Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

No they are NOT same.
Hamas is just a resistance movement came into being after years and years of oppression and genocide of local Palestinians.
Don't hide behind the words.
Good or Bad Hamas is the result of a protracted war that started many years ago from 7 October. The selective murdering of journalists like Abu Akleh who was head shoot two years ago and the nasty attack even in her funeral was the umpteenth provokation to the Gaza´s population. Mavi Mármara´s terrorist attack.
If zealots or sicarii we´re resistance movements, I agree with you that Hamas it is just the same.

Moreover, they can eliminate the whole population in Gaza, but at long term Israel will be defeated. This war has shown shortages and extreme dependence in US logistics and military support. Whenever US cannot satisfy their military demand Israel will easily fall apart.

If a spark it is ignited in Taiwan, US won´t afford to feed all military logistics and Israel will be deffinitively exposed to their fate... the loosing of their independence.
And nuclear weapons cannot be a guarantee. Basically because Iran is in the threshold and can develop nukes in few weeks. And soon and later that milestone can be achieved by Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

People won´t forget.
...Like most rulings from The Hague, this one will be ignored. Israel rightly says it is already in compliance with the court’s wishes—its Rafah offensive isn’t genocidal, so it need not be halted. No state in Israel’s place could do otherwise.

The ICJ also orders Israel to open the Rafah border crossing from Egypt. For weeks Israel has been begging Egypt to open that crossing. But since Israel, not Hamas, now controls Gaza’s side of the border, Egypt had refused, holding up 2,000 aid trucks. Only after President Biden called Egypt’s President on Friday did Cairo agree to reopen the crossing. But why was the ICJ blaming Israel?

A dissent on the court is notable. “The Court’s jurisdiction is limited to the Genocide Convention,” writes Julia Sebutinde of Uganda, and “there are no indicators of a genocidal intent on the part of Israel.” The ICJ case brought by South Africa includes examples of allegedly genocidal rhetoric from Israel, but her rejoinder is highly effective.

“The vast majority of the statements referred to the destruction of Hamas and not the Palestinian people,” she says. A few “renegade statements” by uninvolved officials were “highly criticized by the Israeli Government itself.” She finds that “South Africa has either placed the quotations out of context or simply misunderstood,” but also suggests another motive: “South Africa, and in particular certain organs of government, have enjoyed and continue to enjoy a cordial relationship with the leadership of Hamas.”

The inversion of international law is something to behold: Hamas slaughters Israeli civilians and hides behind its own so that Israel stands accused. The ICJ’s presiding judge is Lebanon’s Nawaf Salam, whose bias is outrageous. He has denounced Israel for decades and is active in Lebanese politics, having twice been a candidate for prime minister since joining the bench in The Hague.

The transparent nature of the ICJ ruling has the benefit of making it easier to dismiss. Israel is advancing in Rafah and intends to halt in a few weeks when the job is done. Only when Hamas is defeated in Rafah can war in Gaza ebb.

Ignore international orders at your own peril, you and your band of Nazi genociders will be held to account.
Ignore international orders at your own peril, you and your band of Nazi genociders will be held to account.
To be honest
I think it's better they get away with it and enjoy this world.

The God of Moses AS will exact a just punishment.
Why doesnt he have an arrest warrant?
the ICC prosecutor is likely working on his arrest warrant application, priorities had to be made, these applications take years to prepare because they need to be well supported so they can't be refused

Following reports on Rafah attack: Arab-Israeli activist explains how Hamas deceives

Dr. Shmuel Katz, one of the founders of StandWithUs reiterates, "Hamas propaganda amplifies stories to suit their narrative, and nobody checks the facts before making any judgment on Israel.

Israel National News
Israel National News
May 28, 2024, 6:52 PM (GMT+3)

Yoseph Hadad, an Arab-Israeli activist and advocacy activist for Israel, explains how Hamas takes situations and turns them around to deceive world opinion. "This has happened repeatedly", he says, "nobody checks the facts, Hamas makes blatant accusations against Israel, and the world blames Israel for Hamas’ crimes".

Dr. Shmuel Katz, one of the founders of StandWithUs, commented on this video:

“Never believe the propaganda machines that exploit events and cause harm to more innocent people than you can imagine. Wisdom lies in waiting for the real facts before making any decision. Hamas propaganda manipulates your innocence to deceive you. They amplify stories to suit their narrative, and nobody checks the facts. The clear evidence presented in this video shows that the deaths are attributable to Hamas, driving home the rule: verify the facts before making any judgment on Israel. This pattern has repeated itself numerous times during this war, including in the IDF’s raid on Shifa Hospital, which Hamas had turned into a military installation—a textbook war crime.”

Following reports on Rafah attack: Arab-Israeli activist explains how Hamas deceives

Dr. Shmuel Katz, one of the founders of StandWithUs reiterates, "Hamas propaganda amplifies stories to suit their narrative, and nobody checks the facts before making any judgment on Israel.

