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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Full Member
Sep 14, 2022
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You might be right about the future, it's still a hope though, it's also possible the world will move in 5 years after or something, less or more.

This is all at the cost of Gaza.

If the Muslim world can't or won't do anything decisive then why would anyone else.

The Israelis have USA, that's enough for everything.
It’s not the Muslim world that doesn’t wish to do anything about it but these corrupt for life leaders that only care what can keep them in power they call for liberation of Palestine they are being hypocrites to their “people” look at the Arab spring see how these leaders killed their own people instead of peaceful transition. Most of the world isn’t under extreme “Governments” they are the social media age where you can’t hide atrocities world is waking up so yes might take a year or 10 years but the tide is changing


Full Member
Sep 14, 2022
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You are naive or ill informed. Zios will manage to form goverement which suits them in majority of western countries but all those are irrelevant as they control firmly USA politics, Biden and democrats just tanked elections for their cause, it is israel first country. Help will not come from that direction
Not naive or misinformed if you don’t see the new younger generations rising up all over the world ,should we attempt to rise up and takeover governments and have those children be killed or if they succeed become intolerant as those they take power from?


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Let us make sure we never psychologically accept their acts.
Hate to be the guy bringing doom and gloom but its been accepted long ago, what exactly is anyone waiting for?

This thread month's ago was like lord of the rings meets geopolitics, Gondor will rise again, Rohan will assist us, the elves are coming... Just replace these fictional kingdoms with appropriate nations, what's the difference, it's all the same.

It was embarrassing to read, this is the level of thinking

One of the most productive things done by any one group was the icj case, hardly anyone or close to no one paid any mind in January, let alone read the submission.

Too busy playing lord of the rings in their minds, again notice the thinking.

It took non Muslims to bring the case, God loves those who love justice (plus a bit of self initiative), for all the profession of islam yet no one standing up for justice in the Muslim world, the result we all see,sorry I can't paint another picture.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Not naive or misinformed if you don’t see the new younger generations rising up all over the world ,should we attempt to rise up and takeover governments and have those children be killed or if they succeed become intolerant as those they take power from?

Yea this is unfocused aspirations, it's all based on hope.

If Saudi, Turkey or Pakistan were offered the right deals they would accept Israel and never say the word Gaza again.

That's the reality, they couldn't even support the icj case.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2022
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Not naive or misinformed if you don’t see the new younger generations rising up all over the world ,should we attempt to rise up and takeover governments and have those children be killed or if they succeed become intolerant as those they take power from?
They can do shit, repression aparatus and finance is in zios hands, democracy is sham if you did not know, now you can see it.
Even if those youngsters reach to position of power zios will ensure that until that moment palestinian cause is dead and population expelled.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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They can do shit, repression aparatus and finance is in zios hands, democracy is sham if you did not know, now you can see it.
Even if those youngsters reach to position of power zios will ensure that until that moment palestinian cause is dead and population expelled.

This is all based on the belief that these American and European kids will fight your cause with the same passion in the same way in 20 years time, you think they are getting power tomorrow lol that is if they have not already been black listed

It's depressing to read ever increasing delusion masked as hope.

Who knows the future, only the almighty knows, but there are divine principles to this life we all ignore and others do not, that's why they prosper. Love justice and take the initiative are two basic ones


Full Member
Sep 14, 2022
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Yea this is unfocused aspirations, it's all based on hope.

If Saudi, Turkey or Pakistan were offered the right deals they would accept Israel and never say the word Gaza again.

That's the reality, they couldn't even support the icj case.
Never even mentioned anything about Arab or Muslim “leaderships” my hope is for the future of western youth rising up but either way I feel this might start spiraling into a flame issue so I’m going to politely step out not you but trying to keep this thread flame free


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Yea this is unfocused aspirations, it's all based on hope.

If Saudi, Turkey or Pakistan were offered the right deals they would accept Israel and never say the word Gaza again.

That's the reality, they couldn't even support the icj case.

I think you are looking at a few sell-outs and those with severe economic stress and just projecting onto the whole Muslim world.

