Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

300 bereaved families join lawsuit against Palestinian Authority, Hamas

Hundreds of families whose loved ones were murdered or kidnapped on October 7 and of fallen IDF soldiers are suing the Palestinian Authority and Gaza-based terrorist organizations for over 2 billion shekels​

Elisha Ben Kimon|14:20

Three hundred bereaved families, including victims and hostages from the October 7 attack and IDF casualties, have joined the lawsuit filed by Shurat HaDin in the Jerusalem District Court.
The suit seeks over 2 billion shekels in damages from the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Islamic Jihad for the murders committed by terrorists against innocent civilians on October 7. In March, the lawsuit included 124 families.

הנזק לבתים בקיבות בארי

Kibbutz Be'eri
(צילום: REUTERS /Ronen Zvulun)

Among the new plaintiffs are the family of Maya Goren, who was kidnapped and murdered; the family of Aviv Baram, a sound producer murdered in Kfar Aza; the family of Eitan Mor, who is still held captive in Gaza; the family of Ron Shemer, murdered in Nova music festival; and the family of Gal Danguri, also murdered in the festival.

Other plaintiffs include relatives of Yamam (National Counter-Terrorism Unit) operative Chen Nahmias, who fell on October 7, and families of fallen IDF soldiers Michael Ben Hamu, Yakir Hakaster, David Schwartz and Neriya Zisk, among others. This landmark lawsuit has been filed following an expert security assessment that the Palestinian Authority annually transfers approximately $1 billion to Hamas in Gaza, partly to fund civilian infrastructure and payments to Hamas operatives.

Shlomit Kalmanson, widow of Elchanan, a recipient of the Israel Prize for Civil Heroism, explained how she feels about the lawsuit that she joined. “On the morning of Simchat Torah, my beloved husband Elchanan went with his brother and nephew to Kibbutz Be'eri to rescue residents from Hamas terrorists. After about 16 hours under fire, a terrorist ambushed them in one of the houses. Elchanan was shot and did not return. Their actions saved nearly 100 people they had never met."

"The pain is immense, and this lawsuit cannot heal our wounds, lessen our sorrow, or diminish our longing. Our goal is to strike at the vile murderers and those who sent them. If this lawsuit can achieve a bit of justice and possibly deter these forces of darkness, it will be our reward. Elchanan wrote and told us how proud he was to see himself as part of the Jewish people’s enduring legacy in their land, and we continue his legacy.”

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, president of Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center, which represents the victims, stressed the importance of the lawsuit.

“Now more than ever, it is clear we must choke off the economic lifelines of terrorist organizations, alongside diplomatic and operational efforts on the ground. We will pursue every entity funding and supporting terrorism and hit them with economic and legal measures," she said. "Otherwise, these terror organizations will reestablish themselves and continue to act against Israel. Hamas is not a local militia but a sprawling organization attempting to destroy Israel from any territory, so we must also dismantle it financially.”
The Israeli government has slaughtered innocent children and women and admitted to their atrocities and you want us to read this article?
Your nation is one that survives on charity from the USA and occupy third party land and you want to hold others accountable for actions ignited by Netanyahu and his tribe? You reach a new low Solomon. Even for you -
New low my dear
The Israeli government has slaughtered innocent children and women and admitted to their atrocities and you want us to read this article?
Your nation is one that survives on charity from the USA and occupy third party land and you want to hold others accountable for actions ignited by Netanyahu and his tribe? You reach a new low Solomon. Even for you -
New low my dear

I'd love to know how he copes living with himself. Must be on some strong stuff.
I'd love to know how he copes living with himself. Must be on some strong stuff.
They are the masters of press control and propaganda. They literally get away with murder controlling the senate.
This time they have left from their actions as a tribe that has crossed the line and most countries are now calling for boycotts. The tide has turned…
They really are the lowest form of humans…..

300 bereaved families join lawsuit against Palestinian Authority, Hamas

Hundreds of families whose loved ones were murdered or kidnapped on October 7 and of fallen IDF soldiers are suing the Palestinian Authority and Gaza-based terrorist organizations for over 2 billion shekels​

Elisha Ben Kimon|14:20

Three hundred bereaved families, including victims and hostages from the October 7 attack and IDF casualties, have joined the lawsuit filed by Shurat HaDin in the Jerusalem District Court.
The suit seeks over 2 billion shekels in damages from the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Islamic Jihad for the murders committed by terrorists against innocent civilians on October 7. In March, the lawsuit included 124 families.

הנזק לבתים בקיבות בארי

Kibbutz Be'eri
(צילום: REUTERS /Ronen Zvulun)

Among the new plaintiffs are the family of Maya Goren, who was kidnapped and murdered; the family of Aviv Baram, a sound producer murdered in Kfar Aza; the family of Eitan Mor, who is still held captive in Gaza; the family of Ron Shemer, murdered in Nova music festival; and the family of Gal Danguri, also murdered in the festival.

