Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israeli War Minister Gallant ordered complete siege of Gaza and said every Palestinian woman child is an "animal"

Netanyahu invoked the myth of Amalek, to justify murder of all women and children

Hundreds of examples of IDF terrorists inside Gaza glorifying war crimes and bragging about killing Palestinian women and children

not only did the Zio-Nazis kill more women and children than Hamas did (by many multiples), but also with a greater ratio of civilians:combatants.
Hamas tried to kill every civilian in the Al-aqsa storm op. They didnt kill more civilians because they didnt able to.

If Israel had done the same, not a alive thing would remain in Gaza.
Hamas tried to kill every civilian in the Al-aqsa storm op. They didnt kill more civilians because they didnt able to.

If Israel had done the same, not a alive thing would remain in Gaza.

How can their be civilians in a occupational colonial state?
We spaniards believe in the freedom of Palestine. Moreover, when US loose the arms race against China and Russia, there won´t be enough money for subsidizing the israeli independence. At that point each muslim believer will pay back the nefarious crimes of Israel. Be patient, friends, their time will come. There are not enough money for feeding sharks everywhere.

You are confusing whole country with leftists and far leftists voters.

This is the leader of Spanish far right party Vox, Santiago Abascal, meeting with Bibi today:

Abascal meets with Netanyahu and promises to reverse the recognition of Palestine “when he is president of the Government”​

How can their be civilians in a occupational colonial state?
ok, in your world vision Israeli children are high skilled militarymen and acceptable targets in a war.


same insanity than Hamas.
Like every western country. Leftists support Palestine because they see Israel as a colonial country and rightists see Hamas as a islamist terrorist group.
Western leftists nutjobs are the favorite tool of current USA twisted elite, the perfect useful idiots.

They dont have own ideas, they dont have own brain, they just follow trends like zombies, and today it's very easy for a state create fake trendings with bots in social media.

Soros loves all those idiots, the perfect tool to his darkest plans.

Western leftist are meat of color revolution, constantly deceived by bots, undercovers, police informants and so on. They are like human robots.

Rightists can be right or can be wrong, but at least they are harder to manipulate, because their ideas are more fixed.

Just compare a Western leftist to a North Korean communist, or a Cuban communist, and you wont see anything in common, why? Because Western leftists are artificial movements created and controlled by Western states, deceiving their own people constantly, distracting them with nonsenses and lies.
ok, in your world vision Israeli children are high skilled militarymen and acceptable targets in a war.


same insanity than Hamas.

What children?????

The Palestinians are a occupied people, they have the right to fight their occupier and oppressor , it's a matter of freedom and independence

Literally no one asked the Jews to come to the middle east, the local Jews were a minority before you have a insidious invasion under the British of foreigners who happened to be Jewish and who created a ethnocentric apartheid state

Seeing how monstrous the Zionists are, for the sake of peace the Jews need to leave the middle east, they are absolutely hated in the region for what reason would this continuing this colonial apartheid outpost make any sense except to create so much hatred for the Jew that their future is imperiled

The Jews are monstrous, their hasn't been one place where you weren't eventually expelled or slaughtered from,,

One massacre is a tragedy when it happens repeatedly you have to ask what do the Jews do that creates this much hatred for them

The Germans even refused to expell the Jews they said nope only burning them in ovens, will fix them

The middle east needs peace, it needs the Jews gone

Well, the Middle East should've not accepted boatloads of Jews coming in. When you have rats in the house, the priority is to eradicate them before they spread their disease.

"New documents from inside the “Sidi Timan” torture prison, which is the place where hostages from Gaza are held in very harsh conditions, under beatings, torture, abuse and slow execution.

Published today by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz“

An Israeli investigation concluded that two Palestinian hostages died in the Sde Teman center in Israel after being beaten to death.

Other hostages died as a result of negligence or insufficient medical treatment inside the prison, and doctors performed medical operations without anesthesia.

The prisoners were shackled for several days to the point of necrosis and amputation of limbs.- Interrogating several Israeli soldiers over the deaths of Palestinian detainees without arresting any of them.

In a previous CNN investigation, Palestinian hostages were subjected to handcuffing all day long, beating them four or five times a day, having their bones and teeth broken, poor treatment from unqualified doctors, and malnutrition.

Unfortunately, there is not enough light shed on this very important issue."
Hamas tried to kill every civilian in the Al-aqsa storm op. They didnt kill more civilians because they didnt able to.

If Israel had done the same, not a alive thing would remain in Gaza.

Err, who exactly told you this?

Not the lies spread by the Zionists that your media and politicians just repeated were they?

You know that the Zionist entity lies every time it opens it mouth and so why do you believe anything it says?
Another Indian trying hard to be more Jewish than the Israeli. Vile woman

That's actually her in that picture? I thought that was some young zionist girl being groomed to become a demon like the rest of them but now this is pissing me off even more since I can't stand that insufferable cow from eternal hell! That's her!?

I just looked it up and apparently she did sign the bombs that ******* ***** just still not sure if that girl in the pic is her.

Either way, she was at an earlier festival when that went viral about her signing those children-killing weapons of demons and she's just lucky she wasn't at the festival Hamas raided. Imagine if they got a hold of her? Yalahweeeee!

Nikki Haley's 4-Word Message on Israeli Bomb Sparks Outrage

American politician Nikki Haley during a visit to the 'Nova' Festival site on May 27, 2024 in Re'eim, Israel. Amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley’s four-word message on Israeli artillery shells has made its way across social media as it sparked outrage on Tuesday.

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