Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

the ICC prosecutor is likely working on his arrest warrant application, priorities had to be made, these applications take years to prepare because they need to be well supported so they can't be refused

Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed​

>> interesting read ony why it took so long aswell.
Why shouldn't crossed Pakistani and Israeli flags be a symbol you aspire to?

With malice towards none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right that God gives us to see the right. Let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

- Abraham Lincoln

By contrast, the anti-Israel crowd is characterized by malice, moral cowardice, ignorance, and a deep loathing for the idea that G-d values truth and justice over criminal ends and ways. So for you to embrace Zionism is to embrace holiness, Dalit. Isn't that an end and way of life worth changing your loyalties and fighting for?

Genocidal maniac.
The collapse of NATO in Afghanistan had nothing to do with Pakistan. The organisation who came in and replaced the Afghan government hates Pakistan and are going to bypass trade with Pakistan by accessing chabahar port.
India destabilised Pakistan funded an insurgency which killed over 20000 Pak security personal and 80 civilians and because china threw 20 Indians off a cliff some how Pakistan won and gained victory….. India removed article 370 in 2019 and Pakistan watched
You don’t know facts you just talk shit

This topic is about Palestine and Israel.

We know how much you hate Pakistan, but remain on topic.
My parents were also escapees from Nazi Germany. A Star of David on a tank or warplane is a much better situation than one on a casket or armband.
Would your parents be proud of their offspring supporting a regime which is liked to the Nazis of Germany?
Shameful that you stand In support of a regime of killing innocent women and children. Shameful that you stand by a genocide committing regime.
Bravo Solomon. Another new low. To be honest nothing surprises me. Lowest form of human.
Spain will earn a lot of respect from the MENA region and from the Islamic countries. Look at how well the Irish and the South African remember the support the Palestinians once gave to them in whatever means they could have. Karma can be a bitch but it can also be a blessing!

On a larger theme: Don't fall into the xenophobia paddled by the Neo Cons about the invasion of Europe by the Muslims: Europe will NEED immigrants, just like America needs it and Canada needs it and several other countries need them. The ultimate 'resource' will be human beings themselves! Europe needs to move away from the American Neo Cons World Order where they ignite conflicts and make $$ and watch the burning from a distance. If Europe doesn't then it will continue to have wave of refugees/migrants un unplanned ways.

Copying your fellow Spaniard: @BHAN85 who also knows the dangers to Europe posed by the Neo Cons.
Spain like other EU and/or NATO states (Norway), it doesnt have own foreign policy.

Nobody can believe that Palestine state recognition is without USA permission.

And here in Spain only leftist voters support that. Spaniards right wing voters and parties often support Israel in the conflict.

By the other side USA current ruling elite love color revolutions, and handle Western leftists as useful idiots to trigger conflicts. My bet: The pressure against Israel come from American Jewish elite (i.e. Soros).
Would your parents be proud of their offspring supporting a regime which is liked to the Nazis of Germany?
Shameful that you stand In support of a regime of killing innocent women and children. Shameful that you stand by a genocide committing regime.
Bravo Solomon. Another new low. To be honest nothing surprises me. Lowest form of human.

This Solomon has proved that he stands with savages. Baby killing savages to be precise.
Watch the Olympics get massively disrupted by protests. The protestors won’t allowed the world to pretend this genocide isn’t happening. Biden is being a coward yet again by not holding the DNC convention in public because he’s afraid of protestors.
Would your parents be proud of their offspring supporting a regime which is liked to the Nazis of Germany?
Shameful that you stand In support of a regime of killing innocent women and children. Shameful that you stand by a genocide committing regime.
Bravo Solomon. Another new low. To be honest nothing surprises me. Lowest form of human.

Nazi ideology supremacist ideas were the action/reaction of Jewish religion supremacist ideas.
And likely a lot of the nazi party leaders were Jewish descendant without knowing it (German women desperate in a impoverished country with a rich Jewish elite, one hundred years ago, without contraceptive methods, you can imagine the amount of non-recognized sons from other Jewish fathers spending money in prostitution, maybe own Hitler mother suffered that).

Jewish common people are like any other people, but Jewish elite have something very different to any other ruling elite. You can see in current USA, a superior ability to deceive everybody. If you dont understand this first, you can not understand anything from current world.

