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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Over all, a good post and on the money when you said it is the stronger ones who decide what is justice, how that would be served, and when.

To be bolded part: Courts are one more tool to keep the pressure, however small that pressure maybe. Can anyone deny that the Israelis are really nervous about the ICJ/ICC proceedings, especially within the last one week? Not only there is significant chance of topmost Israeli leaders denied freedom to travel but also the anti Zionists forces, whether in the blogspace or on the ground, have found even more legitimacy for their cause.

Should the ICC get to issuing those arrest warrants, I do wonder how aggressive they'll be in enforcing them on the two zionist demons, particularly Shatanyahu.

When George Stephanopoulos asked the demon whether he was worried about possible arrest warrants while traveling and he replied, on live TV in front of the entire world that Khan was the one who should be "worried" was basically a mafia hit heads up. Straight up, blatant, criminal, drug cartel style it's mind-blowing. The unabashed, unconcerned audacity it takes to throw a vile threat of that magnitude at an individual of the stature of Karim Khan, on live TV, in front of the whole world just goes to show how emboldened these vile, cretinous, vermin demons have become through their murderous campaign and the US' (and others) unconditional support.

He was basically giving the prosecutor general of the International Criminal Court of Justice a warning that if he proceeds any further with those warrants that a contract hit was coming his way. Just think about how crazy that is. And how that will/has affected the aggressiveness Karim Khan & co. would need to actually make those arrests.

And with the disgusting, filthy-evil, infamously shameful reputation of their intel hit-squad's well-known record of carrying out world-wide assassinations of all types has to be a cause for concern, even serious anxiety to the extent that it could very well have a major impact on that level of aggressiveness they would need to actually put handcuffs on that cretin and his co-demon should the opportunity arise.

I'm dying to see how aggressively they'll pursue those arrests, let alone execute them in the first place.
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Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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The Egyptian army will act passively to its troops getting killed in raffah in the same way as the dickhead generals In the pak army were doing when there were scores of deaths by the ana a few years ago.
Egypts army is compromised. iDF know everything about there movements and whereabouts.

To be fair, after that incident Pakistan ensured the collapse of the Afghan Republic and U.S, NATO and India all fled Afghanistan

Without Pakistan, none of that would have happened
The U.S lost trillions, thousands of U.S soldiers and two decades for nothing


Full Member
Sep 14, 2022
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To be fair, after that incident Pakistan ensured the collapse of the Afghan Republic and U.S, NATO and India all fled Afghanistan

Without Pakistan, none of that would have happened
The U.S lost trillions, thousands of U.S soldiers and two decades for nothing
Eeehh not putting that in that in the positive scenario, American invasion not withstanding I wouldn’t want to live under a Taliban rule myself and I’m sure most people here wouldn’t people in different countries have competing goals for different countries instead of working together to build a better country.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Most of the people here will forget about Gaza in a few years too, we are all looking to ourselves and ultimately no one is actually willing to make a game changing intervention or sacrifice from the Muslim world, that's just how things are.

I think Gaza Genocide will unfortunately be a Muslim historical "marker" and it is not possible in a Zio-US dominated world for a single Muslim nation to intervene to make a real difference, when local Muslim puppets and collaborators have been brought up/threatened by the Zio-US.

Once the Zio-US does not dominate then every changes. Russia-China does not need to do anything but balance out the Zio-US.

I am optimistic that this cancer will not be here mid-century.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2022
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It is Israeli's, especially their commanders ordering these kind of attacks. They're furious Egypt blocked their plan to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people. And they're resorting to attacking Egypt now as they want a break down of the Camp David accords.
Someone said that they want to provoke fire reaction by egyptians and use it as excuse for bombing and demolishing border wall in order to expell palestinians from gaza, for me it is plausible scenario.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Eeehh not putting that in that in the positive scenario, American invasion not withstanding I wouldn’t want to live under a Taliban rule myself and I’m sure most people here wouldn’t people in different countries have competing goals for different countries instead of working together to build a better country.

