Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Well, I have fed my cat, so I am going to bed soon.

I will just leave this post with this.

The international community only have the appetite to protect Palestinian, not Hamas. Even with the latest ICJ ruling, it didn't say the war should stop, instead they said Israel right for self-defence is undebatable, but they would need to protect the civilian when they attack Hamas.
Nope, they ordered stopping of all attack on Rafah but usa and israel are rogue states so it does not matter.
I have no issue seeing a Palestinian state if PLO decided to grow a pair, in fact, not being a Jew or Muslim, I don't have any issue one way or another, they can leave happily together or nuke each other, that wouldn't concern me at all, the thing is, it's dangerous to put Hamas and Palestinian in the same sense. International Support only goes so far, but this is not just a one way street if you think the international community is overly supporting the Palestinian clause.
It is double standard by you, jewish state is literally founded by terrorists groups, check the history of likud party and yet no one raise that as problem.
This is all I am going to say, I probably won't be comment back here, I was here because someone I respect quote me, and I will say the same thing to you than the other guy, this is my opinion regarding the issue, you may like it, or don't like it, that will not change my opinion, the same I would say to you for me, I wouldn't expect to change your opinion. So I am just going to leave you with this.
No problem, you are entitled for opinion and i do not expect you to change it, indoctrination by usa society is generally really deep and it is hard to crack that shell of inconsistency covered by stoicism.
Ok, good night,
more Egyptians need to start taking the fight to Zionists

we need a Global intifada to it every Zionist local worldwide including consulates and embassies

all Zionists should be targeted
They should not feel safe anywhere, even in the places like Thailand or Turkey where they go for holidays

You know what the definition of a "tool bag" is?
That guy right there. As a matter of fact, a tool bag has more dignity than this scum-sucking slimeball because at least it can hold a few tools without ripping apart. This guy, doesn't take much grease to lube his dignity right down the crap hole.

@j_hungary & @Indos , please listen to Yahya Sinwar answers to these questions about the exact topic we're all discussing and why Hamas is fighting the way it is.

On the other hand, Hamas can't win a major battle as long as IDF is willing to fight. And they aren't going to do what the international community tell them to do, which is return all the hostage, because it will become a no-bar fight afterward. Now, there are only 3 ways Hamas can go, stay and fight until they can't fight anymore. Melt into the population and wait it out. Or try to exert the most pressure and tilted the international community toward them. And I am more increasingly see the last one is what Hamas wanted.

And there you go. You're starting to see it. If they have no other option, what is there for them to do? Isn't that what Yahya Sinwar said in that clip above? It's making more sense, isn't it? He said it himself about as simply as he could - "what else can we do?" That's the bottom line.

Let the world see the bloodshed and hopefully the world will intervene and stop Israel. But then would that ever materialised? That would depend if they can sway the most die hard Israeli supporter, which is the US. Because it won't stop the Israel no matter how many arrest warrant were issued by ICC or how many court case they face on ICJ. That all depends on UNSC and with the big issue being US can veto any motion on the UNSC. Which mean if this is Hamas end game, then they will need to persuade US somehow to stop supporting Israel.

I see that you're starting to see it. You're coming around, my friend. Even if you don't agree with the concept, that wasn't the point. The point was for you to at least understand why they're forced to do what they're doing despite the results in the field which is what you originally were prognosticating about. The strategic goals, the percentages of the goals, the weighing of results of tactical actions and all those great and necessary military points which are fine in conventional warfare, but not with this religious resistance. The distinction is what I was trying to convey to you, and it seems like that's the case.

65% of right-wing voters prefer to continue the war even if it leads to the death of prisoners

Those are obviously ones who don't have any family members held as hostages. Obviously they would be in the other percentile if they did.

That is the reason why 9 months down, and we are talking about IDF attacking the last strong hold in Gaza, and none of the H-Group have done anything meaningful. If there were things to be done, they would have done so already. We are talking about a total wipeout in Gaza here.

Oh no! We're back to not getting it? Nothing meaningful? Haven't you seen practically the entire world turning against this demon entity? How exposed they've become? How their crimes have been seen by the entire world? The economic, logistic, social, religious and many more impacts that have been greatly affecting that demon entity are huge benefits to Hamas & the Palestinian people.

Again, bro, it's not about the strategic field gains we've been through that. It's about a lot more than that and it's showing.

Nope, involving civilians as target like Hamas indiscriminate rocket launch to Israel cities and terrorist act inside Israeli city targeting civilians are the ones that makes Israel is also targetting Palestinians civilians

Hamas has been doing their stupid action for decades and understand what will be the consequence of such action but keep doing that due to their ego/emotion/abide with their leadership

We should abide and follow Allah, not emotion or other human

What do you think about how Yahya Sinwar answered those same exact questions you're asking.


