Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

What a weird way to 'accept a proposal' by not saying anything at all. Palestinians received no mention about any proposal from the mediators. Israel is just silent. If Israel agreed to a proposal it needs to be transparent with the international community.
Yep, that was exactly the plan Egypt & Qatar had reached with Hamas almost 2 months ago and the zionist dismissed it completely. Now we see there has been some kind of pressure from those parties on Biden to force it on the zionist and now he's taking credit for it.

Speaking of the prostitute, here she is. The wicked witch of the southeast. The verminial criminial of zionisim, the culprit of sesspit, the tool of cesspool herself.

sikhism is an extremely weak and feeble religion. She therefore needs to convert to judaism even though the ashkenazi will never accept an indian like her........ :ROFLMAO:

President Joe Biden's Friday afternoon speech was all about pressuring Israel to end the war. He unveiled and endorsed the terms of an Israeli-led proposal that features a three-part roadmap which would result in release of all the hostages and a cessation of hostilities.

"After intensive diplomacy carried out by my team, my many conversations with leaders of Israel, Qatar and Egypt, and other Middle Eastern countries, Israel has offered a comprehensive new proposal. It’s a road map to an enduring cease-fire and the release of all hostages," Biden said.


sikhism is an extremely weak and feeble religion. She therefore needs to convert to judaism even though the ashkenazi will never accept an indian like her........ :ROFLMAO:

From memory I thought those were conventional artillery shells it was signing, but after looking at them I realized they were probably something else but still wasn't sure until now, thanks to lol Hinkle.


President Joe Biden's Friday afternoon speech was all about pressuring Israel to end the war. He unveiled and endorsed the terms of an Israeli-led proposal that features a three-part roadmap which would result in release of all the hostages and a cessation of hostilities.

"After intensive diplomacy carried out by my team, my many conversations with leaders of Israel, Qatar and Egypt, and other Middle Eastern countries, Israel has offered a comprehensive new proposal. It’s a road map to an enduring cease-fire and the release of all hostages," Biden said.


Thing with Biden and his administration they try to absolve Israel from making any binding commitments. If we don't hear anything from Israel, then it's a lie, and Israel never proposed any kind of ceasefire. Israel has to be transparent. Instead of pretending to propose a ceasefire but not actually having done so. Then having the US implicate Hamas again despite Hamas agreeing to the ceasefire.

So far nothing has came out of Israel. Doesn't matter if they internal radicalism or if Netanyahu is afraid of his base. He's making a ceasefire with another entity and has to be clear for there to be a agreement.
Stupid idiot in UK and stupid prostitute Biden make up a lie about Israel agreeing to a ceasefire then asks Hamas to a accept a non-existing ceasefire that Hamas wasn't informed of. Then we have crickets from Israel.

If Israel really means to agree to a ceasefire it would not be silent for this long. Where is the Israeli confirmation? It's only Israel that's refusing to end this conflict. UK PM should speak to them.
Stupid idiot in UK and stupid prostitute Biden make up a lie about Israel agreeing to a ceasefire then asks Hamas to a accept a non-existing ceasefire that Hamas wasn't informed of. Then we have crickets from Israel.

If Israel really means to agree to a ceasefire it would not be silent for this long. Where is the Israeli confirmation? It's only Israel that's refusing to end this conflict. UK PM should speak to them.

Current UK prime minister is an indian who backs the massacre and genocide of Palestinians/Muslims.
Ahh. So Netanyahu's office is lying. Claiming the ceasefire isn't a ceasefire and he'll continue the war on Gaza. Once again spitting in the face of the prostitute Biden:

In a statement issued immediately after US President Joe Biden’s speech calling on Hamas to accept the latest hostage deal proposal and Israel’s leaders to stand behind it, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office says, “The Israeli government is united in the desire to return our hostages as soon as possible and is working to achieve this goal.”

“Therefore, the prime minister authorized the negotiating team to present an outline for achieving this goal, while insisting that the war will not end until all of its goals are achieved, including the return of all our hostages and the elimination of Hamas’ military and governmental capabilities,” Netanyahu’s office says.

“The exact outline proposed by Israel, including the conditional transition from stage to stage, allows Israel to maintain these principles,” the statement adds.
Netanyahu’s office doesn’t clarify whether its proposal is the same one described by Biden during his speech — and doesn’t refer directly to Biden’s speech at all.

Asked whether the deal described by Netanyahu’s office is the same one Biden laid out in his speech, a senior administration official briefing reporters avoids answering directly.

