Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Correct. Bringing the anti-Erdogan/anti-Turkey projection to defend the indefensible Israeli action shows a lack of maturity; Indian bloggers do that too when they project their anti-Pakistan feelings to become anti-Muslim/anti-Palestinians and pro-Israel.

The Israeli actions against the Palestinians were for decades indefensible and remain indefensible and now the almost entire world is in agreement with what I am saying. Obfuscation, projecting and unnecessary references to History can't hide that.
There is this, those who see through hate invariably see with one eye.
I don't think it's smart to support hamas and many in Europe have utmost sympathy for Gaza yet will still never suppose hamas.

It is not supporting Hamas per se but the right to armed resistance.

Those who understand why the tiny western minority of the world branded Hamas as "terrorist organisation" know the real reason is to delegitimise armed resistance against occupation of Palestine.
It is not supporting Hamas per se but the right to armed resistance.

Those who understand why the tiny western minority of the world branded Hamas as "terrorist organisation" know the real reason is to delegitimise armed resistance against occupation of Palestine.

I see this, and the western media pundits themselves say more hamas will be created with Israeli actions thereby explaining the logic of resistance.

That's probably unwittingly a big admission and better to leave it at that.
Secondly, a consistent and historical Jewish presence should and has never been questioned.
But there has been a consistent and historical Jewish presence in Palestine. Even in the early 20th century,they were about 1/3 of the population.

iggest supporters of jewish settler colonialism are not jewish, actually those are white europeans evangelistic christians and they are dominant group among europeans/westerners in global.
Evangelicals aren't necessarily white and they are mostly American.

Actually arabs invented modern hebrew language.
Yala,khalas 😂

So is Fatah/PA worse than a Quisling?? Their so-called President can't even leave Ramallah without Israel's permission! They are a joke. J.O.K.E!!
He can't leave? Maybe because of the Israeli oppression? Are you kidding me? Remember when the IDF was besieging Arafat's office in Ramallah? In your opinion,in order for them to be taken seriously,they should be launching dumb attacks that have no strategic significance,but on the contrary are the cause of heavy reprisals by the yahood?

He is dishonest and closeted islamophobe.
You're an idiot for even saying that. And @UKBengali you're naive for agreeing with him. You're saying I'm dishonest? If I was dishonest,I would have come here and cheering Hamas like an American liberal campus student. I'm giving you an honest and personal opinion. The fact that for you,everything Hamas does is a rainbow of human kindness and love,that means you are being dishonest and not me.

Hamas has been acting like a gang,running Gaza like a mafia organization for 14 years. They are ruthless and selfish. All they care about is having a Palestine under their rule.

'power-hungey and unrealistic'? Have you read the Likud Charter? Have you not noticed that the longest serving and ELECTED PM of Israel is Netanyahu who is from Likud and who is finally publicly starting to boast about his decades-old machinations to thwart a Palestinian State? Who elected him for so long?? Does he not represent the 'will' of the Israeli people?
Captain Obvious,we all know that Netanyahu wants to see Palestinians kicked out or exterminated. My point is there have been other governments ever since Hamas was formed and ever since Hamas took power. Likud wasn't the only party ruling the country,yet Hamas ideology is "flstn from the river to the see,no zews,no zews,kick all the zews". If Likud is "Khamash and balastinians kol terrorists",then Hamas' is "we want all of it or nothing".

And you're destroying your own argument right now,because when you say Likud and Netanyahu represent the wil of the Israeli people,doesn't that mean that Hamas represents the will of the Palestinian people? You're making your own argument worse.

Correct. Bringing the anti-Erdogan/anti-Turkey projection to defend the indefensible Israeli action shows a lack of maturity; Indian bloggers do that too when they project their anti-Pakistan feelings to become anti-Muslim/anti-Palestinians and pro-Israel.
Hold on a second there. Where exactly did you see me mention Erdogan or Turkey here? And where did you see me defending Israeli actions?

Are you seeing things? Imagining stuff? Are you on acid? Mulj says something dumb and you expand on it and make it sound like fact? Go on and show me where the f did I defend Israeli war crimes or where did I even mention Turkey on this thread?

