Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Urgent | Saudi Foreign Ministry: We hold the Israeli authorities fully responsible for what is happening in Rafah and all the occupied Palestinian territories..


Hold responsible for what is "happening"???... The Saudis do not have courage to even use the correct word "genocide"!... Saudis are responsible for the Palestinian Genocide. Send your arms and military sports and stop belly dancing concerts while the Palestinians are being butchered.
My issue is her complete and despicable loyalty to the murderous zionist demon scum and signing artillery shells openly in front of the world to see I mean, is she that stupid? She must be. Even if you or I were supporters of these criminals like she obviously is, would we openly do that? Wouldn't an ex-United Nations ambassador know the backlash that would come as a result? Notice not a single other grease-pocketed scum-sucking hog did anything remotely close to this idiot?

Nickey Haley and ALL American politicians go about their vulgar displays like signing the Israeli bombs which have been killing mostly the Palestinians civilians because these scumbags know the total immunity they have which comes from the military and economic power which America holds. It is as simple as that. Perhaps, in June 1940, when Hitler had conquered Paris and subdued much of Europe, the Nazis may have felt the same.

You mentioned Haley being an idiot, so here is a recent public display of that: During the Republican Presidential nomination debates some months ago, Ramaswamy challenged Haley to just name the eastern Ukrainian regions which wanted to liberate from Russia. An embarassed Haley couldn't answer that, of course. Ramaswamy was also unique among Republicans in, carefully, saying that America shouldn't send money and weapons to Israel. He stood out for that bold stand.
I 100% agree. I even go as far as to say... It's not really the Zionists killing the Palestinians it's the Arabs. The Zionists are the knives, the rest of the Muslims (not just an Arab thing) are the ones that have stabbed the Palestinians in the back.


If I had to lay absolute blame it would be

1-Arab states
2- USA

Israel is what it is a mentally disturbed people creating a ethnocentric apartheid state to save them, except the land was inhabited when they came up with the plot

It's the USA constantly provides funds, aid, weapons and diplomatic cover that pushes Israel to behave like a monster

And it's the Arabs that even whilst holding multiple cards are literally losing on purpose because their elite are such scum and more scared of iran or their own populations that they stand by and tolerate the slaughter of their own people, hoping for a quick Israeli victory so they can establish relations and protect their own regimes

Hamas fighting back and the resistance of the Palestinians have fcuked up everything for the Arabs and the Jews and the sheer unadulterated hate of Israel will be costly for them

We have to make sure we hound Israel everywhere
Hold responsible for what is "happening"???... The Saudis do not have courage to even use the correct word "genocide"!... Saudis are responsible for the Palestinian Genocide. Send your arms and military sports and stop belly dancing concerts while the Palestinians are being butchered.
Why don't you send yours first..
You mentioned Haley being an idiot, so here is a recent public display of that: During the Republican Presidential nomination debates some months ago, Ramaswamy challenged Haley to just name the eastern Ukrainian regions which wanted to liberate from Russia. An embarassed Haley couldn't answer that, of course. Ramaswamy was also unique among Republicans in, carefully, saying that America shouldn't send money and weapons to Israel. He stood out for that bold stand.

I remember that debate very well. I watched the whole thing because Ramaswamy took a bit of a beating from her in the previous one and I wanted to see how he would make a comeback and he did. He embarrassed the living crap out of her lol. Just like she embarrassed the hell out of herself with the Civil War question.

I think we all know Vivek is about as smart as they get and he'll get his due. I don't doubt that at all, he's playing his cards perfectly. Got out of the race at the perfect time and knew exactly what he needed to do and that was to immediately jump on the Trump bandwagon and he did that heck he even shows up at the court proceedings to support Trump in his current Stormy Daniels Hush Money trial. Now he just needs to buy his time. I'm not sure how it'll play out for him if and when Trump gets elected. If he does give Vivek a position knowing that would strengthen him for the next election? Not sure how that will play out, but it is pretty wild. A discussion for the US Politics thread for sure.
And @TopGun786

Initially,I came on this thread yesterday to talk about the atrocities in Rafah. I stumbled on that "white european settlers" phrase by Liquidator and commented on that,then this whole conversation started somehow.

To let you know,I'm not pro-Zionist and I heavily condemn Israeli atrocities. I had to say it numerous times in the old forum as well,because apparently for a lot of people here,condemning Hamas somehow equals to "you're Jew lover".

I am extremely in favor of this ICJ verdict for the arrest of both Netanyahu,his gang and Hamas leaders. I'm also very happy that the UN took a correct stance and condemned Israeli crimes,when Israel showed once more that they are arrogant and impudent by having the audacity to scold the UN and ICJ,as well as indirectly threaten Spain,Sweden,Norway and any other country willing to recognize a Palestinian State.

Now,to finish this,because it's pointless having to repeat the same stuff over and over:

I condemn and despise the October 7 crimes of Hamas and also condemn and despise the genocidal crimes of the Israeli government against the people of Gaza that have been going on for 6 months now.

But,if you only want Hamas sympathizers on this forum,I'm not one. I detest Hamas,just as I detest arrogant settler abuse of Palestinians in the West Bank and IDF annihilation of the entire Gaza Strip.

If you only want Hamas sympathizers @Waz @The SC @dbc @RescueRanger @Mr X @Persian Gulf @Deino @Hack-Hook @Waj Sal @Joe Shearer tell me and I will leave the forum on my own,no problem.

But I will not and I repeat,I will not have anyone call me "Zionist troll" or "Zionist boot licker" or "Jew lover" or any idiotic insult like that.

To finish this once and for all.

And let me share something I made myself a few weeks ago:

View attachment 44048
There were many things that you said that were wrong among many things that were right....

First why condemn Hamas for the 7 October when their people were massacred for 70 years prior to is their right to resist since they are under forced occupation

Second: Hamas said explicitly many times that it will lay down its weapons if a two state solution is realized..
First why condemn Hamas for the 7 October when their people were massacred for 70 years prior to is their right to resist since they are under forced occupation
Because a wrong doesn't make another wrong right.

Second: Hamas said explicitly many times that it will lay down its weapons if a two state solution is realized..
The contradiction is that Hamas doesn't accept a Two-State solution in the first place,as Sinwar has been advocating for his whole life.
Where exactly am I "hiding" and behind what other people? Next time you call me a "zionists boot licker and supporter",I'll report you. Plain and simple. Enough with this stupidity.
Do not play dumb games with me, you asked egyptian members to back you up in you opinion about MB.
I agree that is enough, you type to much of it.
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Because a wrong doesn't make another wrong right.

The contradiction is that Hamas doesn't accept a Two-State solution in the first place,as Sinwar has been advocating for his whole life.
Resisting is not a wrong..occupying by force is a wrong.. don't compare oranges with apples..

This was their latest statement..and can you provide any fact about Hamas does not accept a two states solution and the context of it..

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