Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

They are butchers who don't care about their own civilians. If you can't see that,it's a pity. They run Gaza like a mafia. They brutally fought against Fatah in 2008 and they betrayed some of their supporters like Syria and Iran back in 2011-2012 when the war in Syria started. Just because the IDF has been exterminating the Palestinians in Gaza,doesn't mean Hamas is a benevolent or heroic "freedom fighter" organization.
You think this nightmare started on the 7th October? You really need to educate yourself.
The Israeli have been killing imprisoning and ethnic cleansing for the last 70 years. The only reason Hamas exists is because of the Israeli occupiers. Dont you get it? Wherever there is an occupier - you will get a resistance force - like France had in 1942 against the Nazis.
Netanyahu was caught 8 years ago suggesting that they shouldnt stop the funding of Hamas - as their ideology matched what the Zionists wanted to achieve.
You use words such as exterminating and that shows us your intent on this forum. Words like this are used when describing removal of pests or rodents. Do it again and il ban you.
But it's true. They run Gaza like a mafia-State. They are an extremist group. They show little care about the civilians. There's nothing "benevolent" in Hamas. They are a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood,what they basically want is to rule Palestine themselves and impose an strict islamic State on it.

They don't have realistic goals,they only want all of Palestine or nothing.

Do you understand that Hebrew as a language and Jews as a people and ethnoreligious identity,have been around for thousands of years?

No Abu Bengali,I haven't been reading "biased Zionist sources",not everything in the world is Zionist. This specific subject was debated to pieces in the old forum.

I thought you were smarter,but in the end you just go down to refusing to see that Hamas too is at fault (I'm not saying the Palestinian people,I'm saying Hamas specifically)and instead you just go on with the usual "oh you don't fully support anything Palestinians do? Oh you must be a hypocrite who supports Jews!"

When I came to this thread yesterday,I came to post about the outrage and war crime in Rafah. And I saw that post about "white European settlers"...criticized it and got caught in this dumbfuck debate where a dozen people accuse me of nonsense like "not condemning Israel" or "not supporting Palestinians" etc.

I end up condemning Hamas again and again here for one fucking reason: Because most of you won't even accept the fact that Hamas is a dirty organisation. You treat it as if they are a benevolent,freedom-fighting group.

Thus,I end up trying to remind you that they are not,you guys start going on about it and we end up again and again talking about this,which has you all going around saying "oh he's Jew-lover...oh he support Israel...he a hypocrite,man,he lie!"

You know,Hamas has been around way before Erdogan started proclaiming his love and friendship for Palestinians and having fights with Netanyahu. I've been interested in the Palestinian issue since the late '90s and early 2000s.
Turkey has nothing to do with this. Absolutely nothing to do with this. You rush to accept every nonsense mulji says.

Nothing extreme in the MB? Why don't we ask our fellow Egyptian members here to reply to that? @Ghostkiller @GoMig-21 @Sami_1

"Western ones are much worse"?? What an easy vague conclusion you've come to! And yet,I don't see you migrating to a country with a big MB political presence,you are staying where there are "much worse western ones".

Yes and not just Gaza,the West Bank too. For at least 25-30 years. Especially Hebron has been transformed into a ghetto for the Palestinians. Of course,that doesn't mean what Hamas did and in that specific way,should not be condemned. It also doesn't give the right to the Israeli government to annihilate the entire Gaza Strip in 6 months of bombings and starvation.

It's a cycle that has been going on for decades. One side occupies,the other retaliates,the first side tightens control,the other one reacts aggressively,the first one conducts reprisals on an even bigger scale etc.

Ya TopGun...Hamas is not just a resistance movement. Not all resistance movements are just and truthful.

I think it was @UKBengali that I asked yesterday: "Where do you draw the line? Where is the line that seperates a freedom-fighter from a criminal?" For you TopGun,what is the limit? When does a "freedom-fighter" stops being a freedom-fighter and becomes a monster?
Do not hide behind other people, yes nothing extreme, your definition of extreme is irrelevant as you are zionists boot licker and supporter, what can be more extreme then that?
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There is nothing left for Palestinians. 2 nation solution is a deflection. Only one state solution is possible with Palestinians living as equal citizens within Israel. Which we all know they will never be considered equal citizens.

It's all a deception, even if they give 10% of land to a Palestinian state, will they ever be allowed to be fully independent, economy independent, a powerful military. This will never happen so what Palestinian state? What 2 state solution?
It's all a deception, even if they give 10% of land to a Palestinian state, will they ever be allowed to be fully independent, economy independent, a powerful military. This will never happen so what Palestinian state? What 2 state solution?

