Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Media coverage on Gaza is awful. You'd think there is nothing happening. You won't know about the death toll in Gaza nor the destruction nor anything Israel does. It's being framed as a very low intensity conflict which is far from it.

Only AP news has made a effort to appear slightly partial. Everyone else is full fledged propaganda for Israel. Downplaying Israel's genocidal campaign and minimizing the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.
This is meant to calm people down. And especially directed at Muslims and Arabs. Another 7 months of slaughter could mean 100,000 people get killed by the end of it. For the sake of Jewish bloodlust, nothing else. Jews want to keep slaughtering. And they will not leave Gaza in seven months. Arabs and Muslims of course won't do anything besides feel assured Israel claims it will continue slaughtering people of Gaza for only seven more months. Amp up the pressure now.

Allahu Akbar.

What I saw in Rafah is happening as of now wasn't death of humans in Gaza but complete destruction of the concept of humanity.

It's happening in the front of our eyes, thousands of civilians rush for food, children with severed heads, mothers running and escaping from burning tents, fathers lost their hope and unable to protect their families.

Humanity died in Rafah.

But it is my ultimate conclusion that this war is war of Gaza and USA.
"...Over three-quarters of a century, Israel has survived several attacks from their neighbors, each of which aspired to genocide, sometimes in word, sometimes in deed. Israel survived....there remains the core ethics of the Israelis themselves. One either understands this or one does not. Simply put: Israel could commit genocide but won’t, while Hamas would commit genocide but can’t. Until this is grasped by good faith observers, they won’t understand...The anti-Zionist axis of Western elites—academia, media, establishment institutions, and increasingly the state—are party (wittingly or unwittingly) to a strategy that gets more Palestinians killed, all in order to feel morally superior, which is perhaps the most pagan and colonial perversity of all."

"...Over three-quarters of a century, Israel has survived several attacks from their neighbors, each of which aspired to genocide, sometimes in word, sometimes in deed. Israel survived....there remains the core ethics of the Israelis themselves. One either understands this or one does not. Simply put: Israel could commit genocide but won’t, while Hamas would commit genocide but can’t. Until this is grasped by good faith observers, they won’t understand...The anti-Zionist axis of Western elites—academia, media, establishment institutions, and increasingly the state—are party (wittingly or unwittingly) to a strategy that gets more Palestinians killed, all in order to feel morally superior, which is perhaps the most pagan and colonial perversity of all."


Don't judge our intellect we can see with our eyes what is happening
Genocide & Apartheid , a normal society has equal laws or focus on humanity which does not include City size prison.

The Jewish Faith Survived because Muslims were kind enough to offer shelter to the displaced people
  • They were allowed to practice their faith and hold office in government & business

The Land has no name , the Territory has been burned , destroyed , rebuilt every 100 years

By this account Muslims/Christians/Jews all have lived in this land after war
  • History books recall the streets of Land overflowing with Human Blood
  • The history books recall all population being decimated

Your view of Israel is from point of view of last 75 years there was no Israel state before

Last 2000 years such death and destruction has happened many times

There is no divine protection for Israel

Hamas is just people who lived in Prison 75 years and just want to attain freedom. I don't think they would exist if Palestinians had a statehood

To Live in Free society is basic Human Right

Creating City size Prison = Apartheid
Controlling Economy in Prison = Slow Genocide
Checkpoints at every street = Slow Genocide
Denial of Medicine = War crime & Genocide
Destruction of Hospital = War crime
Killing of Medical Staff & Doctors = War crime
Attack on Citizens of Palestine unarmed = War crime
Denial of Passport /return rights to Palestinians = Apartheid & Slow Genocide
Usage of Military Airfroce and Tanks on Unarmed = War Crime

Please Jews don't have this much mercy on Muslims we don't deserve your mercy
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"...Over three-quarters of a century, Israel has survived several attacks from their neighbors, each of which aspired to genocide, sometimes in word, sometimes in deed. Israel survived....there remains the core ethics of the Israelis themselves. One either understands this or one does not. Simply put: Israel could commit genocide but won’t, while Hamas would commit genocide but can’t. Until this is grasped by good faith observers, they won’t understand...The anti-Zionist axis of Western elites—academia, media, establishment institutions, and increasingly the state—are party (wittingly or unwittingly) to a strategy that gets more Palestinians killed, all in order to feel morally superior, which is perhaps the most pagan and colonial perversity of all."

