Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

No indication that there is any for Eqypt but lets see what will happen, might have some surprise in their sleeve for such scenario, personally based on overall egyptian posture in last 8 months, i doubt anything will happen, best i can hope for would be full reactivation and intense traffic of tunnels if there are any remained on their side.

Nothing will happen as the Zionists know they along with their Gulf allies can bankrupt Egypt almost immediately.

60% of Egyptian budget goes just on paying back the debt and with the "help" from IMF and Gulfies they can manage these repayments now.

It is not just that Egypt will have to fight the western backed entity militarily, but an enormous financial tsunami will be unleashed on it from west(IMF) and their "brothers" in the GCC.
Translation, to kill, wound, permanently disable majority of Gaza population and destroy any trace of civilian infrastructure and they will get away with it.

They said the holocaust could never happen again. It is happening RIGHT NOW in front of our eyes in Gaza and the whole world stood silent and let it happen.
but you as greek citizen facilitate transport of weapons and bombs to kill civilians in Gaza, so shut your mouth if you are going to act from some non existing higher moral ground.

Turkey is threatened with Genocide against Armenians. Greece is armed
  • Their Airforce is being weakened by reluctance of release of new planes to them
  • Recent attempt to topple leader from outside
  • Pressure to reduce Turkish Economy so it does not compete with Israel
  • Rising inflation , putting pressure on Turkish currency
"threatened with genocide against Armenians",how is Turkey threatened? Greece is armed? Lol. Attempt to topple leader from outside? Their Air Force wasn't weakened by "reluctance" to sell them new airplanes. It was because of Erdogan sacking a lot of pilots and Air Force personnel.

As for the rest,you're more or less correct. In 21 years,the Israelis managed to take out almost every major player in the area that could be a potential threat to them and they did it by using the Americans,the British and others.

Iraq taken out in 2003 and still kind of divided and poor (compared to Saddam era).
Libya,taken out in 2011 and still divided.
Lebanon...divided and poor since the at least the '80s.
Syria taken out in 2012 onwards with the country's army barely able to defend against armed groups by now and a big part of it divided between the SDF,TFSA and American-backed FSA.
Morocco,now a heavily pro-Israeli country.
Egypt and Jordan recognized Israel a long time ago and try not to go to war.
Yemen has a civil war.
Sudan has a civil war.
Algeria too far to play any part in this.
Pakistan,like you said too far to play any part in this.

The Gulf monarchies are looking after their interests now.

Who's left? Iran and Turkey.

Iran is trying to balance between attacking and not provoking too much.
Turkey is full of bravado and anti-Israeli rhetoric,but won't risk getting ganged by USA and the Western European economic powerhouses.

What about the other two superpowers?

Russia is at war and wouldn't even care enough to completely protect Syria back in the mid-2010s against IDF attacks and China is on planet China.

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