Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Can someone explain why Arabs and Muslim nations can't sanction Israel? What's the excuse ? They'd be doing a favor for themselves before Palestinians. Israel, through unlimited foreign support, is manipulating all the other nations in the region. Thus you must weaken them and make it known they have no priority over the majority in the region.
They are afraid that their Dollar reserves will go away... The promises of Estates, and Multi million $ accounts have taken their balls off :)
Stick to topic.

No more personal attacks or I will start banning instead of deleting pointless posts
The stance taken by Norway/Spain/Ireland is quite commendable
  • Official Recognition of State of Palestine
Also it is quite commendable what South Africa has done to raise the voice in International Court to hold Israel Accountable.

While Norway/Spain position on Palestine is commendable , there is also an angle in relation to ongoing war in Ukraine where the European nations are quite keen to take on Russia

There is on Strong voice for Palestinians , they are mostly viewed as just pylons from US politician point of view

On social media I have seen Italians and Spanish people a bit more understanding of Palestinian issue
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It is because they are all competing and don't trust each other. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, do not trust each other. And will never take united action against Israel as each will unload responsibility unto the suspecting one and each will suspect it's a conspiracy being driven against them. Reality is there needs be a restructuring in the region and restructing of leadership and governance systems. But what will it take for that to commence is the question. I don't want anyone to have to suffer in the process. But we also must understand this life comes with struggles and struggling pays off later.

Don’t think that is the sole reason.

Turkey recognised the entity back in 1949 and seems to have decided on a pan-Turkic future and so that is where its priorities lie. It currently facilitated Azeri oil to flow to entity. Erdogan likes to talk big on Gaza but even now Turkish products are flooding the entity’s supermarkets.

Egypt is under severe economic stress due to massive spending on new capital and basically gave up decades ago on Palestine and the government treats the entity as just another neighbour.

KSA is planning a high-tech future and as it does not feel secure even against its own people, it thinks having relations with the entity will secure its own Royal Rule for many more decades to come. Iran is a factor but probably not the main one.

Iran of course has its own national interests but at least it is helping put the entity under a state of siege by its funding and arming of resistance movements like Hezbollah.

I think unless we have more representative government’s in the region then not much will change as regards this gradual normalisation of the entity as a fixture of the region.
This is the geopolitical status of Muslim countries in region

Turkey is threatened with Genocide against Armenians. Greece is armed
  • Their Airforce is being weakened by reluctance of release of new planes to them
  • Recent attempt to topple leader from outside
  • Pressure to reduce Turkish Economy so it does not compete with Israel
  • Rising inflation , putting pressure on Turkish currency

Egypt is threatened with Water dam in Ethopia
  • They are dependent on the 15-20 Billion Aid from USA (Israel-Egypt initiative)
  • No real benefit for Egypt to Jump into Palestine
  • Would be a shocker if they indeed send in their army
  • The Water being cut from Egypt could cause major issues for Egypt
  • This region has been identified as one of the regions where chaos will emerge and it is quite close to Makkah s well

Syria [Decomissioned]
  • Destroyed infrastructure 2010-2015, Proxy war
  • Airforce , is very weak
  • Syria is practicing restraint to maintain their assets

Saudia [Want to make Casino] [Spending Billion on Mukaab project]
  • Building a big modern city near Jordan/Saudia called Neom
  • Focused on spending Billions to bring in Tourist to Neom and it's sea shore beaches
  • Making a giant Sqaure "Object" in Riyadh of great size , Arab competing with Egyptian Arab and UAE Arab for building size and popularity

Jordan [Living on Donation and Aid no real economy]
  • Dependent on US aid for various infrastructure projects
  • Very Tiny Airforce

Lebnoon [Nation with no Geopolitical weight]
  • Sea port was taken out in "Accident I suppose" their economy tanked
  • Also faced espionage between 60's-70's
  • Army or air-force not really none factor

Iran [Sanctioned for 30+ years]
  • Recent skirmish with Isreal no real gain
  • Head of state , died in helicopter incident (timing of incident is questionable)

Iraq [Economically stalled]
  • Nation is already licking wounds from 20 year war
  • The iraqi people are again showing lot of love for Saudi unsure what has happened behind the scene
  • There was animosity after the gulf war but recently I do see many love post between Saudi and Iraqi
  • Till 2007-2008 there was genuine dislike of Saudi from Iraqi people