“I have no doubt that the deal will be characterized by Israel and will be characterized by Hamas, but we know what’s in the deal. We know what the expectations are,” the official says.

Imagine if Muslims set out to 'end the IDF'. They'd be accused of genocide/Holocaust. Hamas is not going to be 'ended' even if everyone tries to. But it is also not possible and genocidal as the intent would to be kill/maim everyone in Gaza.

The ceasefire proposal does not 'end Hamas' either. Netanyahu is lying to his people or to the mediators. Time he is honest with himself and his people.
Thing with Biden and his administration they try to absolve Israel from making any binding commitments. If we don't hear anything from Israel, then it's a lie, and Israel never proposed any kind of ceasefire. Israel has to be transparent. Instead of pretending to propose a ceasefire but not actually having done so. Then having the US implicate Hamas again despite Hamas agreeing to the ceasefire.

So far nothing has came out of Israel. Doesn't matter if they internal radicalism or if Netanyahu is afraid of his base. He's making a ceasefire with another entity and has to be clear for there to be a agreement.
Commitment for these people costs nothing; those who say it are wise and those who believe it are fools.
Ahh. So Netanyahu's office is lying. Claiming the ceasefire isn't a ceasefire and he'll continue the war on Gaza. Once again spitting in the face of the prostitute Biden:

In a statement issued immediately after US President Joe Biden’s speech calling on Hamas to accept the latest hostage deal proposal and Israel’s leaders to stand behind it, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office says, “The Israeli government is united in the desire to return our hostages as soon as possible and is working to achieve this goal.”

“Therefore, the prime minister authorized the negotiating team to present an outline for achieving this goal, while insisting that the war will not end until all of its goals are achieved, including the return of all our hostages and the elimination of Hamas’ military and governmental capabilities,” Netanyahu’s office says.

“The exact outline proposed by Israel, including the conditional transition from stage to stage, allows Israel to maintain these principles,” the statement adds.
Netanyahu’s office doesn’t clarify whether its proposal is the same one described by Biden during his speech — and doesn’t refer directly to Biden’s speech at all.

Asked whether the deal described by Netanyahu’s office is the same one Biden laid out in his speech, a senior administration official briefing reporters avoids answering directly.

“I have no doubt that the deal will be characterized by Israel and will be characterized by Hamas, but we know what’s in the deal. We know what the expectations are,” the official says.

The Jewish terrorist makes up a 'outline' which he refuses to even commit to. And Hamas receives no proposal at all from anyone. Netanyahu then gets a invite to speak in the US Congress and yell out orders to American tax payers and politicians. Telling them they must advance Jewish pride with their money, reputation, souls, and well being. What a joke.
BREAKING: Biden announces new ceasefire proposal in live speech

Biden says that Israel has offered a new ceasefire proposal. This is three-phase roadmap to a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages

Phase 1: The first phase will last six weeks with a complete ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated areas of Gaza. During the six weeks of phase one, Israel and Hamas would negotiate to get to phase two which is a permanent end to hostilities. If negotiations take more than 6 weeks, the ceasefire will continue as long as talks continue.

Phase 2: The second phase would be a "formal permanent end to hostilities" and the release of all the remaining live hostages.

Phase 3: Phase three would include the reparation of the Gaza Strip. This phase would also include the return of the remains of the hostages who died in Hamas captivity.


If he says Israel has offered it, onus is on Hamas to accept. It should do so immediately.
so where is the part of the ceasefire proposal that relates to releasing Palestinians in Israeli jails?

*Regional war is still downloading...*

Hezbollah will not cease firing until all Israeli forces cease attacking Gaza.
This was the same proposal Hamas accepted weeks ago. Israel rejected it and came up with excuse that 'Hamas changed terms'. Which is nonsense. The mediators don't even let Hamas set any conditions. They want Hamas to fall. And they wanted to originally wipe out Gaza and expel it's population. They failed because the people of Gaza were resilient in the face of the genocide. And fought for their survival.

Israel just turned around and rejected it and continued attacking Gaza. Israel can reject its own proposal again and the Jewish-American terrorist community will order the US government to back Israel and blame everyone expect Israel. So far we have seen no sign Israel seeks a ceasefire.

The Jewish-American community is the most vile , human hating entity in the face of the earth. They hate life. They hate Jesus. They hate Moses. They hate Mohammed. They hate God. They hate Palestinians. They hate Arabs. They hate Christians. They hate families. They hate law and order. They hate justice. They hate religion. They hate peace. They hate prosperity. When will people stop allowing them to project their misery onto humanity ?

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