Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Western leftists nutjobs are the favorite tool of current USA twisted elite, the perfect useful idiots.

They dont have own ideas, they dont have own brain, they just follow trends like zombies, and today it's very easy for a state create fake trendings with bots in social media.

Soros loves all those idiots, the perfect tool to his darkest plans.

Western leftist are meat of color revolution, constantly deceived by bots, undercovers, police informants and so on. They are like human robots.

Rightists can be right or can be wrong, but at least they are harder to manipulate, because their ideas are more fixed.

Just compare a Western leftist to a North Korean communist, or a Cuban communist, and you wont see anything in common, why? Because Western leftists are artificial movements created and controlled by Western states, deceiving their own people constantly, distracting them with nonsenses and lies.
My problem with the Western Leftism is the lack of patriotism. I am sure during strikes or protests in Spain, you can find every flags but not the spanish one. They don't care about the norms, the culture etc... For example, in France, you can see the moroccan, algerian flags but never the French. Even during the president election in 2022, I never saw a French flag in a leftist gathering but in other hand, you will see the french flags waving. Also if someone has a french flag, they will say that this guy is a fasc*st. They don't question themselves etc... That's why centrism is better. That's why every french president must follow the same foreign policy of Charles De Gaulle and Chirac, this is where France had an independant foreign policy and didn't care about the US opinion
Also the rights and far rightist are sometimes the most stupid people hahahhahaha. Anything is because of immigration.

As I said a day or two ago, the Resistance against Israel in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen--and beyond-- probably haven't even used a tenth of their resources. They are content to keep bleeding Israel and that bleeding is showing more and more in the Israeli society and politics as desperation.

@UKBengali : As I said, France is the potential European Super Power and it will be France that will lead the European breakout from the American Neo Cons' chokehold. This video is from the official UN channel. While the French can't do a lot, they are aware that they--and Europe--need to break away from the Neo Cons. And they will break away from the so-called 'Transatlantic Alliance' when the time comes. And I think this conflict is giving several European countries the 'space' to speak up. However non-enforceable the ICJ rulings are they DO provide a legal pretext and a 'cover' for nations to choose their policies which they have been dying to choose.

PS. I still remember around the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the French were deadset against the war and a French diplomat was caught in a social gathering in America saying 'That $hitty little Middle Eastern country' to describe Israel. The French and the world knew who was instigating the war using its puppets in America!!

Nikki Haley literally signing onto Israel’s actions.

Eehhh she’s acting as if she doesn’t wish to be vice president but attempting to show she has steel cajones between her legs in hopes trump gives her second in command in the hopes he dies of a heart attack to become president
Eehhh she’s acting as if she doesn’t wish to be vice president but attempting to show she has steel cajones between her legs in hopes trump gives her second in command in the hopes he dies of a heart attack to become president
Except Trump knows whomever he picks as his VP could be president in the event of his passing in office or be his successor to lead on his movement (until perhaps Baron comes of age at 35, which is a long 17 years from now and Trump is unlikely to be around for that).

Haley crossed Trump one too many times to be in the running for his VP, IMHO. Trump would want someone in his own mold this time around, a New York Businessman.

Haley looks like a grifter even for Trump.
Except Trump knows whomever he picks as his VP could be president in the event of his passing in office or be his successor to lead on his movement (until perhaps Baron comes of age at 35, which is a long 17 years from now and Trump is unlikely to be around for that).

Haley crossed Trump one too many times to be in the running for his VP, IMHO. Trump would want someone in his own mold this time around, a New York Businessman.

Haley looks like a grifter even for Trump.

Who knows who Trump is going to pick as his VP candidate? The guy is a true maverick! For all we know, he may just pick a janitor from Maro Lago and even that would force everyone to accept that! It is a joke of a system in America where the Presidential nominee can pick the likes of Sarah Palin to be his replacement as the most powerful leader in the world and there is nothing anyone can do about it! Completely personal choice!!

About Haley, well, she gave Trump the toughest time in the Primaries and has her own considerable vote bank, so she could be a nominee. But I'd prefer that other Indian dude--Ramaswamy--over the Indian Haley any day. LOL!

I know, I know. They are all compromised so... whatever!
Except Trump knows whomever he picks as his VP could be president in the event of his passing in office or be his successor to lead on his movement (until perhaps Baron comes of age at 35, which is a long 17 years from now and Trump is unlikely to be around for that).

Haley crossed Trump one too many times to be in the running for his VP, IMHO. Trump would want someone in his own mold this time around, a New York Businessman.

Haley looks like a grifter even for Trump.
I was making a joke to be honest trump at this point is attempting a comeback as payback to anyone who crossed him and Haley is one of them she may attempt to kiss the hand of the would be king of the world but trump is looking for a nondescript yes man/woman someone who won’t outshine home otherwise he would’ve picked tucker Carlson
Reports of Jewish soldiers raping children and killing elderly.
Omg what was your name before I put you on ignore you haven’t been here that long your definitely are a right wing fanatic attempting to troll………honestly definitely should be a new of rules about obvious trolling 😂 but either way troll on I’m sure you will be able to get a few people to bite who don’t know better
Israel is committing a genocide, it is a racist terrorist state, they want to create the situation in Gaza so extreme that the Palestinians themselves leave Gaza or submit like the West Bank Palestinians, Israel clearly does not recognise Palestinian people or a state, they consider all the land to be Israel. We must all remember this. Looking at West Bank where there is hardly any fighting, the whole of West Bank is surrounded by Israeli settlements, Israeli army and checkpoints so in reality West Bank exists only on paper, it is Israeli controlled territory and the plan is to implement the exact same to Gaza, slowly Israel will expand settlements in Gaza and surrounding areas, will control border with Egypt. This will not be the end of Israeli plan, they will never give rights to the Palestinians or treat them as equals, they will find one excuse or another and expel them to places like Jordan, Egypt or Lebanon so forming a clear majority Zionist state.


The Muslim states response:
It is unfortunate many powerful Muslim nations like Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey still maintain relations with Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE the 2 most powerful Arab nations have recognised or willing to recognise Israel despite their genocide and terrorism, they continue to play it safe on the media, playing both sides, their treachery is apparent by their close relations with Israel, willing to recognise Israel and trade with them. They know very well Israel wants to expand and annex Gaza and West Bank but still playing dirty politics and giving out toothless political statements. If any sincerity is left in them they should immediately stop any relations with Israel, impose complete blockade, economic sanctions, completely isolate israel in the region without any compromise. We all must understand this action will harm Israel greatly and this is why they are not willing to do this, they are indeed the partners of Israel in the region.


ok, in your world vision Israeli children are high skilled militarymen and acceptable targets in a war.


same insanity than Hamas.

The only statistics about number of killed under the age of 18 on October 7 was retracted by the Jewish Health Organization because it included names of kids that died in 2014. That list contained 24 names and it included 19 year olds as children so nobody really knows anything.

Since you have zero evidence whatsoever that Hamas killed children you either need to admit Hamas did not target children or you must admit children were not in occupied territory.

Either way you are a loser.

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