Well..when you occupy other peoples land by should expect attacks..
Can someone explain why Arabs and Muslim nations can't sanction Israel? What's the excuse ? They'd be doing a favor for themselves before Palestinians. Israel, through unlimited foreign support, is manipulating all the other nations in the region. Thus you must weaken them and make it known they have no priority over the majority in the region.
Can someone explain why Arabs and Muslim nations can't sanction Israel? What's the excuse ? They'd be doing a favor for themselves before Palestinians. Israel, through unlimited foreign support, is manipulating all the other nations in the region. Thus you must weaken them and make it known they have no priority over the majority in the region.
It's become clear that even if Israel exterminated every single person in Gaza, that nothing would be done by these lifeless and defeated losers known as Arabs and Muslims.
Do not play dumb games with me, you asked egyptian members to back you up in you opinion about MB.
Please do report me altough i do not know why, you should wear that etiquette as badge of honour as you are parroting their talking points, zionist boot licker.
I agree that is enough, you type to much of it.
Egyptians know better the threat the MB poses,from first hand. Again,it's ironic that you find the MB "a normal party" and complain that "western political parties are worse",however if I'm not mistaken you live in a western european country instead of a muslim country with important MB presence.
Look folks people who talk about Arab Sanction on Israel here is reality

a) Saudi Arabia has openly invited folks from Jewish Faith to play in their soccer league few players with name "David". They never had problem with player like David Beckham , quite popular man in region

b) Recently WWE had a pay per view in Saudi Arabia and and person name "jude" was present in commentary , I assume he was Jewish from his name

c) UAE has normalized ties with Israel out of general peaceful nature

d) Jordan is well , fine with Israel they wine and dine together

e) Yes there are many Palestinian people in Arab countries and there is general love and support for Palestinian people

f) Egypt takes 10-15 Billion Annually to maintain good relation with Israel

g) Turkey has had positive ties with Israel for some time but only recently some disagreement

h) Even Iran has had a Jewish residents

Considering all the above , the genocidal tendencies of Israel are "Strange"

No one is going to heaven for unconditional support of Israel
  • Genocide is Genocide , and thou shalt not kill means thou shall not kill

If any one believes that dropping massive bomb on hospital and civilian building is way to heaven , then I rather be in Hell
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It's become clear that even if Israel exterminated every single person in Gaza, that nothing would be done by these lifeless and defeated losers known as Arabs and Muslims.

I know other Muslim countries are doing little or anything for Gaza but not all Muslim countries are traitors.

If Turkey and Saudi(facilitates trade with GCC statelets) acted and cut all relations with the entity then it would be in a much more pressurised state.

Egypt should also cut all trading relations(not required as part of “Camp David”) and then we will see how exposed the Jordanian puppet ruler is.

Problem is the neighbouring Muslim countries and some of them blocked the OIC call for a complete boycott back in November when this horror started.

Put the entity in a state of siege and it will collapse as even the US cannot prop it up forever.
I know other Muslim countries are doing little or anything for Gaza but not all Muslim countries are traitors.

If Turkey and Saudi(facilitates trade with GCC statelets) acted and cut all relations with the entity then it would be in a much more pressurised state.

Egypt should also cut all trading relations(not required as part of “Camp David”) and then we will see how exposed the Jordanian puppet ruler is.

Problem is the neighbouring Muslim countries and some of them blocked the OIC call for a complete boycott back in November when this horror started.

Put the entity in a state of siege and it will collapse as even the US cannot prop it up forever.
It is because they are all competing and don't trust each other. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, do not trust each other. And will never take united action against Israel as each will unload responsibility unto the suspecting one and each will suspect it's a conspiracy being driven against them. Reality is there needs be a restructuring in the region and restructing of leadership and governance systems. But what will it take for that to commence is the question. I don't want anyone to have to suffer in the process. But we also must understand this life comes with struggles and struggling pays off later.
Let me fill you in Israel does not need money

  • They have small population and they get re-fueled by Americans Money recent amount sent , 90 Billion Dollar
  • Because of Low population , this money is like having 200 Billion given
  • Many US corporations have office in Israel , that is they employ workers in Israel , more money sent

The Banks in America collect $$ from every transaction happening globally
guess where some of that money gets sent to ??? The US dollar as global country means endless , money coming in , ever day

  • Russia/China are trying to break that monopoly over global economy
  • Shanghai Corporation created in 2000-2001 is also the reason why the middle east has become more active in last 25 years

How do the Muslim Country Sanction work on American Food Chains?
  • McDonald , ban
  • Pepsi Ban
  • Cola Ban
  • KFC ban
While these boycott does reduce the general profits of American companies
  • Before profit was lets say 100 Billion , after boycott the profit was 80 Billion

The Only Solution to Palestine/Israel issue is

  • Recognition of Palestine and Opening of Embassy in Palestine

However Ban on fast food in general is good for health as it is Junk Food
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