Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You need to provide sources.

Sure. Just use your eyes, ears, and heart. Palestinian Genocide is the most documented genocide in history and also the most denied. Odd.

Gog and Magog have taken over.



Op-ed: Israel censoring and killing JOURNALISTS who exposed atrocities in Gaza
05/27/2024 // Ramon Tomey // 2.1K Views
Tags: Al Jazeera, Associated Press, banned, biased, big government, Censorship, fascism, First Amendment, free press, honest, intolerance, Israel, Israel collapse, Journalism, police state, Shlomo Karhi, Suppressed, truth

Op-ed: Israel censoring and killing JOURNALISTS who exposed atrocities in Gaza

05/27/2024 // Ramon Tomey // 2.1K Views
Tags: Al Jazeera, Associated Press, banned, biased, big government, Censorship, fascism, First Amendment, free press, honest, intolerance, Israel, Israel collapse, Journalism, police state, Shlomo Karhi, Suppressed, truth

Israel is reportedly censoring and killing journalists exposing its atrocities against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, according to an op-ed.

U.K.-based writer Frank Wright expounded on this in a May 23 op-ed for LifeSiteNews. He cited the ban on Qatari broadcaster Al Jazeera and the confiscation of equipment owned by the Associated Press (AP) as examples of Tel Aviv's suppression.

According to Wright, the Doha-funded Al Jazeera was officially banned from reporting in Israel on May 5. Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi has been seeking to shut it down since October, following Hamas' Oct. 7 attack dubbed Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. Karhi has described the channel as a "propaganda mouthpiece" for Hamas, formally the Islamic Resistance Movement.

On April 2, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dubbed Al Jazeera a "terror" channel. More than a month later, the Israeli government officially banned the channel – to the delight of Karhi. Under the ban, Al Jazeera's websites were blocked in Israel and its television broadcasts were prohibited. (Related: Al Jazeera condemns Israeli government decision to shut down local offices.)

"Police seized Al Jazeera's broadcasting equipment from its Jerusalem offices … and the Qatari news channel was pulled of the air in Israel," the Times of Israel reported. It added that the raid came "immediately after the government approved a decision to temporarily shutter the outlet on the grounds that it has harmed national security."

Tel Aviv had earlier set its sights on Wael Al-Dahdouh, chief of Al Jazeera's Gaza bureau, last October. Several of his family members – including his wife, his two children and his infant grandson – were killed during Israeli airstrikes on the Strip. Al-Dahdouh received news of his family members' deaths while reporting on Israeli missile strikes in Gaza.

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Less than two months later, Al-Dahdouh himself became a target of Israeli attacks – with the journalist being caught in a Dec. 15 drone strike on a school in Khan Younis. Al-Dahdouhf was hospitalized while his cameraman died in the incident.

Even AP isn't exempt from Israeli censorship​

Even AP isn't exempted from Karhi's censorship demands, according to Wright. At the communication minister's behest, the AP's equipment was seized on May 21. The news agency's live feeds from Gaza are widely used throughout world media.

AP Vice President of Corporate Communications Lauren Easton denounced the move, calling it "an abusive use by the Israeli government of the country's new foreign broadcaster law. But following "concern" expressed by the White House, Karhi reversed the decision to shut down the agency's live news feed in Gaza.

Wright noted that the actions against the AP and Al Jazeera followed new regulations Tel Aviv introduced on Oct. 20 to "allow for the temporary shutdown of news channels which 'damage national security.'" But Anthony Bellanger, general secretary of the International Federation of Journalists, denounced the regulations upon their announcement.

"This is a clear attack on media pluralism and the public's right to know," he said. "The whole world must be allowed to see what is happening in the ongoing conflict, and we urge Israel to review its decision."

Bellanger stressed that the move as about suppressing media "critical" of the Israeli "narrative." He added: "We are deeply concerned at Israel's attempt to censor media coverage of the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict using national security as an excuse to restrict critical media that do not confirm its narrative of the ongoing war."

