Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Brothers and sisters, to be frank and clear with you, the humanitarian reality in the Gaza Strip is very, very painful. The occupation is committing all crimes with brutality beyond imagination, and has gone to an insane degree that modern history has never witnessed before, and has violated all post-World War II laws, customs, and understandings. The occupation destroyed homes, institutions and hospitals, eliminating all aspects of life. There is hunger, disease, overcrowding, oppression, slaughter, killing, blood and terrorism, so excuse the people of Gaza, for everything they say comes from what they see and it is marred by descriptions of the horrors of the Day of Resurrection: burning, killing, destruction, starvation and crushing. We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. The occupation intends to commit crime with the aim of subjugating and surrendering Gaza, and because of its failure in the face of its resistance, its defeat, and the collapse of its army in the Al-Aqsa flood. But the results are counterproductive. We are in a prolonged battle and the occupation does not want to stop its aggression as if it is heading towards its death. Our people have no choice but to complete the battle, bite the wounds, swallow all the pain and move forward. The only solution to get rid of all this torment and oppression is to complete the flood until the end. Israel will not extract from our people any image of defeat. I have another talk about the resistance and its reality, which is very reassuring. I swear to you that we will be victorious, and our people will be rewarded with clear victory and conquest, God willing. And here we say now, where is our role as peoples in the West Bank, Galilee, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt? This is a war that will not stop with a spatial or temporal limit, and let us all prepare to participate in support of our Palestinian people.

Scandal published by The Guardian
The Mossad director threatened the Public Prosecutor of the Criminal Court, Bensouda, unless she dropped the “war crimes” case.

If she filed it against the leaders of Israel, her life and the life of her family would be in danger


US State Department to Al-Arabiya: We oppose any threat to ICC employees

After destroying the myth of the invincible army
And destroying the reputation of the most dangerous intelligence agency in the world, Mossad
And crushing the lie of Pegasus, which was said to be the most dangerous spy program in the world
Today, #Al-Qassam_Brigades sent a message to the occupation army brigade that stormed the #Rafah crossing
The boots of the Qassam soldiers are still on your faces. So what are you bragging about?

The Washington Post, according to American officials:

◽️ A senior official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs resigned yesterday, Tuesday, due to the war in Gaza.

◽️ Stacy Gilbert, who resigned from the State Department, was working in the Ministry’s Office of Population, Refugees and Immigration.

Can the Arabs memebers explain to us how will the two state solution work when even the west bank is more then 50% composed of Jewish settlers

There is no two state's just one state...only Arab country left out of Shia block and Africa is Saudi Arabia who were about to normalize things when Hamas a organization designated by Arabs as terrorists and by Palestinians as their elected party ruined the party

They know very well the plans of Israel but make silly statements to look innocent. Are the Palestinians not Arabs? Is Palestine not Arab land? The deal has already been done, people can continue to ask for proof but the reality is in front of our eyes, the safety of their regimes for Israel safety and security but soon their time will come too, the zionist have expansion plan, they will soon turn their eyes towards Lebanon and Jordan, with Syria they already have Golan Heights under their control and have settlements inside it.
only 15% land is in arab control in west bank

So there is no West Bank left, the western media keeps on making it out that its under Palestinian control. Such dajjali lies, the deception is so powerful.
All they had to do was ignore the entity was there and put a total siege on the entity that would have made it unviable decades ago.

They had ONE JOB and messed that up.

They keep Israel alive, completely isolating israel in the region will cost the Usa billions upon billions to keep Israel alive, can israel survive in complete isolation and on top the world economy changing.

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