MB because they have good relations, in essence considering that muslim version of democracy is terrorism
The MB are radicals who have been messing up entire countries,historically trying to seize power with violence or other means. Not everything revolves around Turkey,you know. Just giving you a heads up,because it seems you're obsessed with your Ottoman past. The Muslim Brotherhood has been a threat to numerous countries that have a secular,Panarabist or mild islamic character.
But there has been a consistent and historical Jewish presence in Palestine. Even in the early 20th century,they were about 1/3 of the population.
Yes, of Arab and other oriental Jews, not European descended.

So the other Jews were mostly Eastern European descended, thus the original point.
It is not supporting Hamas per se but the right to armed resistance.

Those who understand why the tiny western minority of the world branded Hamas as "terrorist organisation" know the real reason is to delegitimise armed resistance against occupation of Palestine.
"Tiny western minority"

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 16-33-56 Hamas - Wikipedia.png

The entire EU is a "tiny western minority"

Yes,what a tiny minority.

Where do you draw the line for someone to be a freedom fighter? What's the limit? What is forbidden? What's honorable and what's dishonorable? Where does one cross the line and stops being a freedom fighter and becomes a criminal?
"Tiny western minority"

View attachment 43824

The entire EU is a "tiny western minority"

Yes,what a tiny minority.

Where do you draw the line for someone to be a freedom fighter? What's the limit? What is forbidden? What's honorable and what's dishonorable? Where does one cross the line and stops being a freedom fighter and becomes a criminal?

Yes still just 20% of the world's countries and population.

Argentina joined the list of shame recently as that nutjob(Jewish bloodline) got into power.

Look if you want to hold a fringe view in the world then so be it.

Now since you are all "democracies" and can make you own mind up, why do you all agree that Hamas are a "terrorist organisation"? Think only Norway and neutral Switzerland were able to think for themselves and not be bullied by the big boys.

No one(bar US slave Japan) outside the west takes your position seriously and so tell us do you support the right of the Palestinians to armed resistance against their occupiers?
But there has been a consistent and historical Jewish presence in Palestine. Even in the early 20th century,they were about 1/3 of the population.

Evangelicals aren't necessarily white and they are mostly American.

Yala,khalas 😂

He can't leave? Maybe because of the Israeli oppression? Are you kidding me? Remember when the IDF was besieging Arafat's office in Ramallah? In your opinion,in order for them to be taken seriously,they should be launching dumb attacks that have no strategic significance,but on the contrary are the cause of heavy reprisals by the yahood?

You're an idiot for even saying that. And @UKBengali you're naive for agreeing with him. You're saying I'm dishonest? If I was dishonest,I would have come here and cheering Hamas like an American liberal campus student. I'm giving you an honest and personal opinion. The fact that for you,everything Hamas does is a rainbow of human kindness and love,that means you are being dishonest and not me.

Hamas has been acting like a gang,running Gaza like a mafia organization for 14 years. They are ruthless and selfish. All they care about is having a Palestine under their rule.

Captain Obvious,we all know that Netanyahu wants to see Palestinians kicked out or exterminated. My point is there have been other governments ever since Hamas was formed and ever since Hamas took power. Likud wasn't the only party ruling the country,yet Hamas ideology is "flstn from the river to the see,no zews,no zews,kick all the zews". If Likud is "Khamash and balastinians kol terrorists",then Hamas' is "we want all of it or nothing".

And you're destroying your own argument right now,because when you say Likud and Netanyahu represent the wil of the Israeli people,doesn't that mean that Hamas represents the will of the Palestinian people? You're making your own argument worse.

Hold on a second there. Where exactly did you see me mention Erdogan or Turkey here? And where did you see me defending Israeli actions?

Are you seeing things? Imagining stuff? Are you on acid? Mulj says something dumb and you expand on it and make it sound like fact? Go on and show me where the f did I defend Israeli war crimes or where did I even mention Turkey on this thread?