The Palestinian population is too large to meet the fate of the Native Americans in the Americas at the hands of European settlers. Either the Israelis learn to live peacefully in the region as equals--instead of some wannabe 'The Last Outpost of the West in the Middle East' or they GTFO to wherever they came from.
Do you understand that Hebrew as a language and Jews as a people and ethnoreligious identity,have been around for thousands of years?
I do actually. I know from where the Jews of Khyber came, who they actually were, and where did they go after they were told to leave. What's your point?
Do not hide behind other people, yes nothing extreme, your definition of extreme is irrelevant as you are zionists boot licker and supporter, what can be more extreme then that?
Where exactly am I "hiding" and behind what other people? Next time you call me a "zionists boot licker and supporter",I'll report you. Plain and simple. Enough with this stupidity.

You think this nightmare started on the 7th October? You really need to educate yourself.
Ah,you think you're the only one here who's read about the Palestinian issue? You think I don't know about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict just because I don't find the 7 October attack as particularly "heroic" or an act of "resistance"?

The Israeli have been killing imprisoning and ethnic cleansing for the last 70 years. The only reason Hamas exists is because of the Israeli occupiers. Dont you get it? Wherever there is an occupier - you will get a resistance force - like France had in 1942 against the Nazis.
Yes and that's why I ask again and again: Where do you draw the line. Also,there are resistance groups of various sorts in conflicts. It doesn't mean they are all good and heroic. It doesn't mean they are all an example. Take the communist guerillas in the Axis occupation of Greece for example: They were brutal to both Germans/Italians and the locals. Their attacks had little to no strategic significance in their vast majority and ended up in reprisals by the Germans,that had hundreds of people executed and villages burned down. Same as with other countries and their communist partisans or for example guerilla groups in Latin America.

Netanyahu was caught 8 years ago suggesting that they shouldnt stop the funding of Hamas - as their ideology matched what the Zionists wanted to achieve.
So basically,you reinforce the idea some members suggested in the old forum,that Hamas was indirectly "created" or "flourished" because of Israeli interests. No matter,it's well known that Netanyahu is a wild dog who has been advocating for extreme measures against the Palestinians. And I wouldn't be surprised if he knew about the attack and let it happen,just like many people believe. He showed from day one,that he doesn't care about the hostages either.

You use words such as exterminating and that shows us your intent on this forum. Words like this are used when describing removal of pests or rodents. Do it again and il ban you.
Musings,I think you are going on a rant here,taking everything wrong. What phrase would you think is better? "Ethnic cleansing?" or will it remind you of "germs"? Genocide? Or will it remind you of Jews in WWII? Butchering? Elimination? Mass bombings? What exactly? It's you who thought of "removal of pests or rodents",not me.

The Netanyahu government is focused of wiping out Palestinians from Gaza or forcing them out. Is this terminology acceptable?
Musings,I think you are going on a rant here,taking everything wrong. What phrase would you think is better? "Ethnic cleansing?" or will it remind you of "germs"? Genocide? Or will it remind you of Jews in WWII? Butchering? Elimination? Mass bombings? What exactly? It's you who thought of "removal of pests or rodents",not me.

The Netanyahu government is focused of wiping out Palestinians from Gaza or forcing them out. Is this terminology acceptable?
No rant. Just watched your selective criticism of one side - forgetting to even tarnish those that have specifically targeted children, women, refugee camps and hospitals. You seem to attempt to sit on the fence and be neutral. Unfortunately not clever enough and too transparent.
The Israeli are behaving like the lowest form of human and all the war crimes have been documented. The ICJ are objective and their assessment is war crimes and genocide has been committed and those responsible will be charged.............
But it's true. They run Gaza like a mafia-State. They are an extremist group. They show little care about the civilians. There's nothing "benevolent" in Hamas. They are a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood,what they basically want is to rule Palestine themselves and impose an strict islamic State on it.

They don't have realistic goals,they only want all of Palestine or nothing.

Do you understand that Hebrew as a language and Jews as a people and ethnoreligious identity,have been around for thousands of years?

No Abu Bengali,I haven't been reading "biased Zionist sources",not everything in the world is Zionist. This specific subject was debated to pieces in the old forum.

I thought you were smarter,but in the end you just go down to refusing to see that Hamas too is at fault (I'm not saying the Palestinian people,I'm saying Hamas specifically)and instead you just go on with the usual "oh you don't fully support anything Palestinians do? Oh you must be a hypocrite who supports Jews!"

When I came to this thread yesterday,I came to post about the outrage and war crime in Rafah. And I saw that post about "white European settlers"...criticized it and got caught in this dumbfuck debate where a dozen people accuse me of nonsense like "not condemning Israel" or "not supporting Palestinians" etc.

I end up condemning Hamas again and again here for one fucking reason: Because most of you won't even accept the fact that Hamas is a dirty organisation. You treat it as if they are a benevolent,freedom-fighting group.

