Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Even the favorite pop-geo strategic analyst of many of the policy makers is comparing the famine portion of the genocide to approaching the level of starvation of Ethiopia in the 1984, 40 years ago. (4:07-4:17)

6:47-7:17, literally concludes that Israel can’t win unless they kill everyone.

We have a word for that… isn’t that genocide.

This is the level of starvation they acknowledge is going on in Gaza :mad:
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80% of the world's countries consider Hamas as freedom fighters.
They are butchers who don't care about their own civilians. If you can't see that,it's a pity. They run Gaza like a mafia. They brutally fought against Fatah in 2008 and they betrayed some of their supporters like Syria and Iran back in 2011-2012 when the war in Syria started. Just because the IDF has been exterminating the Palestinians in Gaza,doesn't mean Hamas is a benevolent or heroic "freedom fighter" organization.
The headline at Times of Israel right now. What a day for Palestine! The so-called 'The Last outpost of the West in the Middle East' is bitch-slapped by some in the West itself.

They are butchers who don't care about their own civilians. If you can't see that,it's a pity. They run Gaza like a mafia. They brutally fought against Fatah in 2008 and they betrayed some of their supporters like Syria and Iran back in 2011-2012 when the war in Syria started. Just because the IDF has been exterminating the Palestinians in Gaza,doesn't mean Hamas is a benevolent or heroic "freedom fighter" organization.

Palestinians have the true right to defend themselves. STFU.
Palestinians have the true right to defend themselves. STFU.

Yep they(West) made Hamas a "terrorist organisation" as part of the agenda with the Zionist terrorists to delegitimise armed resistance against the occupiers.

That is why when some Euro dudes say nothing to do with us, it is hard to take them seriously.
Your don't need to dig too deep. When Iran struck Israel, who defended Israel? And when Israel struck back, who supported the Israeli attack?.... The midget *king* and his British whore family.
I am talking about the idea of spreading false rumors. We need 10000% correct facts and rumors and not some nonsense gibberish.
They are butchers who don't care about their own civilians. If you can't see that,it's a pity. They run Gaza like a mafia. They brutally fought against Fatah in 2008 and they betrayed some of their supporters like Syria and Iran back in 2011-2012 when the war in Syria started. Just because the IDF has been exterminating the Palestinians in Gaza,doesn't mean Hamas is a benevolent or heroic "freedom fighter" organization.

You conveniently forgot to mention that Hamas had won the mid 2000's elections and yet the Quisling regime of Fatah was being imposed over Gaza; the PA were and are a sell-outs!
And I don't know what happened in 2011/12: My guess is that like any cornered, imprisoned and desperate freedom movement, the Gazans, too, would take any help, anytime they can get. They are not some big players with luxury to pick and choose help--already they face Israel backed by the mightiest Superpower and its allies.
One day, when Peace and Palestine are established, Hamas would disband in its current form and like such movements will become part of the next political setup. It happens all the time--happened in case of the Israel's own formation where the former 'terrorists' became the Founders of the nation.

So context is very very important, which you are missing.
Gaza is the most documented genocide in history and cucks are still demanding 10000% evidence.


Not like that. You misunderstand me. Why to spread a rumor that can't be sure if it is true yes or no. Ofc Gaz is well documented and it is good so the world wakes up and see the Palestinian's suffering. But here we are talking about maybe the involvements of Jordanian King in the Tent Massacre few days ago. That is a BIG CLAIM .You are saying things that I didn't say.
You conveniently forgot to mention that Hamas had won the mid 2000's elections
There's no doubt they won the elections. Back then,there was a lot of disatisfaction with Fatah. I remember a greek documentary from the early 2000s saying: "They Palestinians don't blame the President(Arafat),but the people around him".
yet the Quisling regime of Fatah was being imposed over Gaza; the PA were and are a sell-outs!
Calling Fatah and the PA "Quisling regime" is exaggeration. Come on!

And I don't know what happened in 2011/12: My guess is that like any cornered, imprisoned and desperate freedom movement, the Gazans, too, would take any help, anytime they can get.
It's simple. The FSA and majority of those who initially started the uprising in Syria,where MB. Hamas is MB,so they rushed to support them and turned their backs on the Syrian government,Iran and Hizbollah.

One day, when Peace and Palestine are established, Hamas would disband in its current form and like such movements will become part of the next political setup. It happens all the time--happened in case of the Israel's own formation where the former 'terrorists' became the Founders of the nation.
Man,don't be so naive. Hamas would never disband their brigades,would never disband and peacefully become a political party. Hamas wants a Palestine with them on top. They want to establish a hardcore islamic State with them at the head or nothing.

They are power-hungry and unrealistic. They see what the situation has been in the West Bank and Gaza for years and instead of trying to find a realistic approach,they go on with the same hardline narration they've been using for decades: "Either all of falastin or nothing". This is ridiculous. They have been on the verge of annihilation and they kept dreaming of liberating the entire country and driving out all Jews out of there.
Israel actually beheads children and not a single news report about it. But the fake news about Hamas so-called beheadings was mass reported....

Yes but propaganda doesn't win wars and wars, despite the misconceptions, is not lost on the negotiating tables. Wars are won and lost on the battlefields. Just look at the latest example of that: While the Palestinians certainly have a vast support spanning all the continents of this world, what did Russia have against Ukraine? Maybe a tepid support in the Global South but a vast hostility in the West. But Russians knew that they needed to do their job on the battlefields--and they are accomplishing that.
So should the Gazans: Keep bleeding Israel by working with regional militias in a prolonged war of attrition which Israel cannot win. The global protests and press is helpful but the conflict will be decided on the battlefields!

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