Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

BREAKING: Biden announces new ceasefire proposal in live speech

Biden says that Israel has offered a new ceasefire proposal. This is three-phase roadmap to a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages

Phase 1: The first phase will last six weeks with a complete ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated areas of Gaza. During the six weeks of phase one, Israel and Hamas would negotiate to get to phase two which is a permanent end to hostilities. If negotiations take more than 6 weeks, the ceasefire will continue as long as talks continue.

Phase 2: The second phase would be a "formal permanent end to hostilities" and the release of all the remaining live hostages.

Phase 3: Phase three would include the reparation of the Gaza Strip. This phase would also include the return of the remains of the hostages who died in Hamas captivity.


If he says Israel has offered it, onus is on Hamas to accept. It should do so immediately.

Will Israel leave from the Egyptian/Gaza border? Will they fully withdraw from Gaza or start their settlements? Israel wants Gaza to be like West Bank, under their occupation and 1000s of new settlements will be built to over take more land. This has always been Israel plan, they continue their harassment, bullying, murder, torture, grabbing more land whilst the Palestinians only choice is to submit.
Even if ceasefire takes place, fighting will start again in a few months time. Israel wants to control all borders of Gaza, isolate the Palestinians like in West Bank, build 1000s of new settlements in Gaza. In another words they will trap the Palestinians, leaving them no choice but to either fight back or stay quiet like toothless Palestinian Authority.


Map showing Israel control of West Bank, only the red is under PA control, the rest is Israeli. Same plan will be done with Gaza, all surrounded by Israeli military and settlements.

Even if ceasefire takes place, fighting will start again in a few months time. Israel wants to control all borders of Gaza, isolate the Palestinians like in West Bank, build 1000s of new settlements in Gaza. In another words they will trap the Palestinians, leaving them no choice but to either fight back or stay quiet like toothless Palestinian Authority.

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Very well said and i agree with you......but this is why i've been asking this question on this thread- WTF does the "recognition " of a Palestinian state by Zio-controlled Western govts really mean for Palestinians, especially those in Gaza? its one of those fallacies where they tell Palestinians and the world what they want to hear (they will recognize a Palestinian state), but if that recognition does not come with solid, real, fair and equitable rights and control of their territory, resources, people etc. that Palestinians deserve, then it doesn't mean sh*t. This is the time to settle what a 2-state solution means and translates to IN REALITY, not theory or diplomacy, or negotiations, or baiting or dangling or promises or hopes or wishes- all that is BS until the world sees Palestine with some real statehood, like the one other sovereign countries have.
Very well said and i agree with you......but this is why i've been asking this question on this thread- WTF does the "recognition " of a Palestinian state by Zio-controlled Western govts really mean for Palestinians, especially those in Gaza? its one of those fallacies where they tell Palestinians and the world what they want to hear (they will recognize a Palestinian state), but if that recognition does not come with solid, real, fair and equitable rights and control of their territory, resources, people etc. that Palestinians deserve, then it doesn't mean sh*t. This is the time to settle what a 2-state solution means and translates to IN REALITY, not theory or diplomacy, or negotiations, or baiting or dangling or promises or hopes or wishes- all that is BS until the world sees Palestine with some real statehood, like the one other sovereign countries have.

Israel will never allow it. The western world are just recognising it on paper but noone talks about any borders, freedom for Palestinians, will they be allowed their own army? It will never happen unless the Muslims unite and fight back. All the Muslims states had to do was send armies to Gaza and West Bank because it wasn't Israeli territory, bring the fighting to stalemate, then boycott Israel, completely isolate it in the region, this will cost Usa and Europe billions extras annually to keep Israel project safe but no Arab state did this. Its kinda too late now, Israel will not allow anyone to enter Gaza or West Bank and they will not destroy their settlements which cost billions to build. The Arab leadership knows this fact so they are just playing politics for face saving, behind the scenes they want to recognise Israel and please their master. The Arab leadership must understand when civil wars erupt in Jordan and elsewhere, Israel will use that against them and occupy more land in the name of safety and protection of Israel, look at Golan Heights, is that not Arab land? Syrian territory? Israel has 1000s of settlements in Golan Heights. Soon after Gaza they will go after Lebanon.
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What ? Fatah has an army as well and Hamas made a war with Fatah arm faction and kick them out.

You definately dont understand the situation. Defensive what ? Hamas is more on offensive stupid dude who dont care with their own population that become the punching bag while Hamas hide inside tunnel seeing the city being bombed and women and kids/babies being massacred every times Hamas do stupid and useless and sinning offensive to Israel civilians

Fatah has a fart police. There may be some bad actors in Hamas as there are in any military force. But they represent the Palestinians right to defence against Zionist terrorism.

If you dont support Palestinian right to Jihad. You are Munafiq. Period. Palestine separates the Munafiq from the Muslims. The humanity against the bloodthirsty oppressors.

Pick a side and STFU.
As much as I can see some level of...........hell I'm not even sure how to describe it, "sarcasm"? "humor"? It's so disturbingly true.
My initial thoughts too.

Perhaps the creator of this video is attempting to reach the segment of the Israeli population (and Christian Zionists) who may be still have a conscience?
This blanket statement is obviously false. There are millions of decent white people all over the world who have gone out of their way to help make lives better for black/brown people.

Many decent white Americans feel sick about what is being done in their name by the Zionists. This includes me.
Davey, Davey! Your protests of "innocence" will not be heard. Please do not think that you are a real human being to them. You are "white", they think. Probably they didn't watch Davey Crockett on TV in the 1950's, but they still suspect he was a white settler racist colonialist, as are you bearing his name. No. You will get no absolution here on the PDF. Most of them are the very definition of racists. They see the world as "white" and "people of color".
  • Haha
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Davey, Davey! Your protests of "innocence" will not be heard. Please do not think that you are a real human being to them. You are "white", they think. Probably they didn't watch Davey Crockett on TV in the 1950's, but they still suspect he was a white settler racist colonialist, as are you bearing his name. No. You will get no absolution here on the PDF. Most of them are the very definition of racists. They see the world as "white" and "people of color".

I believe the person was talking about the racist white people in power, not every single person. The fight is between good and evil.
Davey, Davey! Your protests of "innocence" will not be heard. Please do not think that you are a real human being to them. You are "white", they think. Probably they didn't watch Davey Crockett on TV in the 1950's, but they still suspect he was a white settler racist colonialist, as are you bearing his name. No. You will get no absolution here on the PDF. Most of them are the very definition of racists. They see the world as "white" and "people of color".

See the scout in the woods on the far left? My ancestor who was a scout for Daniel Boone.

Daniel Boone (1734–1820) had many interactions with American Indians throughout his life, including being adopted by a Shawnee chief and learning their language. Boone's early years were spent on the Pennsylvania frontier, where he learned to hunt from both Indians and local settlers. By the age of 15, he was known as one of the best hunters in the area.

Davy Crockett, a frontiersman and Tennessee congressman, had interactions with several Native American groups in the 19th century:
  • Creek Indians
    In 1813, Crockett fought against the "Red Sticks," a faction of Creek Indians who attacked American settlers at Fort Mims, Alabama. Before Crockett was born, his grandparents were murdered by Creek and Cherokee Indians.
  • Chickasaw Nation
    Crockett was a neighbor to the Chickasaw Nation and believed tribal sovereignty was the foundation of the country.
  • Cherokee Nation
    In 1834, Crockett opposed legislation that would force Cherokee Nation members to relocate, saying that his decision would "not make me ashamed in the Day of Judgment".

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