Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This blanket statement is obviously false. There are millions of decent white people all over the world who have gone out of their way to help make lives better for black/brown people.

Many decent white Americans feel sick about what is being done in their name by the Zionists. This includes me.

I don't think he meant all the white people, he's talking about those in power, the ruling elite etc.
In 1813, Crockett fought against the "Red Sticks," a faction of Creek Indians who attacked American settlers at Fort Mims, Alabama. Before Crockett was born, his grandparents were murdered by Creek and Cherokee Indians.
See, Davey. There it is. Davey Crocket was a settler colonialist descendant. Stealing land and natural resources from the rightful native owners of Tennessee. He was no better than an Israeli colonialist settler. If you buy into self-serving historical justifications for this and that, then we, all modern humans, are settler colonialists except, perhaps, some small remnants of some north Africans.
If you buy into self-serving historical justifications for this and that, then we, all modern humans, are settler colonialists except, perhaps, some small remnants of some north Africans.
We cannot change the past, but we can help change the world, even in little ways.

Today, while getting my car fixed, an older black Cherokee (his ancestors were enslaved by Cherokees here in Oklahoma) mowed my lawn without me asking.

Four years ago, he was too depressed to walk out his door. I encouraged him, everyday, to walk further. We became friends.

He is now active with the senior citizens, help others, etc.

All it took was for me to just be kind.
Will Israel leave from the Egyptian/Gaza border? Will they fully withdraw from Gaza or start their settlements? Israel wants Gaza to be like West Bank, under their occupation and 1000s of new settlements will be built to over take more land. This has always been Israel plan, they continue their harassment, bullying, murder, torture, grabbing more land whilst the Palestinians only choice is to submit.

Bolded Part: I am going to be Devil's Advocate: I don't think Israelis thought Gaza was worth it but only because Gaza was a step child no one would want. Not even the Egyptians would want that. I think Israalis would be content to leave Gaza alone and even let it thrive--like a mini Dubai. The Israelis eyes were on the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and, perhaps, south Lebanon up to the Litani River.
But Israelis forgot that Gaza is 'Palestinian' and so inseperable from the West Bank and the Muslim Holy Places in the West Bank. A big miscalculation by Israel!!
See, Davey. There it is. Davey Crocket was a settler colonialist descendant. Stealing land and natural resources from the rightful native owners of Tennessee. He was no better than an Israeli colonialist settler. If you buy into self-serving historical justifications for this and that, then we, all modern humans, are settler colonialists except, perhaps, some small remnants of some north Africans.
Living in the Deep South, I actually have/had a friend named 'David Crocket' in my circle and once I asked him if he was related to 'Davey Crocket' and he said, yes, and gave a long answer which I am remembering right now.
As to the bolded part: That's right. But where we do we stop?? In the immortal words of India's great Arundhati Roy: How far would you go? And how deep would you dig? [She was referring to the Hindu Nationalists who destroyed a five century old Babri Masjid based on a claim that a Hindu temple was once there before].

We cannot change the past, but we can help change the world, even in little ways.

That's right!
Bolded Part: I am going to be Devil's Advocate: I don't think Israelis thought Gaza was worth it but only because Gaza was a step child no one would want. Not even the Egyptians would want that. I think Israalis would be content to leave Gaza alone and even let it thrive--like a mini Dubai. The Israelis eyes were on the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and, perhaps, south Lebanon up to the Litani River.
But Israelis forgot that Gaza is 'Palestinian' and so inseperable from the West Bank and the Muslim Holy Places in the West Bank. A big miscalculation by Israel!!

Israel slowly takes over land, they have done it to West Bank and now doing it to Gaza, before it was difficult because West Bank wasn't totally under their control and so they withdrew from Gaza. To me it looks like this time Israel will not leave Gaza border, they will control it and will build settlements like the ones in West Bank and Golan Heights to annex more land. The supplies of the militants will be cut off, and over the years they will become alot weaker and pose no threat.

More settlements in Jerusalem.
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What ? Fatah has an army as well and Hamas made a war with Fatah arm faction and kick them out.

You definately dont understand the situation. Defensive what ? Hamas is more on offensive stupid dude who dont care with their own population that become the punching bag while Hamas hide inside tunnel seeing the city being bombed and women and kids/babies being massacred every times Hamas do stupid and useless and sinning offensive to Israel civilians

Why is a Zionist apologist a Mod here?

You bought the Zionists propaganda that Hamas is evil and Israel is good?

Who made this guy a Mod?

Does this map tell you that Hamas is on the offense or defensive? Let's see what your IQ is .. ?
Living in the Deep South, I actually have/had a friend named 'David Crocket' in my circle and once I asked him if he was related to 'Davey Crocket' and he said, yes, and gave a long answer which I am remembering right now.
Same here. The Crockett I once knew, a neighbor in Tennessee, was a direct descent of Davy Crockett.

Davy Crockett's uncle and other family settled down in Athens, Tennessee.

I may also be related to Sam Houston who joined the Texas Republic army from the town of Maryville, Tennessee. A distant cousin of mine restored the school house Sam Houston attended, and put up a historical marker where Houston took a silver dollar off a drum and joined.
Davey, Davey! Your protests of "innocence" will not be heard. Please do not think that you are a real human being to them. You are "white", they think. Probably they didn't watch Davey Crockett on TV in the 1950's, but they still suspect he was a white settler racist colonialist, as are you bearing his name. No. You will get no absolution here on the PDF. Most of them are the very definition of racists. They see the world as "white" and "people of color".

Lol. BS. Muslims come in all colors and races. There are oriental Muslims, brown, black and white.
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@Indos and all you do is worry about is Hamas??? You and your type are responsible for his death. You are too weak to speak the truth.

If you cannot say Jihad is warranted for Palestine. You are a Munafiq.
Did a quick search....

What are the signs of a Munafiq?

A well-known Hadith says, “Among the signs of a hypocrite are three, even if he fasts and prays and claims to be a Muslim: when he speaks, he lies; when he gives a promise, he breaks it; and when he is trusted with an amana, he betrays” (Sahih al-Bukhari 33, Sahih Muslim 59).

In Arabic, Amanah means trust, honesty and loyalty. Having an Amanah means having a trust or responsibility to something or someone. In Islam, Amanah refers to having integrity, and using our free will to carry out our duties and responsibilities towards Allah and His creation in the correct way.


Americans need to see these pictures.

A very good suggestion will be a truck, or van, traveling the city streets and highways, with these photos on a billboard with a simple message.

Those opposed to abortion, for years, showed gruesome photos of near birth abortions to get their message across this way. It worked.

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