Thus,I end up trying to remind you that they are not,you guys start going on about it and we end up again and again talking about this,which has you all going around saying "oh he's Jew-lover...oh he support Israel...he a hypocrite,man,he lie!"

You know,Hamas has been around way before Erdogan started proclaiming his love and friendship for Palestinians and having fights with Netanyahu. I've been interested in the Palestinian issue since the late '90s and early 2000s.
Turkey has nothing to do with this. Absolutely nothing to do with this. You rush to accept every nonsense mulji says.

Nothing extreme in the MB? Why don't we ask our fellow Egyptian members here to reply to that? @Ghostkiller @GoMig-21 @Sami_1

"Western ones are much worse"?? What an easy vague conclusion you've come to! And yet,I don't see you migrating to a country with a big MB political presence,you are staying where there are "much worse western ones".

Yes and not just Gaza,the West Bank too. For at least 25-30 years. Especially Hebron has been transformed into a ghetto for the Palestinians. Of course,that doesn't mean what Hamas did and in that specific way,should not be condemned. It also doesn't give the right to the Israeli government to annihilate the entire Gaza Strip in 6 months of bombings and starvation.

It's a cycle that has been going on for decades. One side occupies,the other retaliates,the first side tightens control,the other one reacts aggressively,the first one conducts reprisals on an even bigger scale etc.

Ya TopGun...Hamas is not just a resistance movement. Not all resistance movements are just and truthful.

I think it was @UKBengali that I asked yesterday: "Where do you draw the line? Where is the line that seperates a freedom-fighter from a criminal?" For you TopGun,what is the limit? When does a "freedom-fighter" stops being a freedom-fighter and becomes a monster?
Again a load of bull-xit.
You completely forgot atrocities and genocidal actions of Zionists which were exactly the cause of creation of Hamas resistance.
Hamas is Palestinian resistance. And their land, their rules. Who are you to force them how they should lead their people?
@Musings this Zionist troll went too far in his blindness, hypocrisy and hate. Can you please permanently ban him from this forum?
No rant. Just watched your selective criticism of one side - forgetting to even tarnish those that have specifically targeted children, women, refugee camps and hospitals. You seem to attempt to sit on the fence and be neutral. Unfortunately not clever enough and too transparent.
The Israeli are behaving like the lowest form of human and all the war crimes have been documented. The ICJ are objective and their assessment is war crimes and genocide has been committed and those responsible will be charged.............
And @TopGun786

Initially,I came on this thread yesterday to talk about the atrocities in Rafah. I stumbled on that "white european settlers" phrase by Liquidator and commented on that,then this whole conversation started somehow.

To let you know,I'm not pro-Zionist and I heavily condemn Israeli atrocities. I had to say it numerous times in the old forum as well,because apparently for a lot of people here,condemning Hamas somehow equals to "you're Jew lover".

I am extremely in favor of this ICJ verdict for the arrest of both Netanyahu,his gang and Hamas leaders. I'm also very happy that the UN took a correct stance and condemned Israeli crimes,when Israel showed once more that they are arrogant and impudent by having the audacity to scold the UN and ICJ,as well as indirectly threaten Spain,Sweden,Norway and any other country willing to recognize a Palestinian State.

Now,to finish this,because it's pointless having to repeat the same stuff over and over:

I condemn and despise the October 7 crimes of Hamas and also condemn and despise the genocidal crimes of the Israeli government against the people of Gaza that have been going on for 6 months now.

But,if you only want Hamas sympathizers on this forum,I'm not one. I detest Hamas,just as I detest arrogant settler abuse of Palestinians in the West Bank and IDF annihilation of the entire Gaza Strip.

If you only want Hamas sympathizers @Waz @The SC @dbc @RescueRanger @Mr X @Persian Gulf @Deino @Hack-Hook @Waj Sal @Joe Shearer tell me and I will leave the forum on my own,no problem.

But I will not and I repeat,I will not have anyone call me "Zionist troll" or "Zionist boot licker" or "Jew lover" or any idiotic insult like that.

To finish this once and for all.

And let me share something I made myself a few weeks ago:

And @TopGun786

Initially,I came on this thread yesterday to talk about the atrocities in Rafah. I stumbled on that "white european settlers" phrase by Liquidator and commented on that,then this whole conversation started somehow.

To let you know,I'm not pro-Zionist and I heavily condemn Israeli atrocities. I had to say it numerous times in the old forum as well,because apparently for a lot of people here,condemning Hamas somehow equals to "you're Jew lover".

I am extremely in favor of this ICJ verdict for the arrest of both Netanyahu,his gang and Hamas leaders. I'm also very happy that the UN took a correct stance and condemned Israeli crimes,when Israel showed once more that they are arrogant and impudent by having the audacity to scold the UN and ICJ,as well as indirectly threaten Spain,Sweden,Norway and any other country willing to recognize a Palestinian State.