Meanwhile, Wright also mentioned a report by the non-profit Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) about the dire state of journalism in Israel. According to the group's preliminary investigations as of May 22, "at least 105 journalists and media workers" have been killed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) since Oct. 7. These include Israeli, Palestinian and foreign reporters.

A separate report by the CPJ documented the obstruction, censorship, death threats, assaults and shootings of journalists covering the Palestinian situation. It mentioned that journalists from the German public broadcaster ARD and the United Kingdom's BBC and Sky News were targeted by IDF members. Moreover, it disclosed that the IDF had killed some journalists' relatives.

Head over to for similar stories.

Watch this video about Israeli authorities raiding the offices of Al Jazeera in the country.

Global Jewish terrorism: Tents massacre in Rafah​

In a flagrant violation of international norms and humanitarian laws, Israel continues to act with total impunity in Gaza, enjoying Western complicity, and emboldened by U.S. unconditional military and diplomatic support.

Global Jewish terrorism: Tents massacre in Rafah​

In a flagrant violation of international norms and humanitarian laws, Israel continues to act with total impunity in Gaza, enjoying Western complicity, and emboldened by U.S. unconditional military and diplomatic support.
Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor
May 27, 2024



$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

May 27, 2024Common Dreams
Last night, Israeli forces pounded a tent camp housing displaced people in a designated safe zone in north Rafah, killing at least 45 Palestinians, most of them women and children, and injuring hundreds others.

It was one of the most heinous assaults on Palestinian civilians in recent memory. Media reports show that Israel blitzed the tent camp with seven massive U.S. bombs, weighting 2,000 pounds each. According to eyewitnesses, the intensive bombing, which targeted Rafah’s Tal al-Sultan area, was a deliberate attack on Palestinian refugees sheltering in tents. The bombarded refugee tents, marked as Block 2371, had been designated by Israel as a “safe area” for civilians.

Widely circulated footage shows a night of unspeakable horror: bodies burned to ashes, charred and blackened beyond recognition; beheaded children, decapitated and ripped apart by U.S. bombs; parents clutching their dead and burned children, screaming in horror; rescuers pulling people’s charred remains from the burning tents; wounded victims transformed to the hospital with horrific and gruesome injuries.

In its barbaric retaliation against the ICJ ruling, Israel has bombarded Rafah with massive intensity and unprecedented brutality.
The Rafah’s tents massacre is a horrific war crime carried out by Israel with unprecedented barbarity. Palestinians call it the “Tents Holocaust.”

Citing the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), the Palestinian news agency Wafa said the victims included women and children, many of whom were “burned alive” inside their tents. An eyewitness resident who arrived at the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah related, “Tents were melting and the people’s bodies were also melting.”

A horrified doctor who witnessed the carnage said: “In all my years of humanitarian work, I have never witnessed something so barbaric, so atrocious, so inhumane. These images will haunt me forever. And will stain our conscience for eternity.”
The Rafah’s tents massacre comes days after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to halt its military offensive there, and shortly after the International Criminal Court said it was applying for arrest warrants for Israeli leaders. In its barbaric retaliation against the ICJ ruling, Israel has bombarded Rafah with massive intensity and unprecedented brutality. Observers estimate that Israel has bombed the refugee town over 100 times since the ruling—a travesty of international justice and a slap in the face to the international court. Jeremy Corbyn, the former leader of the United Kingdom’s Labour Party, described Israel’s bombing of the Rafah camp as a “monstrous failure of humanity.”
The massacre has sparked a global outcry. International rights groups scrambled to find the words to describe the unfolding horrors in Rafah. The United Nations Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) described the images from Rafah as yet another testament that Gaza is “hell on earth.” Former UNRWA spokesperson Chris Gunness called the massacre “the crime of crimes.”