Pakistan ( a bit far away from conflict) [Economically Stalled]
  • Bajwa Doctrine and home in Australian Island
  • Baby Maryem in police uniform
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View attachment 43969

View attachment 43970

Her original name is Nimarata Randhawa

"Finish sikhism like it's 1984 operation bluestar".....................the bloodthirsty hatred of Islam and Muslims by sikhs is on FULL display here. For those Pakistanis who argue that sikhs are our allies, here are their true colours. Apart from hatred of Islam and Muslims, sikhism has NOTHING else to offer as a religion. They need to talk about us to have ANY shread of credibility.
Egyptians know better the threat the MB poses,from first hand. Again,it's ironic that you find the MB "a normal party" and complain that "western political parties are worse",however if I'm not mistaken you live in a western european country instead of a muslim country with important MB presence.
4 members on this forum can not represent egyptians, even them are reserved and somehow show cautions in remarks about MB, it is not ironic, average western political party in position of power supports and facilitate ongoing genocide, how on earth they can be better then MB which has no political power, only hateful and bigoted person can draw conclusion like that, i believe that you are such person.
I live in Bosnia and we are not officially part of west as we are not members of EU and NATO but you as greek citizen facilitate transport of weapons and bombs to kill civilians in Gaza, so shut your mouth if you are going to act from some non existing higher moral ground.
This is the geopolitical status of Muslim countries in region

Turkey is threatened with Genocide against Armenians. Greece is armed
  • Their Airforce is being weakened by reluctance of release of new planes to them
  • Recent attempt to topple leader from outside
  • Pressure to reduce Turkish Economy so it does not compete with Israel
  • Rising inflation , putting pressure on Turkish currency

Egypt is threatened with Water dam in Ethopia
  • They are dependent on the 15-20 Billion Aid from USA (Israel-Egypt initiative)
  • No real benefit for Egypt to Jump into Palestine
  • Would be a shocker if they indeed send in their army
  • The Water being cut from Egypt could cause major issues for Egypt
  • This region has been identified as one of the regions where chaos will emerge and it is quite close to Makkah s well

Syria [Decomissioned]
  • Destroyed infrastructure 2010-2015, Proxy war
  • Airforce , is very weak
  • Syria is practicing restraint to maintain their assets

Saudia [Want to make Casino] [Spending Billion on Mukaab project]
  • Building a big modern city near Jordan/Saudia called Neom
  • Focused on spending Billions to bring in Tourist to Neom and it's sea shore beaches
  • Making a giant Sqaure "Object" in Riyadh of great size , Arab competing with Egyptian Arab and UAE Arab for building size and popularity

Jordan [Living on Donation and Aid no real economy]
  • Dependent on US aid for various infrastructure projects
  • Very Tiny Airforce

Lebnoon [Nation with no Geopolitical weight]
  • Sea port was taken out in "Accident I suppose" their economy tanked
  • Also faced espionage between 60's-70's
  • Army or air-force not really none factor

Iran [Sanctioned for 30+ years]
  • Recent skirmish with Isreal no real gain
  • Head of state , died in helicopter incident (timing of incident is questionable)

Iraq [Economically stalled]
  • Nation is already licking wounds from 20 year war
  • The iraqi people are again showing lot of love for Saudi unsure what has happened behind the scene
  • There was animosity after the gulf war but recently I do see many love post between Saudi and Iraqi
  • Till 2007-2008 there was genuine dislike of Saudi from Iraqi people

Pakistan ( a bit far away from conflict) [Economically Stalled]
  • Bajwa Doctrine and home in Australian Island
  • Baby Maryem in police uniform
Good analysis 👍
They just called Egypts "red line" ...
No indication that there is any for Eqypt but lets see what will happen, might have some surprise in their sleeve for such scenario, personally based on overall egyptian posture in last 8 months, i doubt anything will happen, best i can hope for would be full reactivation and intense traffic of tunnels if there are any remained on their side.
Egyptians know better the threat the MB poses,from first hand. Again,it's ironic that you find the MB "a normal party" and complain that "western political parties are worse",however if I'm not mistaken you live in a western european country instead of a muslim country with important MB presence.
do you support democracy or not ? everyone supports democracy when their favoured candidates wins, that's easy
4 members on this forum can not represent egyptians, even them are reserved and somehow show cautions in remarks about MB
4 members on this forum can't,but 1 Bosnian can?

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