The MB are radicals who have been messing up entire countries,historically trying to seize power with violence or other means. Not everything revolves around Turkey,you know. Just giving you a heads up,because it seems you're obsessed with your Ottoman past. The Muslim Brotherhood has been a threat to numerous countries that have a secular,Panarabist or mild islamic character.
You are dumb and malicious, nothing extreme in MB, normal political party, western ones are much worse.
Are you seeing things? Imagining stuff? Are you on acid? Mulj says something dumb and you expand on it and make it sound like fact? Go on and show me where the f did I defend Israeli war crimes or where did I even mention Turkey on this thread?

Oh, my bad, engaging with an obvious hypocrite like you. I now remember calling you a 'hypocrite' in the old PDF on this thread.
Yes, you may 'condemn' Netanyahu and Israel here and there to appear 'balanced' but the overwhelming condemnation from you is against the Palestinians--and that's not hard to tell. And @mulj is right: Your bias is coming from your anti-Turkey feelings and while you may not have said anti-Turkey in this thread in the new PDF, your previous posts don't hide that. Similar to you, occasionally Indians popup here and even bring Pakistan bashing in this thread, except, unlike you, they are less careful.
You are going to be the guy #4 on my Ignore list after this. Enjoy hypocrisy and obfuscation!
You are dumb and malicious, nothing extreme in MB, normal political party, western ones are much worse.

I have seen videos of social life in Gaza prior to this conflict and I didn't see a repressive regime like the Taliban have. Whatever tight control existed in Gaza is because of the war-like situation there for decades--Israeli spies and informers.
I have seen videos of social life in Gaza prior to this conflict and I didn't see a repressive regime like the Taliban have. Whatever tight control existed in Gaza is because of the war-like situation there for decades--Israeli spies and informers.

Gaza is like a ghetto, it's completely isolated place. The hypocrisy is Israel is responsible for the situation and then complains about what comes out of there, what do they expect? They starve a population, control its supplies, kill them at will and they expect popcorns to come out of it.
The headline at Times of Israel right now. What a day for Palestine! The so-called 'The Last outpost of the West in the Middle East' is bitch-slapped by some in the West itself.

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We spaniards believe in the freedom of Palestine. Moreover, when US loose the arms race against China and Russia, there won´t be enough money for subsidizing the israeli independence. At that point each muslim believer will pay back the nefarious crimes of Israel. Be patient, friends, their time will come. There are not enough money for feeding sharks everywhere.
But there has been a consistent and historical Jewish presence in Palestine. Even in the early 20th century,they were about 1/3 of the population.

No you have been reading some biased Zionist sources it seems.

The historical Jewish population for over a millenum has been 5-10% of the population. I think it was something like 7% at the start of WW1.

Only when the British took over then that 5-10% became 1/3rd by WW2 as they allowed in hundreds of thousands of European Jews to immigrate from after WW1 to just before WW2.

Small Jewish population that has had continued presence in Palestine for millenia is fine but not these imports that turned up from the time when the British took over.
Care to explain? Unanimous consensus is the rich, powerful Jewish friends in America in platforms like AIPAC are probably the number one supporters of Israel outside of Israel. What you are saying contradicts all widely held opinions, including by Max Blumenthal, John Mearsheimer and Norman Finklestein.
There are a lot of reasons, but it was talking in that post about Germany recognition of ICC chase order against Bibi.

Europe has not own foreign policy, they take USA orders, so that is a USA order.

Yesterday Zelensky came to Spain to get one billion dollars of military aid, it was not discussed in the Spain congress, so it must be direct USA orders.

USA orders to Europe is suicide themselves against Russia in Ukraine, and harassing Israel through ICC, Palestinian state recognition and so on.

By the other side, it's not a secret that George Soros is a very influent person in USA politics, and he is a known anti-zionist.

Soros talk like a goddam ruler, here a example of a article of him in 2015 about USA China relations:

Of course, USA publicly is a friend of Israel and Israel has a lot of real friends in USA.

But I'm talking about high important decisions of USA, the kind of decisions that make Europe send military help to Zelensky, or to instigate harassing against Israel to keep the conflict burning in ME, the kind of decisions that it could start future bigger wars.

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