Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

We spaniards believe in the freedom of Palestine. Moreover, when US loose the arms race against China and Russia, there won´t be enough money for subsidizing the israeli independence. At that point each muslim believer will pay back the nefarious crimes of Israel. Be patient, friends, their time will come. There are not enough money for feeding sharks everywhere.

Spain will earn a lot of respect from the MENA region and from the Islamic countries. Look at how well the Irish and the South African remember the support the Palestinians once gave to them in whatever means they could have. Karma can be a bitch but it can also be a blessing!

On a larger theme: Don't fall into the xenophobia paddled by the Neo Cons about the invasion of Europe by the Muslims: Europe will NEED immigrants, just like America needs it and Canada needs it and several other countries need them. The ultimate 'resource' will be human beings themselves! Europe needs to move away from the American Neo Cons World Order where they ignite conflicts and make $$ and watch the burning from a distance. If Europe doesn't then it will continue to have wave of refugees/migrants un unplanned ways.

Copying your fellow Spaniard: @BHAN85 who also knows the dangers to Europe posed by the Neo Cons.
“The court considers that in conformity with obligations under the Genocide Convention, Israel must immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in the Rafah governorate which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part,” the court’s president, Nawaf Salam, said in reading the ruling.
...Like most rulings from The Hague, this one will be ignored. Israel rightly says it is already in compliance with the court’s wishes—its Rafah offensive isn’t genocidal, so it need not be halted. No state in Israel’s place could do otherwise.

The ICJ also orders Israel to open the Rafah border crossing from Egypt. For weeks Israel has been begging Egypt to open that crossing. But since Israel, not Hamas, now controls Gaza’s side of the border, Egypt had refused, holding up 2,000 aid trucks. Only after President Biden called Egypt’s President on Friday did Cairo agree to reopen the crossing. But why was the ICJ blaming Israel?

A dissent on the court is notable. “The Court’s jurisdiction is limited to the Genocide Convention,” writes Julia Sebutinde of Uganda, and “there are no indicators of a genocidal intent on the part of Israel.” The ICJ case brought by South Africa includes examples of allegedly genocidal rhetoric from Israel, but her rejoinder is highly effective.

“The vast majority of the statements referred to the destruction of Hamas and not the Palestinian people,” she says. A few “renegade statements” by uninvolved officials were “highly criticized by the Israeli Government itself.” She finds that “South Africa has either placed the quotations out of context or simply misunderstood,” but also suggests another motive: “South Africa, and in particular certain organs of government, have enjoyed and continue to enjoy a cordial relationship with the leadership of Hamas.”

The inversion of international law is something to behold: Hamas slaughters Israeli civilians and hides behind its own so that Israel stands accused. The ICJ’s presiding judge is Lebanon’s Nawaf Salam, whose bias is outrageous. He has denounced Israel for decades and is active in Lebanese politics, having twice been a candidate for prime minister since joining the bench in The Hague.

The transparent nature of the ICJ ruling has the benefit of making it easier to dismiss. Israel is advancing in Rafah and intends to halt in a few weeks when the job is done. Only when Hamas is defeated in Rafah can war in Gaza ebb.

A dissent on the court is notable. “The Court’s jurisdiction is limited to the Genocide Convention,” writes Julia Sebutinde of Uganda, and “there are no indicators of a genocidal intent on the part of Israel.” The ICJ case brought by South Africa includes examples of allegedly genocidal rhetoric from Israel, but her rejoinder is highly effective.

You are grasping at the straws if you are going to bring ONE lone dissenting vote from the Ugandan lady and per my understanding she was very 'compromised' herself and later chided by the Ugandan govt.
But Hamas are terrorists. They are an extremist group. A branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The fact that Netanyahu and his friends have been demolishing Gaza and killing tens of thousands of Palestinians the last 6 months,doesn't mean that Hamas isn't a terrorist organization. They are both evil.
No they are NOT same.
Hamas is just a resistance movement came into being after years and years of oppression and genocide of local Palestinians.
Don't hide behind the words.
They are butchers who don't care about their own civilians. If you can't see that,it's a pity. They run Gaza like a mafia. They brutally fought against Fatah in 2008 and they betrayed some of their supporters like Syria and Iran back in 2011-2012 when the war in Syria started. Just because the IDF has been exterminating the Palestinians in Gaza,doesn't mean Hamas is a benevolent or heroic "freedom fighter" organization.
Shut up.
Europe invented the hebrew language and jewish identity? You're missing a few thousand years of history. Put the yiddish and Ladino aside,the Jewish identity and language has existed for thousands of years. That's a historical fact.
When you and the others go on ranting about "white European settlers",it offends everyone on the forum who's from Europe. Imagine if one would go like "you southeast asian muzzies always terrorists" or "Europe's problem is the brown people coming from the subcontinent hur dur" understand how that sounds now?
Yes they did it. Here you go:
Europe invented the hebrew language and jewish identity? You're missing a few thousand years of history. Put the yiddish and Ladino aside,the Jewish identity and language has existed for thousands of years. That's a historical fact.
When you and the others go on ranting about "white European settlers",it offends everyone on the forum who's from Europe. Imagine if one would go like "you southeast asian muzzies always terrorists" or "Europe's problem is the brown people coming from the subcontinent hur dur" understand how that sounds now?
I never used the Word "white".
Yes, a lange number is white, but not all of them.
UN Humanitarian Coordinator: This impunity cannot continue and we demand the protection of civilians in Gaza
"...Insufficient and unreliable aid, distributed under conditions of insecurity that do not allow adequate targeting, expose vulnerable groups to violence, exploitation and abuse, trafficking and forced prostitution, including by aid workers. Specific risks observed in Gaza associated with aid include the presence of unofficial humanitarian workers without identification mixed distribution lines for men and women. There are reports of individuals adopting harmful coping mechanisms, such as reducing food and liquid intake, to minimise such risks..."