Anyway, in the Israel/Palestine conflict, it's the Palestinian side who want to kill women and children deliberately like they did in Oct 7, it's not Israel state, where civilians killed is collateral damage, like in any other war, and it's not deliberately from the army.
Anyway, in the Israel/Palestine conflict, it's the Palestinian side who want to kill women and children deliberately like they did in Oct 7, it's not Israel state, where civilians killed is collateral damage, like in any other war, and it's not deliberately from the army.
Israeli War Minister Gallant ordered complete siege of Gaza and said every Palestinian woman child is an "animal"

Netanyahu invoked the myth of Amalek, to justify murder of all women and children

Hundreds of examples of IDF terrorists inside Gaza glorifying war crimes and bragging about killing Palestinian women and children

not only did the Zio-Nazis kill more women and children than Hamas did (by many multiples), but also with a greater ratio of civilians:combatants.
Would your parents be proud of their offspring supporting a regime which is liked to the Nazis of Germany?
The Nazis spread massive anti-Jewish propaganda. My parents knew it was false because they lived in Germany and knew the truth. That others despise and demean Israel is sad, but not surprising: they see anti-Zionism as the attempted continuation of the Holocaust. They are very, very proud of what Israel has become.

And Musings: what I replied to Dalit applies to you, too. Why wait even one more day to alter your loyalties to stand with Israel instead of Israel's enemies?
The Nazis spread massive anti-Jewish propaganda. My parents knew it was false because they lived in Germany and knew the truth. That others despise and demean Israel is sad, but not surprising: they see anti-Zionism as the attempted continuation of the Holocaust. They are very, very proud of what Israel has become.

And Musings: what I replied to Dalit applies to you, too. Why wait even one more day to alter your loyalties to stand with Israel instead of Israel's enemies?
With respect I would like you to discuss the current conflict and not discuss anything else.
Killing 40,000 innocent people - creating Genocide - collective punishment - killing children in hospitals - killing people waiting for side and In refugee camps. Which bit are you and your parents proud of?

300 bereaved families join lawsuit against Palestinian Authority, Hamas

Hundreds of families whose loved ones were murdered or kidnapped on October 7 and of fallen IDF soldiers are suing the Palestinian Authority and Gaza-based terrorist organizations for over 2 billion shekels​

Elisha Ben Kimon|14:20

Three hundred bereaved families, including victims and hostages from the October 7 attack and IDF casualties, have joined the lawsuit filed by Shurat HaDin in the Jerusalem District Court.
The suit seeks over 2 billion shekels in damages from the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Islamic Jihad for the murders committed by terrorists against innocent civilians on October 7. In March, the lawsuit included 124 families.

הנזק לבתים בקיבות בארי

Kibbutz Be'eri
(צילום: REUTERS /Ronen Zvulun)

Among the new plaintiffs are the family of Maya Goren, who was kidnapped and murdered; the family of Aviv Baram, a sound producer murdered in Kfar Aza; the family of Eitan Mor, who is still held captive in Gaza; the family of Ron Shemer, murdered in Nova music festival; and the family of Gal Danguri, also murdered in the festival.

Other plaintiffs include relatives of Yamam (National Counter-Terrorism Unit) operative Chen Nahmias, who fell on October 7, and families of fallen IDF soldiers Michael Ben Hamu, Yakir Hakaster, David Schwartz and Neriya Zisk, among others. This landmark lawsuit has been filed following an expert security assessment that the Palestinian Authority annually transfers approximately $1 billion to Hamas in Gaza, partly to fund civilian infrastructure and payments to Hamas operatives.
Our goal is to strike at the vile murderers and those who sent them. If this lawsuit can achieve a bit of justice and possibly deter these forces of darkness, it will be our reward.
Shlomit Kalmanson, widow of Elchanan, a recipient of the Israel Prize for Civil Heroism, explained how she feels about the lawsuit that she joined. “On the morning of Simchat Torah, my beloved husband Elchanan went with his brother and nephew to Kibbutz Be'eri to rescue residents from Hamas terrorists. After about 16 hours under fire, a terrorist ambushed them in one of the houses. Elchanan was shot and did not return. Their actions saved nearly 100 people they had never met."

"The pain is immense, and this lawsuit cannot heal our wounds, lessen our sorrow, or diminish our longing. Our goal is to strike at the vile murderers and those who sent them. If this lawsuit can achieve a bit of justice and possibly deter these forces of darkness, it will be our reward. Elchanan wrote and told us how proud he was to see himself as part of the Jewish people’s enduring legacy in their land, and we continue his legacy.”

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, president of Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center, which represents the victims, stressed the importance of the lawsuit.

“Now more than ever, it is clear we must choke off the economic lifelines of terrorist organizations, alongside diplomatic and operational efforts on the ground. We will pursue every entity funding and supporting terrorism and hit them with economic and legal measures," she said. "Otherwise, these terror organizations will reestablish themselves and continue to act against Israel. Hamas is not a local militia but a sprawling organization attempting to destroy Israel from any territory, so we must also dismantle it financially.”
Killing 40,000 innocent people - creating Genocide - collective punishment - killing children in hospitals - killing people waiting for side and In refugee camps. Which bit are you and your parents proud of?
All of it.

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