Doctors Without Borders said it was “horrified” by the assault, which “shows once again that nowhere is safe.” ActionAid humanitarian group says it was “outraged and heartbroken” by the “inhumane, barbaric” assault on the Rafah camp: “The images coming from our partners of burned bodies are a scar on the face of humanity and the global community, which so far has failed to protect the people of Gaza.” Calling for action against Israel, the U.N. special rapporteur on the right to housing wrote: “Attacking women and children while they cower in their shelters in Rafah is a monstrous atrocity. We need concerted global action to stop Israel’s actions now.”
Western leaders, meanwhile, have offered their usual bromides. Josef Borrell, the E.U. foreign policy chief, said he was “horrified by news coming out of Rafah on Israeli strikes killing dozens of displaced persons, including small children,” while French President Emanuel Macron said he was “outraged by the Israeli strikes that have killed many displaced persons in Rafah.” Yet it’s not immediately clear whether that “outrage” would lead to European sanctions on Israel.
Rafah is home to 1.4 million displaced Palestinians, most of whom are women and children sheltering in makeshift tents. The attack on the tent camp in Tal al-Sultan came shortly after Israeli forces bombed shelters housing displaced Palestinians in Gaza, including Jabalia, Nuseirat, and Gaza City, killing at least 160 Palestinians. So far Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza has reaped over 35,000 victims, including over 15,000 children. It has displaced nearly 2 million Palestinians, mostly to Rafah, which has been mercilessly bombarded by Israel.

In a flagrant violation of international norms and humanitarian laws, Israel continues to act with total impunity in Gaza, enjoying Western complicity, and emboldened by U.S. unconditional military and diplomatic support. Amid global outrage and condemnation, Israeli leaders continue to call for the total annihilation of Gaza, with thousands of Israelis are now taking to Telegram groups to celebrate IDF atrocities with images of burned Palestinian children.

For over eight months, Palestinians in Gaza have been sharing live videos of their daily executions, pleading with the world to stop the carnage. But the Western political class has remained silent, piping up only to offer platitudes about human rights and international law, while refusing to rein in Israel’s unhinged barbarity, let alone impose sanctions on a genocidal state that is brazenly retaliating against the ICJ ruling by massacring even more Palestinians.


Nikki Haley signs Israeli bombs

Nikki Haley signs Israeli bombs
Nikki Haley, the former representative of the United States to the United Nations, who traveled to occupied Palestine, wrote writings on some bombs and signed them while visiting illegal settlements in the West Bank.

Images published online show that Haley wrote on a bomb: "Finish them. America always loves Israel."
Haley was one of the staunchest supporters of Israel during her time in Donald Trump's administration and repeatedly tried to change the topics of the UN meetings about Israel to the discussion about Iran.
She is one of the main recipients of financial aid from pro-Zionist lobbies in America.
Some social media activists have considered Nikki Haley's action as an example of "incitement to genocide" and called for her trial in international courts.

The Nazis spread massive anti-Jewish propaganda. My parents knew it was false because they lived in Germany and knew the truth. That others despise and demean Israel is sad, but not surprising: they see anti-Zionism as the attempted continuation of the Holocaust. They are very, very proud of what Israel has become.

And Musings: what I replied to Dalit applies to you, too. Why wait even one more day to alter your loyalties to stand with Israel instead of Israel's enemies?
Israel's enemy is God.


U.S. Officials Can’t Say the Word “Genocide,” But ICC is Pursuing Charges of Genocide Committed by Israel​

David Starr
May 27, 2024
A group of people walking in a destroyed buildingDescription automatically generated

In a promising move, International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan decided to file for an application to serve arrest warrants to Israeli and Hamas leaders. As published in Al Jazeera, Khan was quoted as saying that there are “reasonable grounds” to serve warrants to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for committing “war crimes and crimes against humanity.” But, three Hamas leaders were also singled out, Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh and Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri for the same charges.