Now,to finish this,because it's pointless having to repeat the same stuff over and over:

I condemn and despise the October 7 crimes of Hamas and also condemn and despise the genocidal crimes of the Israeli government against the people of Gaza that have been going on for 6 months now.

But,if you only want Hamas sympathizers on this forum,I'm not one. I detest Hamas,just as I detest arrogant settler abuse of Palestinians in the West Bank and IDF annihilation of the entire Gaza Strip.

If you only want Hamas sympathizers @Waz @The SC @dbc @RescueRanger @Mr X @Persian Gulf @Deino @Hack-Hook @Waj Sal @Joe Shearer tell me and I will leave the forum on my own,no problem.

But I will not and I repeat,I will not have anyone call me "Zionist troll" or "Zionist boot licker" or "Jew lover" or any idiotic insult like that.

To finish this once and for all.

And let me share something I made myself a few weeks ago:

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Haven’t read your full post as I am at the hospital since morning but for your knowledge I am also against Hamas or any of such organisations in the world.

At the same time, I criticise Israel for their atrocities
But,if you only want Hamas sympathizers on this forum,I'm not one. I detest Hamas,just as I detest arrogant settler abuse of Palestinians in the West Bank and IDF annihilation of the entire Gaza Strip.

Fair enough. Good post. But if the world thinks that an occupying entity has a right to defend itself... Then, the indigenous peoples should have a greater (of not the true) right to defend itself.

Hamas, right or wrong, is a product of over 70 years of occupation and oppression. I too am not a supporter of Hamas.... However, Hamas is the only ones defending Palestinians through armed struggles. Palestinian authority is not.

Don't be swayed by Western propaganda and misinformation. We live in an age where reality and appearances are usually opposite to each other.
It's the dumbest thing,, the U.S nor the world can support Israel at the cost of 2 BILLION Muslims or hundreds of millions of Arabs and multiply countries

The Arabs have to do the SIMPLEST of things and it's just declare Israel is a monstrous state and they won't work with, trade with or recognize it.
And they will not allow any supporter of Israel trade with the Arab world

Within days you will have a state for the Palestinians because the cost of supporting Israel would be simply to great even for the hypocritical west

The Arabs do the absolute WORST AND CUCOLDISH crap possible
They watch Palestine being harmed and they REWARD the west with billions in contracts, recognition and support

It's pathetic

I 100% agree. I even go as far as to say... It's not really the Zionists killing the Palestinians it's the Arabs. The Zionists are the knives, the rest of the Muslims (not just an Arab thing) are the ones that have stabbed the Palestinians in the back.
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Her original name is Nimarata Randhawa

Yes, I know Bro, believe me. I've known about her and her heritage way before she even became governor of South Carolina in 2010 when my buddies and I used to go down there for some of the best onshore shark fishing and learned about her as she was running for the position and that came up by her opponent who was trying to use it to his advantage.

I just don't hold her heritage against her whatsoever. Just like we don't hold Jewish people's heritage against them. Besides, India has almost as many Indian Muslims as Pakistan's entire 200K+ population. Not directing this at you, SC bro. Just gabbing about this insufferable wench.

My issue is her complete and despicable loyalty to the murderous zionist demon scum and signing artillery shells openly in front of the world to see I mean, is she that stupid? She must be. Even if you or I were supporters of these criminals like she obviously is, would we openly do that? Wouldn't an ex-United Nations ambassador know the backlash that would come as a result? Notice not a single other grease-pocketed scum-sucking hog did anything remotely close to this idiot?

And BTW, it is complete stupidity. She is as dumb as a door knob this broad. 100% the IQ of a cucumber without a doubt and if this doesn't prove it, the other example was during her thankfully ill-fated presidential campaign run. She was asked a simple, historical question by a member of the press "why was the civil war fought?" Referring to the United States Civil War in 1861-1865. And I'm sure many remember her completely asinine answer! "It was about the role of the government and the freedoms of what people could and couldn't do" L. M. F. A. O.!!! This is the idiot who wants to run for president against the other idiot who's arguably the biggest idiot who most likely will become the world's most powerful idiot by November. Imagine that? No, BITCH! It was about SLAVERY you two-bit parasitical dumbass wenchy witch! Wow at the stupidity that exists at that level. It's frightening.

I had to know 100X more information just to graduate from high school!?

Scandal published by The Guardian
The Mossad director threatened the Public Prosecutor of the Criminal Court, Bensouda, unless she dropped the “war crimes” case.

If she filed it against the leaders of Israel, her life and the life of her family would be in danger

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US State Department to Al-Arabiya: We oppose any threat to ICC employees

We knew this was coming 100% from this filthy worse than Mafiosi Crime organization. Look at this, blatantly threatening assassination in front of the entire world and they still get support from the greased sheep here in the US and around the world. What's wrong with that picture?
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