This is huge if Biden is making an impromptu announcement. More details to come. Sounds like they've finally put the pressure on the zionist pigs to end the massacre.
That's why we must not trust anything from the internet and check the facts before posting (not talking about you but the one who posted). This photo is from 2016 when he visited Turkey for a film something like that.

Honestly, I don't......

You said Hamas won the war, and then say this is Israel Genocide project........

So, unless you are claiming it's Hamas goal to have Israel genocide its own people, that's nothing to win. And if Israeli can just go murder Gazan in a genocidal kind of way, then how exactly Hamas won the war??
Hamas cannot wage war. Hamas can make a stand only. Israel wages war to maintain its brutal occupation. Palestinians do not have a army, economy, or allies to wage a war.

Gaza is not a nation nor state and can't wage war. Please enlighten us in what way is this is a war. Israel has been blockading and imposing a siege on Gaza for twenty years. Palestinians broke out of the jail for a brief period. Israel doesn't want Palestinians to gain independence and resorts to killing them/violently occupying them to prevent Palestinian statehood. That's not war.


This is huge if Biden is making an impromptu announcement. More details to come. Sounds like they've finally put the pressure on the zionist pigs to end the massacre.
It is in western interests to put their rabid dog to sleep.

Israel needs to go now, their society is too sick to be part of the civilised nations.


This is huge if Biden is making an impromptu announcement. More details to come. Sounds like they've finally put the pressure on the zionist pigs to end the massacre.

Hamas MUST not release the POWs unless the occupation has both released its own hostages and also totally withdrawn from Gaza.

There must also be an international guarantee(US/Europe/Russia/China etc) that the ceasefire is permanent.

This could be a trap and I am sure Hamas will not fall for it.
BREAKING: Biden announces new ceasefire proposal in live speech

Biden says that Israel has offered a new ceasefire proposal. This is three-phase roadmap to a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages

Phase 1: The first phase will last six weeks with a complete ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated areas of Gaza. During the six weeks of phase one, Israel and Hamas would negotiate to get to phase two which is a permanent end to hostilities. If negotiations take more than 6 weeks, the ceasefire will continue as long as talks continue.

Phase 2: The second phase would be a "formal permanent end to hostilities" and the release of all the remaining live hostages.

Phase 3: Phase three would include the reparation of the Gaza Strip. This phase would also include the return of the remains of the hostages who died in Hamas captivity.


If he says Israel has offered it, onus is on Hamas to accept. It should do so immediately.
Well, I have fed my cat, so I am going to bed soon.

I will just leave this post with this.

The international community only have the appetite to protect Palestinian, not Hamas. Even with the latest ICJ ruling, it didn't say the war should stop, instead they said Israel right for self-defence is undebatable, but they would need to protect the civilian when they attack Hamas.
You cannot attack and protect people at the same time. Israel's campaign caused unparalleled levels of destruction even surpassing WW2 levels of destruction. It means they were trying to ravage and collectively destroy all semblance of life in Gaza, including it's civilian population. International community is demanding Israel stop it's genocide. Not to protect civilians. When you carpet bomb entities cities, bomb all infrastructure and hospitals, and even storm hospitals, massacring babies living on incubators, then you're not doing fighting, you're committing acts of genocide and mass murder.


This is huge if Biden is making an impromptu announcement. More details to come. Sounds like they've finally put the pressure on the zionist pigs to end the massacre.

Lets see what this "Roadmap" offers to Gaza and the cause of Palestine. No references to Hostages held by Israel it seems.
BREAKING: Biden announces new ceasefire proposal in live speech

Biden says that Israel has offered a new ceasefire proposal. This is three-state roadmap to a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages

Phase 1: The first phase will last six weeks with a complete ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated areas of Gaza. During the six weeks of phase one, Israel and Hamas would negotiate to get to phase two which is a permanent end to hostilities. If negotiations take more than 6 weeks, the ceasefire will continue as long as talks continue.

Phase 2: The second phase would be a "formal permanent end to hostilities" and the release of all the remaining live hostages.

Phase 3: Phase three would include the reparation of the Gaza Strip. This phase would also include the return of the remains of the hostages who died in Hamas captivity.


If he says Israel has offered it, onus is on Hamas to accept. It should do so immediately.
Biden lies a lot. This is the same ceasefire Hamas agreed to few weeks ago. Suddenly Israel and Biden administration rejected it and blamed Hamas somehow. Hamas has stated it will agree to a actual ceasefire, not a pause.

Also Palestinian hostages must be released by Israel. Even if there is a ceasefire, Israel will be indicted on crimes of genocide and sanctioned. Israel won't be allowed to whitewash what it did.

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