Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Your claim is not entirely correct and again puts everyone in the same basket. You are obssesed with race and "white people".

Instead of just saying "Jewish settlers" you go on again with your narration of evil Europeans,evil white people etc.

You obviously disregard the fact that a massive amount of people in Europe,maybe even the majority,are against Israeli war crimes and occupation.
Biggest supporters of jewish settler colonialism are not jewish, actually those are white europeans evangelistic christians and they are dominant group among europeans/westerners in global.
Europe invented the hebrew language and jewish identity? You're missing a few thousand years of history. Put the yiddish and Ladino aside,the Jewish identity and language has existed for thousands of years. That's a historical fact.
When you and the others go on ranting about "white European settlers",it offends everyone on the forum who's from Europe. Imagine if one would go like "you southeast asian muzzies always terrorists" or "Europe's problem is the brown people coming from the subcontinent hur dur" understand how that sounds now?
Actually arabs invented modern hebrew language.
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Calling Fatah and the PA "Quisling regime" is exaggeration. Come on!
So is Fatah/PA worse than a Quisling?? Their so-called President can't even leave Ramallah without Israel's permission! They are a joke. J.O.K.E!!
They are power-hungry and unrealistic. They see what the situation has been in the West Bank and Gaza for years and instead of trying to find a realistic approach,they go on with the same hardline narration they've been using for decades: "Either all of falastin or nothing". This is ridiculous. They have been on the verge of annihilation and they kept dreaming of liberating the entire country and driving out all Jews out of there.
'power-hungey and unrealistic'? Have you read the Likud Charter? Have you not noticed that the longest serving and ELECTED PM of Israel is Netanyahu who is from Likud and who is finally publicly starting to boast about his decades-old machinations to thwart a Palestinian State? Who elected him for so long?? Does he not represent the 'will' of the Israeli people?

And, yes, Hamas will eventually disband after Peace and Palestine are established. Until then they and others in Gaza are needed as the last bulwark against Israel's plans to take the total control of all of Palestine.
But Hamas are terrorists. They are an extremist group. A branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The fact that Netanyahu and his friends have been demolishing Gaza and killing tens of thousands of Palestinians the last 6 months,doesn't mean that Hamas isn't a terrorist organization. They are both evil.
They are not, only for white and pseudo white colonial supremacist, it is liberation movement as any other in the world from their ocuppiers
So is Fatah/PA worse than a Quisling?? Their so-called President can't even leave Ramallah without Israel's permission! They are a joke. J.O.K.E!!

'power-hungey and unrealistic'? Have you read the Likud Charter? Have you not noticed that the longest serving and ELECTED PM of Israel is Netanyahu who is from Likud and who is finally publicly starting to boast about his decades-old machinations to thwart a Palestinian State? Who elected him for so long?? Does he not represent the 'will' of the Israeli people?

And, yes, Hamas will eventually disband after Peace and Palestine are established. Until then they and others in Gaza are needed as the last bulwark against Israel's plans to take the total control of all of Palestine.
He is dishonest and closeted islamophobe.
Your claim is not entirely correct and again puts everyone in the same basket. You are obssesed with race and "white people".

Instead of just saying "Jewish settlers" you go on again with your narration of evil Europeans,evil white people etc.

You obviously disregard the fact that a massive amount of people in Europe,maybe even the majority,are against Israeli war crimes and occupation.

Some good points raised and I will reflect on what words I use.
If he was honest then he would go against the western narrative that Hamas are terrorists.

That is the giveaway that he is not sincere and impartial.
I know his game he is anti Erdgan meaning that he is anti MB because they have good relations, in essence considering that muslim version of democracy is terrorism, to transparent in his hate altough he try it hide via various obfusications.
Meanwhile jewish real terrorist continue their genocide.
Europe invented the hebrew language and jewish identity? You're missing a few thousand years of history. Put the yiddish and Ladino aside,the Jewish identity and language has existed for thousands of years. That's a historical fact.
When you and the others go on ranting about "white European settlers",it offends everyone on the forum who's from Europe. Imagine if one would go like "you southeast asian muzzies always terrorists" or "Europe's problem is the brown people coming from the subcontinent hur dur" understand how that sounds now?

I respect that you say what you do even though you know it's not popular I think you mean this sincerely, but the project of Zionist Israel was a European settler project, now I am not sure you can be more granular than this because they came from all over Europe,or am I wrong

Secondly, a consistent and historical Jewish presence should and has never been questioned.

That's totally aside from people who came with the Zionist project who like to pretend it's all one, it's not and we see this in Israel today.
I disagree

He is very open about his beliefs. Cut him some slack.

He doesn't support what israel is doing so we shouldn't antagonise him further.
He is irrelevant grifter and fraud.
If he was honest then he would go against the western narrative that Hamas are terrorists.

That is the giveaway that he is not sincere and impartial.
I don't think it's smart to support hamas and many in Europe have utmost sympathy for Gaza yet will still never suppose hamas.
I know his game he is anti Erdgan meaning that he is anti MB because they have good relations, in essence considering that muslim version of democracy is terrorism, to transparent in his hate altough he try it hide via various obfusications.
Meanwhile jewish real terrorist continue their genocide.

Correct. Bringing the anti-Erdogan/anti-Turkey projection to defend the indefensible Israeli action shows a lack of maturity; Indian bloggers do that too when they project their anti-Pakistan feelings to become anti-Muslim/anti-Palestinians and pro-Israel.

The Israeli actions against the Palestinians were for decades indefensible and remain indefensible and now the almost entire world is in agreement with what I am saying. Obfuscation, projecting and unnecessary references to History can't hide that.

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