Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This forum is full of people who have been advocating a full fledged Hezbollah attack on Israel from Day One; I have held my opinion that the ongoing War of Attrition is the best course forward. Hezbollah is going to target deeper into Israel but they have so far not lost sight of the strategic calculations: Bleed Israel in such a way so as to not drag a reluctant America into it.
Unfortunately, until November 6, Netanyahu has the free hand to push for a regional war to try to drag the Americans in. He keeps slapping Iran and the Resistance on their faces to provoke that. There is no question in my and many Western pro Palestinian analysts mind about Netanyahu's strategy.

I'm one of those who advocated that Hezbollah should have attacked on day one while Israel was in a state of shock and rocketed the f_ck out of their bases and other infrastructure. But what has been done is depleted Hamas and contained it within Gaza, and the entire focus will now be on Hezbollah.

I will still advocate and push for a full-scale assault on Israel; because from where I’m seeing things, Israel will hit as we are seeing Western capitals giving half ass responses.
First of all, I probably am the only person here comment on this issue without Bias, and I have been correct for several issue, including this war will lead to hundred of thousand of Palestinian Casualty, which when I said that, the Idea of IDF will simply destroy Gaza seems like a funny idea for you and a lot of people.

The issue here is you are talking about some remotely tangible thing that can't compare, sure, 100 of thousand of Israel left their home in Northern Gaza and don't know when they will be back, but then is it the same as hundreds of Israeli Iphone being booby-trapped and multiple IDF high echelon being assassinated. That's what the IDF is doing even before any hostility.

As I said before, a South Lebanon conflict is no good for either side, but then that doesn't negate what had happened.

I wouldn't say the 60 square mile stripe that virtually have levelled and with a few building standing is "Handicapped" Israel, how many people IDF loses? 2, 3000? How many Gazan is dead or is going to die? Let me spell this out for you, even if IDF left Gaza tomorrow, and give Palestinian their statehood, let's say this happen. Israel will care about jack all in Gaza, they won't send in food, water, fuel, electricity, they won't open their border, they are going to wash their hand on Gaza, and do you know how many % of Gaza infrastructure rely on Israel? Look at the aid distribution, you are talking about 5 to 15% of aid coming thru to Gaza WITHOUT Israel open the border, which mean if even if peace achieve tomorrow and Palestinian achieve statehood, people is still going to die from starvation, disease, wihtout access to drinking water, without access to proper medical care, until Gaza is completely rebuild, and who is going to rebuild it? And how long is it going to take?

Most estimation is saying at least 20% of the population is going to die or accelerated their death even if the war ends tomorrow, and the war is not ending tomorrow

For what? A few rocket fired into Israeli? Sure, that's handicapped the Israeli alright, you may as well line your head up to the path of the bullet to assassinate Isahell soldier...
Lol, you have been pro-Israel from day one. Israel's days are numbered , why, because they are economically crippled and 2 million short in occupiers who fled abroad back to their countries of origin. In fact Israel is now more dependent on US and UK financial and military handouts, courtesy of gullible and controlled tax payers and from indirectly controlled countries in NATO. If you believe that death and distruction defines victory then you must be one of those who bowed to the German Nazis and claim they were victorious. But I can understand where you are coming from because you believe like a true non-believer and surrender is the best course of action in your mind. That's your basic fallacy that of foolish Zions and their backers . The number of Muslims who will volunteer to fight and bring down the Nazi Israelis is countless and the Euro Nazis who have hollow moral values won't be able to able to persuade their populace to fight a futile and unjust war, no matter how much brainwashing they do through their media.

Militarily the US and UK with their Western allies have a limit to the support they can provide to Israel before they start risking their own security and a collapse in other precarious theaters such as Taiwan, south Korea, Ukraine etc. The US and British people aren't stupid they aren't going to give up their kids to die in unjust wars and contribute in a genocide. The world isn't foolish either , today it is Palestine tomorrow it could be them. The most concerning part is that the so called "Civilised World" has adopted and adapted Nazi ideology and they have nuclear weapons. The goal of the world should now be to defang the nukes from these new Nazis else we are at the eve of destruction of the human race.

Back to Israel, israel's fate is sealed no matter how much slaughter and evil crimes they commit. In fact the more crimes they commit the quicker their demise will be,
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I'm one of those who advocated that Hezbollah should have attacked on day one while Israel was in a state of shock and rocketed the f_ck out of their bases and other infrastructure. But what has been done is depleted Hamas and contained it within Gaza, and the entire focus will now be on Hezbollah.

I will still advocate and push for a full-scale assault on Israel; because from where I’m seeing things, Israel will hit as we are seeing Western capitals giving half ass responses.
Not just Hizbos but stupid Jordanians who don't realise they will be next after the West and East Bank fall. Zions through fake promises, carrots and arm twisting are dealing with them one at a time and the fools are playing ball.
I'm one of those who advocated that Hezbollah should have attacked on day one while Israel was in a state of shock and rocketed the f_ck out of their bases and other infrastructure. But what has been done is depleted Hamas and contained it within Gaza, and the entire focus will now be on Hezbollah.

I will still advocate and push for a full-scale assault on Israel; because from where I’m seeing things, Israel will hit as we are seeing Western capitals giving half ass responses.
No one is restraining Israel and they have a mad dog at the helm who wants the war to continue because he knows when it stops his going to jail. This mad dog wants a legacy where he defeats all of Israels enemies and brings in the Abraham accord style peace treaties and recognition for Israel to give it lasting peace. But this new age hitler is only making it worse for his nation, his nation has shown the world how evil many of them are and there will be a reckoning for this. Newtons 3rd law will come back to bite sooner or later.

Israel is more than happy to deal with its enemies one by one, the axis of resistance IMO made a mistake giving them time they should have targeted and hit their military facilities hard if they had the capability to do so.

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