In a typical response, Netanyahu said, “I reject with disgust the comparison of the prosecutor in the Hague between democratic Israel and the mass murderers of Hamas.” Netanyahu’s hypocrisy is so evident, with Israel bombing and shooting anything and anyone in sight.


Israeli President Isaac Herzog said that “any attempt to draw parallels between the atrocious terrorists is outrageous and cannot be accepted by anyone.” Despite Herzog’s flight from reality, it has been accepted, where Israel is looked at as a rogue nation worldwide.

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich had the nerve to say that the ICC’s seeking the arrest of Israeli leaders is comparable to Nazi propaganda. But Smotrich, a fascist, has it backwards where Israel, with its mass murder of over 35,000 Palestinians, about half being children, looks Nazi-like.

Hamas itself was outraged by the ICC’s accusations, where there’s an attempt to “equate the victim with the executioner.” While Israel frantically claims to be defending itself, it has gone way beyond that. Given the Palestinians being oppressed over 70 years, there is also the right for Palestinians to defend themselves.
Meanwhile, U.S. President Joe Biden called the warrants against Israel’s leaders “outrageous,” adding, “Whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence –none–between Israel and Hamas.” Biden is thus siding with war criminals, although Hamas is not totally innocent.

What about the accusations of genocide committed by Israel? That has been ignored by pro-Israel/Zionists supporters.
In January 2024, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said at a news briefing, “Those are allegations that should not be made lightly…we are not seeing acts that constitute genocide. That is a determination by the State Department.”

To claim something like this has made the U.S. complicit in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians. On the Katie Halper Show, U.S. President Joe Biden was taken to task for denying there has been a genocide. The nickname for Biden—“Genocide Joe”—has stuck and has been used regularly by critics and protesters of Israel’s actions.
Biden has been “warning” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to target civilians, but Netanyahu, truly a fascist, has done it anyway.

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Recently, however, an agreement was made between Biden and Netanyahu to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza. Biden, previously giving a slap on the wrist to Netanyahu, appeared to have made a threat to take action if Israel continues blocking aid. It remains to be seen if Biden would follow through with the threat if Netanyahu reneges on the agreement. This has happened before, with Biden making several gestures to Netanyahu to bring in aid and not target civilians. But that has not worked. The fascists in the Israeli government appear to be hell-bent on continuing their mass murder, based on racism and myths of religious supremacy.

Biden administration officials have not even pushed for a permanent cease-fire. The United States under his leadershipu has vetoed resolutions in meetings of the UN Security Council; standing alone in doing that. However, it abstained from the last proposed resolution. And Israel may not honor that resolution.
Biden’s refusal to push for a cease-fire is inexcusable. His administration gives the impression that the U.S. cannot prevent Israel from stopping its barbarity. Biden has only made suggestions to Netanyahu to tone down the military assault, while continuing to supply Israel with more weapons which, in turn, are used to kill Palestinians.

Biden actually has the power to stop the war, according to Stephen Zunes writing in Truthout: “Though Congress authorizes military aid, the president has the authority under the Arms Export Control Act to withhold (or threaten to withhold) U.S. military aid when the recipient nation violates U.S. or international law.”

And Israel has been committing violations regularly. Zunes provides what laws Israel has broken: “Israel is currently violating the Fourth Geneva Convention regarding treatment of civilians in war time, among a number of other statutes, and it is violating UN Security Council Resolution 2728, which demands an immediate temporary cease-fire. Israel is also in violation of Section 502B of the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act, which prohibits aid to countries that prevent access to humanitarian relief supplies; the 1999 Leahy Amendment, which prohibits funding foreign security forces engaged in the commission of gross violations of human rights; and Biden’s own Security Memorandum 20, which requires U.S. security partners to provide written assurances that they will use U.S. military assistance in accordance with international law and facilitate humanitarian aid.”
Biden is defying the will of U.S. citizens, a majority of whom think Israel should not receive military aid. This is probably because Republicans, especially, would consider him abandoning Israel. But Biden has those numerous laws that can justify taking action. Plus, he should not have any choice since it is the law. Still, the Biden administration denies Israel is committing any violations like genocide.

