Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

My parents were also escapees from Nazi Germany. A Star of David on a tank or warplane is a much better situation than one on a casket or armband.

Hundreds of millions of people in the middle east cannot be out at risk because you people can't live anywhere without creating so much anger Injustice and hatred

It's time to separate the populations, Jews need to go to Europe or America and see if they can make a go of it there, the populations of the middle east can't live alongside you monsters
The Taliban are a lesser evil, but they are still afghans at the end of the day and utter namak harams, but these don't pose any major strategic threats to the state and can be managed

Either they will comply or Pakistan will keep shutting the border and carrying out numerous IBOs

China humiliated India on the LAC for this reason alone, so Pakistan could deal with the fall out of the Afghan Republics fall
Im arguing with a moron / illiterate

My point stands pak army couldn’t even mop or respond to countless deaths by ANA,taliban,bps, Indian army etc
They were literal punch bags
Ppl on the old forum posted daily the deaths and the army hid the numbers
The generals acted passively and couldn’t give a shit about there deaths the strategic bullshit happened outside of Pakistans hands when in mattered the honour of the pak Jawaan didn’t mean shit to the drunk generals like bajwa
@GoMig-21 @Meengla

So, a part of it broke on Saturday, news coming out, the rest broke on Sunday of whatever remained.
At this point, why insult the living dead and just carpet bomb them and elevate the suffering at once?

Americans don't want to really help the Gazans and the Pier, while not for the forced-migration of Gazans, is a token gesture. You know, when you harp for decades about 'freedom and democracy' and 'human rights' blah blah then sometimes you have to 'appear' to be doing something to backup your words--however small that may be.
So nobody in American political circles (or circus!) is shedding tears over the [broken!] pier! And Israelis don't mind no pier at all.
However, I don't think the Gazans mind the pier much or it would have been destroyed. The Gazans need any morsel to eat, any drop to drink they can get.

PS. The broken pier costing $300+ million reflects very poorly on the American workmanship! Well, at least some 'Contractor' near Gaza made money. Why not then when many in the Congress milk every conflict!

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