the last 7 months, over 35,000 civilians have been killed. The amount of ordinance dropped on Gaza matches what U.S. and coalition forces dropped in Afghanistan in one year.

This stark contrast and selective justice make the point of those seeking justice mute when they have no stronger will than the strongest to enforce it.

Just imagine if the Nazis had won in Europe. They would have likely held trials against the Allied forces and executed those involved, as they were the stronger power. They would have also made laws to benefit themselves.

I've been saying from the start that relying on those who have set up the system to achieve justice, whether through the courts or negotiations, is foolish unless you have the power to enforce rules and control. This often leads to more injustice for the victim, as history has shown. Sitting with the ruling elite to negotiate has also eroded more power and advantage, as it would do more damage to them if you followed an alternative path that does not conform to their rules.

@Fatman17 @RescueRanger @mulj @GoMig-21
My immediate response is that this is a extreme position and for me to articulate a response requires some thinking.
this is good and correct statement, now act on it in a way to gather around states with full set of obligations and actions if you want to be it more than only strong diplomatic statements, acta non verba is needed.

Absolutely do not trust KSA one bit.

They "greenlighted" the dance of the UAE and Bahrain with the entity that more than likely partly emboldened the entity to commit genocide and also were on the verge of recognising the entity before October 7th. Without their land and airspace links then there is no trade or communication between entity and UAE/Bahrain.

This is a desperate regime that is looking for "security guarantees" to preserve power.
I think this is one of those incidents which is a turning point in the conflict even America can’t ignore when the IDF is admitting they seriously effed up and can’t hide it no matter how much they attempt to shut all things coming out of Gaza. Biden must be kicking himself in the ahole he backed the israelis up for this past year now he’s going down in flame with them
Absolutely do not trust KSA one bit.

They "greenlighted" the dance of the UAE and Bahrain with the entity that more than likely partly emboldened the entity to commit genocide and also were on the verge of recognising the entity before October 7th. Without their land and airspace links then there is no trade or communication between entity and UAE/Bahrain.

This is a desperate regime that is looking for "security guarantees" to preserve power.
Everyone will get behind a seperate Palestinian state one-by-one. It is now a geostretegic requirement for western powers.
I've been saying from the start that relying on those who have set up the system to achieve justice, whether through the courts or negotiations, is foolish unless you have the power to enforce rules and control. This often leads to more injustice for the victim, as history has shown. Sitting with the ruling elite to negotiate has also eroded more power and advantage, as it would do more damage to them if you followed an alternative path that does not conform to their rules.

Over all, a good post and on the money when you said it is the stronger ones who decide what is justice, how that would be served, and when.

To be bolded part: Courts are one more tool to keep the pressure, however small that pressure maybe. Can anyone deny that the Israelis are really nervous about the ICJ/ICC proceedings, especially within the last one week? Not only there is significant chance of topmost Israeli leaders denied freedom to travel but also the anti Zionists forces, whether in the blogspace or on the ground, have found even more legitimacy for their cause.

"Captain (reserve) Alon Kaminer, 28 years old, an officer in the 55th Parachute Brigade, and he was deputy commander of the fin unit in the Israeli Navy. When he entered, he was excited to fight in Khan Yunis, and when he crossed the border, a huge explosion occurred, as a result of which he was seriously injured before he started fighting or entered the battle.

He was a student in industrial engineering and management at Tel Aviv University. He lost his life for Netanyahu and his war. "

Another 1,000,000 of these please please!!!!!..........c'mon brothers, do your thing. YOU are God's chosen people. NOT the baby killers......... :cool:
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