That can be seen in another briefing, when State Department spokesperson Miller claimed on March 25, “We have not found [Israel] to be in violation of international humanitarian law, either when it comes to the conduct of war or when it comes to the provision of humanitarian assistance.” Blatantly Orwellian.

Regarding the approved resolution where the United States abstained, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby made the ridiculous claim that the resolution is “non-binding.” Kirby added that Israel can still go after Hamas. The UN Security Council obviously makes resolutions that are binding. Again, blatantly Orwellian.

US Department of State Spokesperson Matthew Miller is addressing a press briefing in Washington. —US State Department/ YouTube/ Screengrab/File
State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller. [Source:]
A person in a suit speaking at a podiumDescription automatically generated
John Kirby [Source:]

However, to make a resolution binding, it has to be enacted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. But the U.S. has not allowed this to happen.
The U.S. Congress has the power to constrain Biden but no action has been taken, probably because most of Congress fully supports Israel. There is an ideological commitment which most will not challenge.
There is also the goal of eliminating Hamas, which has in the process caused the “elimination” of many Palestinians. Biden wants a new Middle East without the existence of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah. But Biden is in no position to justify his vision of this new Middle East, given how one-sided he has been in supporting Israel. Plus, the U.S. has to break the habit of deciding what is “good” for other nations. And with the genocide going on, and with the U.S. supporting Israel, a group like Hamas will likely get many recruits.

What about Palestinians attaining sovereignty with a newly formed nation? Ideally, this should be the case. But, writing an opinion piece in the Middle East Monitor, Tamer Ajrami sees Palestinians having limited sovereignty over part of the Palestinian territories. This is part of a scenario written by Ajrami about potential negotiations between Israel and Palestine. Ajrami has Israel recognizing a Palestinian state but, to reiterate, with limited sovereignty.
The thing is that Netanyahu and Israel’s fascist government will not recognize a Palestinian state. They have made that clear. Even if Netanyahu loses an election, the right wing will still be there and will try to impose its supremacist agenda; this means that Palestinians will still be treated badly.

Historically, Israel-Palestine negotiations have basically been one-sided, with Israel’s ally, the United States, playing the role of mediator. Palestinians have been accused of rejecting negotiations, but that is because it has meant Israel would not only keep the land it has already stolen, but would possibly continue to steal more land. After all, Israelis would continue to think that all the land in that area belongs to Israel, based on religious myths.
Biden ignores this scenario, being a self-proclaimed Zionist himself. And he has to deal with the Zionist lobby, which has had too much influence over U.S. politics. So Biden will probably continue to appease the lobby.

Biden wants to remake the Middle East and, Ajrami writes, this is another reason why he does not push for a cease-fire, and why the United States vetoed resolutions in the UN Security Council to implement one. Even the U.S. abstaining from the most recent attempt at implementing a cease-fire has not shown progress. Biden’s attitude reflects the same old U.S. imperialism in deciding for others what they should do in their affairs.
Biden’s goal—bending to Israel’s wishes to destroy Hamas—is not realistic. Israel has blamed Hamas for all the carnage resulting from the war. But this excuse can only go so far. Hamas did not kill more than 33,000 people, as Israel has done. Israel’s excuses are all the more absurd when it has gone well beyond self-defense. It is likely that Hamas will still be around—despite Israel’s determination to eliminate it—no matter how many Palestinians die in the process. And, thus, it is obvious that Israel is guilty of genocide.

