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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Full Member
Apr 10, 2024
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Well you agree with me, you put your hope in the woke kids of the west, I am not knocking anything here btw just stating where things are right now

Btw, who did you put your hopes on in November? December?

If individuals en masse had agency and acted in a unified way that would be incredible, until then power is projected through the youth.

Saudi Arabia, as an example of a dictatorship was hosting Shakira whilst Gaza was decimated, did anyone protest internally? The Saudi youth are ready for mbs vision with Israel, it's just the old in the way, not the people en masse.
However I agree in one thing, the Israeli state may over play it's hand, that's possible.

What you say is SAD but 100% TRUE.......:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


Full Member
Sep 14, 2022
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Well you agree with me, you put your hope in the woke kids of the west, I am not knocking anything here btw just stating where things are right now

Btw, who did you put your hopes on in November? December?

If individuals en masse had agency and acted in a unified way that would be incredible, until then power is projected through the state

Saudi Arabia, as an example of a dictatorship was hosting Shakira whilst Gaza was decimated, did anyone protest internally? The Saudi youth are ready for mbs vision with Israel, it's just the old in the way, not the people en masse.
However I agree in one thing, the Israeli state may over play its hand, that's possible.
πŸ˜‚ last person I voted for was Obama I’m not for anything either one of these parties are offering, Bernie has some great ideas but he is to old but he is helping to usher the new generation I guess


Full Member
Dec 25, 2023
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Will "everyone" of those states you refer to that supports a Palestinian state ALSO support Israel returning land to Palestinians and paying reparations? if the answer is no, then we still have major work to do in making Palestine actually free and independent. Regarding Palestine, these Western countries are using a switch and bait tactic on the world, its a trick.
Gaza, West Bank, and East-Jerusalem. Take what you can get. Maximalist position is a losing hand for both Israel and Palestine.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Israeli terrorists were the ones who opened fire on Egyptian soldiers at the border:

Egyptian sources to Al-Arabi: The shooting at the Rafah crossing started from the Israeli side



Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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πŸ˜‚ last person I voted for was Obama I’m not for anything either one of these parties are offering, Bernie has some great ideas but he is to old but he is helping to usher the new generation I guess

This Bernie Saunders...https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/03/11/bfit-m11.html

Good luck getting him to use the g word.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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I think the Israelis are basically slowly opening a new front Egyptian soldiers are basically saying F their leaders may start off with a small incident these incidents start spiraling quickly
It is Israeli's, especially their commanders ordering these kind of attacks. They're furious Egypt blocked their plan to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people. And they're resorting to attacking Egypt now as they want a break down of the Camp David accords.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Gaza, West Bank, and East-Jerusalem. Take what you can get. Maximalist position is a losing hand for both Israel and Palestine.

I don't think the Palestinians want more than that. It is the Israelis who thought that even giving the Ehud Barak's Bantustan in Camp David 2000 was a 'generous offer'.
The world knows who the problem is and it ain't the Palestinians!


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Well you agree with me, you put your hope in the woke kids of the west, I am not knocking anything here btw just stating where things are right now

Btw, who did you put your hopes on in November? December?

If individuals en masse had agency and acted in a unified way that would be incredible, until then power is projected through the state

Saudi Arabia, as an example of a dictatorship was hosting Shakira whilst Gaza was decimated, did anyone protest internally? The Saudi youth are ready for mbs vision with Israel, it's just the old in the way, not the people en masse.
However I agree in one thing, the Israeli state may over play it's hand, that's possible.

No they are not really "ready" but willing to go along with it now as they fear their government and just are not aware of the massive geopolitical change that is about to happen in the world over the next 10-20 years.

Like I have said before it is easy to get despondent but the vast majority of the problems in the Muslim world, and "Global South" in general, can be laid at the hands of the Zio-West. Once they are no longer on top, then things will improve for those they have been keeping down for hundreds of years.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Israeli terrorists opened fire randomly on Egyptian forces. There was no fire from Egyptian side. Israeli terrorists committed a terrorist attack intended at intimidating Egypt and potentially trying to start a war so they forcibly expel Palestinians into Egypt.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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I don't think the Palestinians want more than that. It is the Israelis who thought that even giving the Ehud Barak's Bantustan in Camp David 2000 was a 'generous offer'.
The world knows who the problem is and it ain't the Palestinians!

For now that is reasonable to "settle" at that.

However the entity will not be accepted as a permanent presence in the region.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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My assessment of the situation

It seems that Israel wants to test the pulse of the Egyptian army in the event of a wall on the Philadelphia axis.

An Israeli vehicle actually tried to reach the wall and break the rules of engagement, which caused a clash with Egyptian soldiers.

Israel's attempt is not a coincidence, and it will not be the last



Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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No they are not really "ready" but willing to go along with it now as they fear their government and just are not aware of the massive geopolitical change that is about to happen in the world over the next 10-20 years.

Like I have said before it is easy to get despondent but the vast majority of the problems in the Muslim world, and "Global South" in general, can be laid at the hands of the Zio-West. Once they are no longer on top, then things will improve for those they have been keeping down for hundreds of years.

The Saudi monarchy was still making conciliatory sounds towards Israel months in, they have always wanted to recognise Israel they were just holding out for the right deal.

Not to make sweeping generalisations but the Saudi youth are more hedonistic and western orientated in their thinking.

They are ready for Shakira, neom and probably alcohol liberalisation.

The overarching point is all hope seems to be on the western world changing, Israel is largely benefitting from suppressed protest in the Muslim world itself, just repeat that again in your head!

Other than bad pr I don't really see anything that's really too terrible that's happened to existing power structures that cannot be recovered in time.

Most of the people here will forget about Gaza in a few years too, we are all looking to ourselves and ultimately no one is actually willing to make a game changing intervention or sacrifice from the Muslim world, that's just how things are.

The only nations capable of challenge are those with serious will power and some means, that's Russia and china.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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According to an Egyptian security source.

An Israeli sniper was the one who shot the Egyptian soldier, the soldier did not initiate the shooting.

As we said, the attempt was deliberate


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