Other plaintiffs include relatives of Yamam (National Counter-Terrorism Unit) operative Chen Nahmias, who fell on October 7, and families of fallen IDF soldiers Michael Ben Hamu, Yakir Hakaster, David Schwartz and Neriya Zisk, among others. This landmark lawsuit has been filed following an expert security assessment that the Palestinian Authority annually transfers approximately $1 billion to Hamas in Gaza, partly to fund civilian infrastructure and payments to Hamas operatives.

Shlomit Kalmanson, widow of Elchanan, a recipient of the Israel Prize for Civil Heroism, explained how she feels about the lawsuit that she joined. “On the morning of Simchat Torah, my beloved husband Elchanan went with his brother and nephew to Kibbutz Be'eri to rescue residents from Hamas terrorists. After about 16 hours under fire, a terrorist ambushed them in one of the houses. Elchanan was shot and did not return. Their actions saved nearly 100 people they had never met."

"The pain is immense, and this lawsuit cannot heal our wounds, lessen our sorrow, or diminish our longing. Our goal is to strike at the vile murderers and those who sent them. If this lawsuit can achieve a bit of justice and possibly deter these forces of darkness, it will be our reward. Elchanan wrote and told us how proud he was to see himself as part of the Jewish people’s enduring legacy in their land, and we continue his legacy.”

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, president of Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center, which represents the victims, stressed the importance of the lawsuit.

“Now more than ever, it is clear we must choke off the economic lifelines of terrorist organizations, alongside diplomatic and operational efforts on the ground. We will pursue every entity funding and supporting terrorism and hit them with economic and legal measures," she said. "Otherwise, these terror organizations will reestablish themselves and continue to act against Israel. Hamas is not a local militia but a sprawling organization attempting to destroy Israel from any territory, so we must also dismantle it financially.”
You need another 300 netenysatanel almon kibuuz berevery operation
And here in Spain only leftist voters support that. Spaniards right wing voters and parties often support Israel in the conflict.
Like every western country. Leftists support Palestine because they see Israel as a colonial country and rightists see Hamas as a islamist terrorist group.
Killing 40,000 innocent people - creating Genocide - collective punishment - killing children in hospitals - killing people waiting for side and In refugee camps. Which bit are you and your parents proud of?
My parents lived under indiscriminate aerial bombardment for years. Israel by contrast targets terrorists who use civilians as human shields, yet what civilian Gazans are experiencing at Israel's hands is mercy by comparison to my parents' experience. And as your statements demonstrate, undeserved antisemitic rants exist whether Jews wield defensive military might or not.

So where does that leave you with my challenge? Will you change to become pro-Zionist or will you continue your excuses and evasions to remain a champion of evil?
What are "hundreds of millions of people in the middle east" at risk for, exactly?


The Jews are monstrous, their hasn't been one place where you weren't eventually expelled or slaughtered from,,

One massacre is a tragedy when it happens repeatedly you have to ask what do the Jews do that creates this much hatred for them

The Germans even refused to expell the Jews they said nope only burning them in ovens, will fix them

The middle east needs peace, it needs the Jews gone

“All that remains is for him to enter the barracks and plant the Hezbollah flag.

”Netanyahu lies to us and does not stop deceiving us. These scenes show us how close they are to our sites. They are just a few meters away from crossing the border and entering us. See how comfortable they are in targeting. They take their time to attack and refill the ammunition again, because they know that we will not attack them. You know why, because we fled and left our positions empty due to the intensity of the bombing and the fear of death. We abandoned all the border positions and hide away from them.

Hezbollah occupied us, leveling the power of fire at northern Israel.

This was the comment of one of the largest Hebrew accounts on a video published by Hezbollah today.

Talking about red lines is the biggest lie. The Israeli occupation has been completely consumed militarily, politically and economically in Gaza. It no longer has the ability to open a new front with Hezbollah, which possesses powerful and powerful weapons compared to Gaza."
Anti-Semitism Vord it needs to be invalidated. Invention is attributed to false beliefs and thus the concept contributes to the spread of Jewish hasbara deceivers to usurp Palestine, bt Jews against Palestinians. Then I don’t think anyone in the diaspora takes trolls seriously. Stupid pigs, crazy giants, ugly mayors and green Christians are your allies. Biden Georgie
l The nazis have sided with trishete satan yahusji, now it's your time, suhyuni.
My parents lived under indiscriminate aerial bombardment for years. Israel by contrast targets terrorists who use civilians as human shields, yet what civilian Gazans are experiencing at Israel's hands is mercy by comparison to my parents' experience. And as your statements demonstrate, undeserved antisemitic rants exist whether Jews wield defensive military might or not.

So where does that leave you with my challenge? Will you change to become pro-Zionist or will you continue your excuses and evasions to remain a champion of evil?
I speak against genocide and collective punishment and you play the antisemitic card? Very Jewish of you. It won’t wash here.
You continue to justify the murder of innocent children and women?
You are again proving to all watching this forum why Zionists are being hated to the max. Lowest form of human.
Have a peaceful sleep Solomon.
Please don’t let the thought of
Children being targeted and murdered by those that are chosen.

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