The U.S, NATO, India and Afghan Republic were a threat

Pakistan tried to get support for its strategic interests but these entities didn't really care

As a result Pakistan ensured they failed and fled

The Taliban are not great, but they don't pose the same strategic threat to Pakistan that a combination of a hostile Afghan Republic with U.S, NATO and india did

What Pakistan achieved in Afghanistan was incredible and it's not the same as what Egypt and Jordan are doing


Full Member
Sep 14, 2022
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I think Gaza Genocide will unfortunately be a Muslim historical "marker" and it is not possible in a Zio-US dominated world for a single Muslim nation to intervene to make a real difference, when local Muslim puppets and collaborators have been brought up/threatened by the Zio-US.

Once the Zio-US does not dominate then every changes. Russia-China does not need to do anything but balance out the Zio-US.

I am optimistic that this cancer will not be here mid-century.
I’d rather the whole world balances itself out Russia under Putin has killed many Muslim brothers and sisters in Chechnya and Chinese oppression of Uyghurs are widespread they’re right now backing our side because it is in their benefit to do so would China free Tibet tomorrow I will take the handouts of any kind these countries give doesn’t mean I would trust either one tomorrow



Senior Member
Sep 10, 2016
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Gaza, West Bank, and East-Jerusalem.
In a fair deal, Palestinians are owed more than this, including $$$ + right to return.
Take what you can get.
why should Palestinians follow this low standard?
Maximalist position is a losing hand for both Israel and Palestine.
Your suggestion of "Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem" is minimalist AKA a bit of a low standard- in a more fair deal, Palestinians will get more than that (and that is not being maximalist!- maximalist is from river to sea IMO). And if you are talking about Palestinians getting "Gaza, West bank and East Jerusalem" AS THEY ARE TODAY, then that is definitely short changing Palestinians- nice job with suggesting that undeserving Israelis get more than they've ever deserved in a potential deal with Palestine.


Full Member
Sep 14, 2022
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The U.S, NATO, India and Afghan Republic were a threat

Pakistan tried to get support for its strategic interests but these entities didn't really care

As a result Pakistan ensured they failed and fled

The Taliban are not great, but they don't pose the same strategic threat to Pakistan that a combination of a hostile Afghan Republic with U.S, NATO and india did

What Pakistan achieved in Afghanistan was incredible and it's not the same as what Egypt and Jordan are doing
Like I said differing views I respect that


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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I’d rather the whole world balances itself out Russia under Putin has killed many Muslim brothers and sisters in Chechnya and Chinese oppression of Uyghurs are widespread they’re right now backing our side because it is in their benefit to do so would China free Tibet tomorrow I will take the handouts of any kind these countries give doesn’t mean I would trust either one tomorrow

I have said this before but with these two(Russia-China) balancing out the Zio-US then there is a real chance for Muslim unity at last.

If the majority of the key powerful Muslim countries like Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan join to form a block like EU/Nato then the rest will be jumping at the chance to join. Puppets/collaborators will either blow with the wind or be swept aside.

End of the day, no matter whether religious or secular there is this unique emotional attachment between all Muslims in the world due to shared religion.


Full Member
Apr 10, 2024
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I have said this before but with these two(Russia-China) balancing out the Zio-US then there is a real chance for Muslim unity at last.

If the majority of the key powerful Muslim countries like Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan join to form a block like EU/Nato then the rest will be jumping at the chance to join. Puppets/collaborators will either blow with the wind or be swept aside.

End of the day, no matter whether religious or secular there is this unique emotional attachment between all Muslims in the world due to shared religion.

Bro, I really hope what you say comes true.


Mar 26, 2024
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To be fair, after that incident Pakistan ensured the collapse of the Afghan Republic and U.S, NATO and India all fled Afghanistan

Without Pakistan, none of that would have happened
The U.S lost trillions, thousands of U.S soldiers and two decades for nothing
Sorry that’s bullshit because as soon as the taliban came they resumed the attacks and were killing pak soldiers with impunity.
What about the dozens of pak Jawaans shaheed on the LOC back in 2019 no response by general dickhead aka Bajwa.

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