Israel National News
Israel National News
May 28, 2024, 6:52 PM (GMT+3)

Yoseph Hadad, an Arab-Israeli activist and advocacy activist for Israel, explains how Hamas takes situations and turns them around to deceive world opinion. "This has happened repeatedly", he says, "nobody checks the facts, Hamas makes blatant accusations against Israel, and the world blames Israel for Hamas’ crimes".

Dr. Shmuel Katz, one of the founders of StandWithUs, commented on this video:

“Never believe the propaganda machines that exploit events and cause harm to more innocent people than you can imagine. Wisdom lies in waiting for the real facts before making any decision. Hamas propaganda manipulates your innocence to deceive you. They amplify stories to suit their narrative, and nobody checks the facts. The clear evidence presented in this video shows that the deaths are attributable to Hamas, driving home the rule: verify the facts before making any judgment on Israel. This pattern has repeated itself numerous times during this war, including in the IDF’s raid on Shifa Hospital, which Hamas had turned into a military installation—a textbook war crime.”
According to Israel, ICC and ICJ and the entire world are Hamas propagandists too

They can never admit Israel committed crimes or is guilty, always deflecting
I never used the Word "white".
Yes, a lange number is white, but not all of them.
After Spain got rid of the Moorish occupation of hundreds of years, white was determined by the term, 'blue blood's. Look at the veins on the back of one's hands. Do they appear blue? The person is white.

That's my definition of white, a time tested method used for hundreds of years.
Honestly, it served no purpose besides an election stunt. The Americans taught the Muslims in the US are as stupid as the whites. The land corridors need to be opened and manned by an international force, as the amount needed can't be serviced through the pier.

My other concern is that the Israelis might rush to steal it, because if they don't, someone else will.

@GoMig-21 @Meengla

So, a part of it broke on Saturday, news coming out, the rest broke on Sunday of whatever remained.

At this point, why insult the living dead and just carpet bomb them and elevate the suffering at once?
After Spain got rid of the Moorish occupation of hundreds of years, white was determined by the term, 'blue blood's. Look at the veins on the back of one's hands. Do they appear blue? The person is white.

That's my definition of white, a time tested method used for hundreds of years.
Israel is a divided society. The dominant part is religious and are basically European ( dutch are the most powerful ones here). Then in military and politics, slavics are the most powerful people. Then we have general masses, the less powerful part which is comprised of Yemini, Moroccan, Ethopean, Indian, Spanish, even Pakistani.
So tnats how this tutty fruitti is made up of.
Israel event protests show best of America and Israel
ByTom Rogan

May 24, 2024 3:45 pm
The Israeli Embassy hosted an event at the National Building Museum in Washington celebrating Israel’s 76th anniversary on Thursday. Attendees such as House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) offered a somber tone reflective of world events. Still, the event served as a useful reminder of pluralistic democracy and the democratic values Israel uniquely embodies in the Middle East.

A throng of approximately 50 protesters was spread out at various positions on the perimeter of the National Building Museum. This meant a large number of attendees had to walk past these protesters to get to the event’s entry line. And while a large number of police officers and Department of Homeland Security personnel were present, the noise and intimidation tactics employed by the protesters were robust. The protesters played screeching sounds emulating dying children. They shouted, “Shame on you!” at guests and accused them of being complicit in murder. They attempted to stare down every guest who walked by, often raising up red-stained hands in front of them. Some guests clearly felt intimidated, avoiding eye contact as they walked by.

That said, the protesters apparently did not take kindly to guests stopping and staring them down in return. Similarly, while the protesters took photos and video recordings of guests who walked by, as in the first photo below, they did not appear to enjoy having the same courtesy extended back to them.

Still, the tenor and proximity of these protesters to those in attendance speaks to American exceptionalism. These protesters would have been forced far further from the event’s entry point in most of Western Europe, for example. There, as in much of the democratic world, the legal balance between intimidation and free speech falls to the former. But the American way of putting free speech first, especially on matters of public import, is a far better one. The health of a vibrant democracy requires the right to make an argument passionately. This is important both for the individual’s imbued confidence in his own freedom but also for the societal interest in a robust, unrestrained exchange of ideas.

Yes, this free speech paradigm must go both ways. Pro-Israel protesters must be provided the same rights of proximate protest at a pro-Palestinian event, for example. And where people engage in violence or unlawful incitement to violence (which, under U.S. law, rightly requires intent for imminent violence and a likelihood of such violence), they should be arrested and charged to the fullest extent of the law. But whether on Israel, gender matters, or any other concern, free speech must be prioritized over feelings of upset at said speech.

Of course, in that same consideration, this event also showed the best of Israel. In contrast with the protesters’ offering of emulated death and vitriolic fury, this anniversary event celebrated a vibrant democracy and the better sustainment of the Jewish people. For Jews to walk past screaming fanatics must be painful and infuriating. And the protesters’ hypocrisy must also be noted here. After all, were roles reversed and were this a pro-Palestinian event in Gaza or the West Bank and the protesters outside it instead supporting Israel, one would imagine those protesters would not get the same free speech protections as they received here or would, if to a slightly lesser degree, receive in Israel.

But in the end, that’s what makes America and Israel far better than their enemies. And why those enemies must never be allowed to triumph.
(Tom Rogan)
(Tom Rogan)

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