What matters is that the Zio-hold over US is weakening and the US itself is soon going to lose its hegemony.

It is not that easy unless you are blessed with massive natural resources such as oil and gas like Iran to go up against Zio-US hegemony.

Yes there is little being done by Muslim countries now but that is mainly because of the sell-outs and traitors back at OIC summit last November, who refused to agree to sanctions and cutting off all relations with the entity.

Remember Apartheid S Africa looked invincible in the early 1980s and was gone by 1994 completely.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2022
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I think you are looking at a few sell-outs and those with severe economic stress and just projecting onto the whole Muslim world.

What matters is that the Zio-hold over US is weakening and the US itself is soon going to lose its hegemony.

It is not that easy unless you are blessed with massive natural resources such as oil and gas like Iran to go up against Zio-US hegemony.

Yes there is little being done by Muslim countries now but that is mainly because of the sell-outs and traitors back at OIC summit last November, who refused to agree to sanctions and cutting off all relations with the entity.

Remember Apartheid S Africa looked invincible in the early 1980s and was gone by 1994 completely.
Problem is false premise, their influence becomes only more obvious and stronger then ever before, do not be fooled by social media outbursts.


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2016
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Everyone will get behind a seperate Palestinian state one-by-one. It is now a geostretegic requirement for western powers.
Will "everyone" of those states you refer to that supports a Palestinian state ALSO support Israel returning land to Palestinians and paying reparations? if the answer is no, then we still have major work to do in making Palestine actually free and independent. Regarding Palestine, these Western countries are using a switch and bait tactic on the world, its a trick.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Remember Apartheid S Africa looked invincible in the early 1980s and was gone by 1994 completely.

Yes, or more recently the Ashraf Ghani govt. in Afghanistan crumbled in a few weeks where all the predictions were for that to last 'at least six months'.
I, for one, don't think the resistance against Israel has used even one-tenth of their capabilities. Yes, Gazans are paying a huge price--but so is Israel in many ways. It ain't over until its over!

Here is a very interesting latest video by Jon Ulmer, who I consider to be the best person on the tactical level, describing the Yemenis and the Hezbollah drones.



Mar 26, 2024
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The Egyptian army will act passively to its troops getting killed in raffah in the same way as the dickhead generals In the pak army were doing when there were scores of deaths by the ana a few years ago.
Egypts army is compromised. iDF know everything about there movements and whereabouts.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Never even mentioned anything about Arab or Muslim “leaderships” my hope is for the future of western youth rising up but either way I feel this might start spiraling into a flame issue so I’m going to politely step out not you but trying to keep this thread flame free

Well you agree with me, you put your hope in the woke kids of the west, I am not knocking anything here btw just stating where things are right now

Btw, who did you put your hopes on in November? December?

I think you are looking at a few sell-outs and those with severe economic stress and just projecting onto the whole Muslim world.

What matters is that the Zio-hold over US is weakening and the US itself is soon going to lose its hegemony.

It is not that easy unless you are blessed with massive natural resources such as oil and gas like Iran to go up against Zio-US hegemony.

Yes there is little being done by Muslim countries now but that is mainly because of the sell-outs and traitors back at OIC summit last November, who refused to agree to sanctions and cutting off all relations with the entity.

Remember Apartheid S Africa looked invincible in the early 1980s and was gone by 1994 completely.

If individuals en masse had agency and acted in a unified way that would be incredible, until then power is projected through the state

Saudi Arabia, as an example of a dictatorship was hosting Shakira whilst Gaza was decimated, did anyone protest internally? The Saudi youth are ready for mbs vision with Israel, it's just the old in the way, not the people en masse.
However I agree in one thing, the Israeli state may over play it's hand, that's possible.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Sick and immoral group of people.

I don't know much about Judaism--I know more about Christianity due to my situation in life, via the marriage. But I remember once a WASP friend saying 'The Jews are too weird'. I never paid attention to why he said that but now I am seeing why!

These weirdo might be a tiny minority but they put to shame the Latinos who see Jesus or Mary in waterfalls or those Muslims who find 'Allah' written in the clouds. or those Hindus whose gods are some animals.

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