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Old friends: Biden and Netanyahu in Tel Aviv in December 2023. [Source:]

In The Peace Advocate, published by MassPeaceAction, Kathleen Malley-Morrison had this to say about Biden: “The complicity of the U.S. military-industrial complex in the massacre of Palestinians is bringing, rightfully, considerable grief to the presidential campaign of the all-too-complicit Netanyahu ally Joe Biden.” Malley-Morrison goes on to criticize the “time-worn rationale that [Biden] is ‘the lesser of two evils.”’ She points out the outrage of many U.S. citizens, and many other people, writing, “Horror at President Biden’s refusal to call for a permanent ceasefire reverberates around the world.”

Malley-Morrison quoted the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights, saying that “through its ongoing unconditional military, diplomatic, and political support to Israel, the United States is not only failing to prevent genocide, but is complicit.” She writes that protesters of “We the People” have made their messages loud and clear to Biden. “The messages abound: ‘Genocide Joe has got to go!’ ‘No ceasefire/no vote!’ ‘A ban on genocide Joe!’” But Malley-Morrison also points out that “Donald Trump is also an evil choice who won’t necessarily be on the Presidential ballot in November.” She seems to have some confidence that Trump will be in prison before November comes. Perhaps.
The Nazis spread massive anti-Jewish propaganda. My parents knew it was false because they lived in Germany and knew the truth. That others despise and demean Israel is sad, but not surprising: they see anti-Zionism as the attempted continuation of the Holocaust. They are very, very proud of what Israel has become.

And Musings: what I replied to Dalit applies to you, too. Why wait even one more day to alter your loyalties to stand with Israel instead of Israel's enemies?

Palestinians are Semitic. Zionists are Kazars..

Israelis celebrate Rafah massacre as Jewish holiday bonfire

Yoav Eliasi, a far-right rapper and activist also known by his stage name "The Shadow", posted videos of the Rafah fire on Telegram that also presented the incident as a Lag BaOmer bonfire.

On Sunday night and Monday morning, Israeli social media was abuzz, sharing jokes and memes mocking the Rafah massacre.

One of the most shocking images from Rafah on Sunday night was a man holding up the body of a child that had no head. A member of a popular right-wing Israeli Telegram group shared a photo of the man holding the dead child mocked up as an advert selling chicken. “Fresh chicken 1 shekel a kilo,” it said.

Many drew comparisons with Lag BaOmer bonfires. "The Nazis burned themselves," one Israeli posted on X. "Lag BaOmer - the Rafah version" wrote another while sharing footage of the incident, which later was reposted by Dromi.

At least 45 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli strike on the area of Rafah that Israel had designated as “safe” and told displaced people to settle in. On Friday, the International Court of Justice had ordered Israel to stop its offensive on Rafah.

The Israeli army said the strike was “precise” and targeted two senior Hamas officials. Senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri said he held the United States responsible for supplying Israel with weaponry and financial assistance.

Condemnation has flooded in from European and Arab capitals. French President Emmanuel Macron said he was “outraged” by the attack. "These operations must stop. There are no safe areas in Rafah for Palestinian civilians," he said, adding that there needs to be an immediate ceasefire.

More than 36,000 Palestinians have been killed since October by Israel's war on Gaza, the vast majority of them women and children.

This article is available in French on Middle East Eye French edition.
Nikki Haley literally signing onto Israel’s actions.

So that is her, ey? That two bit zionist pig. And I thought she was insufferable before this? Oooff.
Imagine this witchy wench with presidential ambition? Despite my profound dislike of the Orangutan Baboon, I was so happy dancing in the street naked when I heard her campaign finally fell on its face. The scary part of that whole process, was how much $$$ was given to her campaign, making it last as long as it did knowing quite well she had less than 30% chance of beating the orange monkey. That's the scary part, the financial power these scum-sucking shadow ballers have to control key figures they see would unabashedly help their deceitful & murderous cause.

