Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Omg what was your name before I put you on ignore you haven’t been here that long your definitely are a right wing fanatic attempting to troll………honestly definitely should be a new of rules about obvious trolling 😂 but either way troll on I’m sure you will be able to get a few people to bite who don’t know better
Are you trolling with this response?

GENEVA (19 February 2024) – UN experts* today expressed alarm over credible allegations of egregious human rights violations to which Palestinian women and girls continue to be subjected in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Palestinian women and girls have reportedly been arbitrarily executed in Gaza, often together with family members, including their children, according to information received. “We are shocked by reports of the deliberate targeting and extrajudicial killing of Palestinian women and children in places where they sought refuge, or while fleeing. Some of them were reportedly holding white pieces of cloth when they were killed by the Israeli army or affiliated forces,” the experts said.

The incidents under review mostly took place in the West Bank and occurred before Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel. They include reports of extrajudicial killings by the Israeli Border Police; an incident in which a battalion gagged, handcuffed and left an elderly Palestinian American man for dead; and an allegation that interrogators tortured and raped a teenager who had been accused of throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails.

Yes, this article was from before Oct 7, but if they routinely did it then they are certainly doing worse now.

A Palestinian female freed from Israeli detention said more than 15 fellow Palestinian women were raped by Israeli interrogators to force them to confess to charges leveled against them and collaborate with the Israeli intelligence.

“Israeli investigators and intelligence officers keep video tapes of the raping to blackmail the female detainees,” she told, requesting anonymity.

Bashir Hajji's granddaughter says he was shot in the head and back after a photo showing soldiers helping him was taken
With respect I would like you to discuss the current conflict and not discuss anything else.
Killing 40,000 innocent people - creating Genocide - collective punishment - killing children in hospitals - killing people waiting for side and In refugee camps. Which bit are you and your parents proud of?
Unfortunately, this Solomon guy AND Foinikas will have to get booted off this thread soon, like a few others, for being void of empathy and common decency. The Genocide in Gaza is too serious for most people to tolerate trolls people who lack empathy on this thread. Seriously and respectfully.
Like every western country. Leftists support Palestine because they see Israel as a colonial country and rightists see Hamas as a islamist terrorist group.
If you're correct about what the left and right in Western countries think about the Israel-Palestine conflict, what is the view of the "center" position then?
Israel is committing a genocide, it is a racist terrorist state, they want to create the situation in Gaza so extreme that the Palestinians themselves leave Gaza or submit like the West Bank Palestinians, Israel clearly does not recognise Palestinian people or a state, they consider all the land to be Israel. We must all remember this. Looking at West Bank where there is hardly any fighting, the whole of West Bank is surrounded by Israeli settlements, Israeli army and checkpoints so in reality West Bank exists only on paper, it is Israeli controlled territory and the plan is to implement the exact same to Gaza, slowly Israel will expand settlements in Gaza and surrounding areas, will control border with Egypt. This will not be the end of Israeli plan, they will never give rights to the Palestinians or treat them as equals, they will find one excuse or another and expel them to places like Jordan, Egypt or Lebanon so forming a clear majority Zionist state.

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The Muslim states response:
It is unfortunate many powerful Muslim nations like Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey still maintain relations with Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE the 2 most powerful Arab nations have recognised or willing to recognise Israel despite their genocide and terrorism, they continue to play it safe on the media, playing both sides, their treachery is apparent by their close relations with Israel, willing to recognise Israel and trade with them. They know very well Israel wants to expand and annex Gaza and West Bank but still playing dirty politics and giving out toothless political statements. If any sincerity is left in them they should immediately stop any relations with Israel, impose complete blockade, economic sanctions, completely isolate israel in the region without any compromise. We all must understand this action will harm Israel greatly and this is why they are not willing to do this, they are indeed the partners of Israel in the region.

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Can the Arabs memebers explain to us how will the two state solution work when even the west bank is more then 50% composed of Jewish settlers

There is no two state's just one state...only Arab country left out of Shia block and Africa is Saudi Arabia who were about to normalize things when Hamas a organization designated by Arabs as terrorists and by Palestinians as their elected party ruined the party
Can the Arabs memebers explain to us how will the two state solution work when even the west bank is more then 50% composed of Jewish settlers

There is no two state's just one state...only Arab country left out of Shia block and Africa is Saudi Arabia who were about to normalize things when Hamas a organization designated by Arabs as terrorists and by Palestinians as their elected party ruined the party
only 15% land is in arab control in west bank
Everyone is seeing these liars for what they are. We're very used to these atrocity propaganda lies intended to manufacture consent for genocide. Every time such a lie is released, the war is intensified on Gaza and extended. It's clear they seek to keep it going on but the people will defeat their evil and end the genocide.

People are repulsed by the Israeli lack of responsibility and cynical indifference to the slaughter of civilians in Palestine. It's messing with people's humanity and everyone is now saying enough. The will of the people is stronger than the governments. Everyone is saying what's happening before their eyes. You're on the bad side if you still remain in support of Israel.

The Nazis spread massive anti-Jewish propaganda. My parents knew it was false because they lived in Germany and knew the truth. That others despise and demean Israel is sad, but not surprising: they see anti-Zionism as the attempted continuation of the Holocaust. They are very, very proud of what Israel has become.

And Musings: what I replied to Dalit applies to you, too. Why wait even one more day to alter your loyalties to stand with Israel instead of Israel's enemies?

Your family never learnt lessons from the Holocaust. Instead you learnt the Holocaust. You learnt it so well, you implemented the Palestinian Holocaust.

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