Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Truth hurts doesn't it.

We are constantly told in Europe that we must support Israel because it represents western and judeo-christian values. It represents the civilised west.

You can't have your cake and eat it. Until Israel is completely abandoned by the West we are obliged to use the terms you find so unsavoury.
Your claim is not entirely correct and again puts everyone in the same basket. You are obssesed with race and "white people".

Instead of just saying "Jewish settlers" you go on again with your narration of evil Europeans,evil white people etc.

You obviously disregard the fact that a massive amount of people in Europe,maybe even the majority,are against Israeli war crimes and occupation.
Israel is ultimately a European project, british to be exact. You brought everyone be it from Maxico, Algeria, Yemen, USA and everywhere else to Palestine for the fake country of Israel. Europe invented that Habriew language and the whole jewish identity.
Thats why I call them European settlers besides the fact that they are not purely european.
Europe invented the hebrew language and jewish identity? You're missing a few thousand years of history. Put the yiddish and Ladino aside,the Jewish identity and language has existed for thousands of years. That's a historical fact.
When you and the others go on ranting about "white European settlers",it offends everyone on the forum who's from Europe. Imagine if one would go like "you southeast asian muzzies always terrorists" or "Europe's problem is the brown people coming from the subcontinent hur dur" understand how that sounds now?
Your claim is not entirely correct and again puts everyone in the same basket. You are obssesed with race and "white people".

Instead of just saying "Jewish settlers" you go on again with your narration of evil Europeans,evil white people etc.

You obviously disregard the fact that a massive amount of people in Europe,maybe even the majority,are against Israeli war crimes and occupation.

You need to go easy here and not take things personally

Without support from western(i.e "white") countries this colonial settler project would not be here now.

It does not matter what the common westerner thinks but what their governments think.

Just think would anyone outside the western world give two hoots if the Palestinians reclaimed their homeland? No as the establishment of a Jewish entity on someone else's land was wrong then and is wrong now and most would be very happy and that includes a lot of non-Muslim countries.

The people that run the terrorist outfit(Netanyahu, Gallant, Gantz) in Palestine are all of European origin. The Arab Jews are just there for the ride and were only allowed in as they could not attract enough European heritage Jewish settlers!

If you do not want to be associated with these terrorists then at the very least stop taking sides and saying Hamas are terrorists as most of the non-western world calls them freedom fighters. Only US slave Japan also calls them terrorists. Saying the entity has the right to not be resisted by violence by occupied Palestinians is both against international law and taking sides.
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Europe invented the hebrew language and jewish identity? You're missing a few thousand years of history. Put the yiddish and Ladino aside,the Jewish identity and language has existed for thousands of years. That's a historical fact.
When you and the others go on ranting about "white European settlers",it offends everyone on the forum who's from Europe. Imagine if one would go like "you southeast asian muzzies always terrorists" or "Europe's problem is the brown people coming from the subcontinent hur dur" understand how that sounds now?
Look at the thread title and look where you have ended up at?
The current conflict is one of genocide and ethnic cleansing of a region with collective punishment of almost 40,000 people yet you want to focus on phrasology and where these animals came from?
Come on at least focus on the thread - rven if your posts are devoid of concern about the 1000s of kids and women being slaughtered............
Your claim is not entirely correct and again puts everyone in the same basket. You are obssesed with race and "white people".

Instead of just saying "Jewish settlers" you go on again with your narration of evil Europeans,evil white people etc.

You obviously disregard the fact that a massive amount of people in Europe,maybe even the majority,are against Israeli war crimes and occupation.
Fascism, racism, Zionism and any kind of savagery that has annoyed human kind so far has started from Europe. You have had savages that history hasn't seen before. Series of world wars was thanks to European savages.
Look at the thread title and look where you have ended up at?
The current conflict is one of genocide and ethnic cleansing of a region with collective punishment of almost 40,000 people yet you want to focus on phrasology and where these animals came from?
Come on at least focus on the thread - rven if your posts are devoid of concern about the 1000s of kids and women being slaughtered............
And that's exactly why he can't put us in the same basket.
If you do not want to be associated with these terrorists then at the very least stop taking sides and saying Hamas are terrorists as most of the non-western world calls them freedom fighters.
But Hamas are terrorists. They are an extremist group. A branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The fact that Netanyahu and his friends have been demolishing Gaza and killing tens of thousands of Palestinians the last 6 months,doesn't mean that Hamas isn't a terrorist organization. They are both evil.
Fascism, racism, Zionism and any kind of savagery that has annoyed human kind so far has started from Europe. You have had savages that history hasn't seen before. Series of world wars was thanks to European savages.
Oh because racism and savagery didn't exist in the Middle-East,Asia and the Americas since ancient times? :rolleyes: And don't you dare tell me "not at this scale". The amount of massacres and savagery that has taken place in Asia and other parts of the world is on a grand scale. Yet,here we go again blaming everything on "european savages".
Who actually moved from Europe.

Rather than focusing on the "wording" etc - lets come to the realisation that ethnic cleansing and genocide is being committed - be it European settlers or American - the main focus should be on the catastrophy the world has allowed on the Palestinian people.....

He is trying to twist the logic, but in this case evidence is crystal clear, majority of them has european roots including american ones.

Even when some random guy has a fame because he has some level of power or has done something brilliant, they try to convince that guy has some jewish items or roots within. They have web pages where look ups saying who is a jew or not. It s ridiculous.
But Hamas are terrorists. They are an extremist group. A branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The fact that Netanyahu and his friends have been demolishing Gaza and killing tens of thousands of Palestinians the last 6 months,doesn't mean that Hamas isn't a terrorist organization. They are both evil.

There you go again.

Only the west(with US slave Japan) consider Hamas terrorists.

This is an extreme minority position in the world or you think the west knows more than the rest of the world combined as to what a terrorist group is?

80% of the world's countries consider Hamas as freedom fighters.

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