As I said, France is the potential European Super Power and it will be France that will lead the European breakout from the American Neo Cons' chokehold. This video is from the official UN channel. While the French can't do a lot, they are aware that they--and Europe--need to break away from the Neo Cons. And they will break away from the so-called 'Transatlantic Alliance' when the time comes. And I think this conflict is giving several European countries the 'space' to speak up. However non-enforceable the ICJ rulings are they DO provide a legal pretext and a 'cover' for nations to choose their policies which they have been dying to choose.

This is true. Another country which has been an undeniable supporter of the zionist and their crimes for almost a century is finally starting to come around.

I also think one of the biggest motivations for France to stick it to the US is because of the US' treachery in this most recent nuclear submarine deal that France had with (another zionist pig file) Australia for a mega $20 billion and the contract was all printed ready to sign when the US & UK swept in like pterodactyls and seized the deal right out from under France's legs.

There were other instances for sure, such as France's opposition to the Iraq disaster perpetuated by the US zionists hoard, but I honestly think this was the straw that finally broke the camel's back.

And let's not forget, despite the US' liberation of France in both world wars and the debt of gratitude the French owe Americans, it wasn't much longer where tensions began to fester with the US' opposition to France's nuclear program and the endless spying missions by U2s and SR-71s over France and countless times it sent Mirages to intercept those airspace violations. This is all documented stuff so there's no love lost there, for sure. And it's been brewing to the point where it might just blow up.

And here's another insufferable wench, this Liz Warren. And guess what? She's my state's representative and we will most certainly remember her double standards loyal to her greasy, zionist pockets, this two-faced wicked witch of the east. We will remember come reelection time.
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Hamas tried to kill every civilian in the Al-aqsa storm op. They didnt kill more civilians because they didnt able to.

If Israel had done the same, not a alive thing would remain in Gaza.
Are you dumb, they released all elder women and children first days after their attack, you need hard dry off from zio juice propaganda.
he did not say this, pls provide a link

Ok, fine. He did not say this. Happy?

The fact remains that despite "Snopes" not finding any JFK files to "support" the "plausibility" of him making such a statement, and that "usurper" and "occultists" were not usual words in JFK's language, doesn't mean he didn't feel strongly about these things. He had many other grievances against these institutions, and it was well-documented (even by Snopes) that he cautioned and warned against Israel's nuclear program simply because he thought it would motivate all the anti-Israeli states around it and beyond to pursue nuclear ambitions.

And let's not forget that JFK was one of the most brilliant men to ever hold the office of the United States. Yes he was no Abraham Lincoln hell who is? But he was brilliant and smart enough not to go on record as to his dislike of the control the Federal Reserve had on US currency and the powerful, shady cabals that controlled it.

And don't forget despite recent files released, there is still a significant portion of classified documents that still haven't been released. So we really don't have the full picture yet.

There's a reason why he was assassinated the way he was and why it's one of the biggest conspiracy theories events in the history of mankind, because of all the things he stood for making him a marked man. those listed being just a few.

So fine, if it makes you happy and you insist on me saying "he didn't say that exact thing" and that will get you off my back? Fine. lol

Nikki Haley signs Israeli bombs

Nikki Haley signs Israeli bombs
Nikki Haley, the former representative of the United States to the United Nations, who traveled to occupied Palestine, wrote writings on some bombs and signed them while visiting illegal settlements in the West Bank.

Images published online show that Haley wrote on a bomb: "Finish them. America always loves Israel."
Haley was one of the staunchest supporters of Israel during her time in Donald Trump's administration and repeatedly tried to change the topics of the UN meetings about Israel to the discussion about Iran.
She is one of the main recipients of financial aid from pro-Zionist lobbies in America.
Some social media activists have considered Nikki Haley's action as an example of "incitement to genocide" and called for her trial in international courts.

indian pretending to be white is typical of nikki haley

Revealed: Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry​

Mossad director Yossi Cohen personally involved in secret plot to pressure Fatou Bensouda to drop Palestine investigation, sources say

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