For further information please contact Protection Cluster: [email protected]
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Israel Massacres Children, Which The Western Press Says Is Fine​

The inversion of international law is something to behold: Hamas slaughters Israeli civilians and hides behind its own so that Israel stands accused. The ICJ’s presiding judge is Lebanon’s Nawaf Salam, whose bias is outrageous. He has denounced Israel for decades and is active in Lebanese politics, having twice been a candidate for prime minister since joining the bench in The Hague.
usual tactic of racist smears

unfortunately for you and other filthy pro genocide propagandists, the ICJ has 17 judges and voted 15-2 in favour of that order so the focus on one judge shows how desperate your ilk are to hide the fact you are becoming an international pariah
...Like most rulings from The Hague, this one will be ignored. Israel rightly says it is already in compliance with the court’s wishes—its Rafah offensive isn’t genocidal, so it need not be halted. No state in Israel’s place could do otherwise.

The ICJ also orders Israel to open the Rafah border crossing from Egypt. For weeks Israel has been begging Egypt to open that crossing. But since Israel, not Hamas, now controls Gaza’s side of the border, Egypt had refused, holding up 2,000 aid trucks. Only after President Biden called Egypt’s President on Friday did Cairo agree to reopen the crossing. But why was the ICJ blaming Israel?

A dissent on the court is notable. “The Court’s jurisdiction is limited to the Genocide Convention,” writes Julia Sebutinde of Uganda, and “there are no indicators of a genocidal intent on the part of Israel.” The ICJ case brought by South Africa includes examples of allegedly genocidal rhetoric from Israel, but her rejoinder is highly effective.

“The vast majority of the statements referred to the destruction of Hamas and not the Palestinian people,” she says. A few “renegade statements” by uninvolved officials were “highly criticized by the Israeli Government itself.” She finds that “South Africa has either placed the quotations out of context or simply misunderstood,” but also suggests another motive: “South Africa, and in particular certain organs of government, have enjoyed and continue to enjoy a cordial relationship with the leadership of Hamas.”

The inversion of international law is something to behold: Hamas slaughters Israeli civilians and hides behind its own so that Israel stands accused. The ICJ’s presiding judge is Lebanon’s Nawaf Salam, whose bias is outrageous. He has denounced Israel for decades and is active in Lebanese politics, having twice been a candidate for prime minister since joining the bench in The Hague.

The transparent nature of the ICJ ruling has the benefit of making it easier to dismiss. Israel is advancing in Rafah and intends to halt in a few weeks when the job is done. Only when Hamas is defeated in Rafah can war in Gaza ebb.

Without lies, israel dies.

A law expert answers your deceitful Jewish hasbra

Your first point about israel saying they are obeying the law is answered. This is deceitful behaviour.

The court states their initial concerns were not heeded to, and the situation in gaza has worsened. So, israel CANNOT claim it is already paying heed to the orders because of that clause.

Your zionist trickery won't work here.
usual tactic of racist smears

unfortunately for you and other filthy pro genocide propagandists, the ICJ has 17 judges and voted 15-2 in favour of that order so the focus on one judge shows how desperate your ilk are to hide the fact you are becoming an international pariah


See the above, escapee from NAZI GERMANY. He calls out the Jewish Genocide of indigenous semitic Palestinians.

We will take his word over your hasbra any time. I'll give you some advice, free of charge.

- if you continue on your current path, you would wish on judgement day you were never born.

- you are not the chosen people of God, but those chosen by the devil.

Stay blessed 🙌

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