Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Breaking: Hamas officially accepts the ceasefire as purported by Biden


Israel Hayom: A Hamas source said: “We will respond positively to any proposal that includes a permanent ceasefire and a complete withdrawal from Gaza with an Israeli commitment.”

Breaking: Hamas officially accepts the ceasefire as purported by Biden


Israel Hayom: A Hamas source said: “We will respond positively to any proposal that includes a permanent ceasefire and a complete withdrawal from Gaza with an Israeli commitment.”

Now let's see if Israel backtracks on its own proposal that it outlined to Biden. If it does, then it proves it's a terrorist country with a terrorist population that should be sanctioned and destroyed.
As an American, Biden cannot be trusted on Gaza. I am willing to bet on that.

They are all white racists who are backing each other in the massacre of brown/olive skinned Muslim babies. Publicly biden is pretending to be in conflict with netanyahu but privately who is backing him and giving him his full support. NEVER EVER TRUST a white man. They are ALL the SAME.
Terrorist Israel responded to the ceasefire proposal it proposed by rejecting it and insulting Biden whom they asked to convey it. Terrorist Israel wants Palestinians permanently displaced and wants to wage a permanent occupation and war on them. That's the 'ceasefire' it seeks.


Biden does not understand the reality and his speech was weak and a victory for Hamas

Radicalism and outright psychopathy is spreading like fire in Israel. Israel just appears as a expression of Jewish psychopathy. Jews do not care for the land. It's this disturbing mental and pyschological and spiritual exercise they're undergoing. Like achieving a ISIS-like high. Except they have weapons of mass destruction and could destroy the global economy and global order overnight. And then they'll bounce. As they have no real loyalty to the land, rather to their selves only. It's about exercising a dominance on people. And they're on a path to implode and drag many people down with them. Because again, they hate people and hate seeing people do well. If they see a peaceful state in the world and Palestine independence, and harmony on global and individual levels, they'll seek to destroy all of that, unprovoked. Imagine how big of a loser you have to be to support this strange, psychological terror experiment known as 'Israel'.

They are all white racists who are backing each other in the massacre of brown/olive skinned Muslim babies. Publicly biden is pretending to be in conflict with netanyahu but privately who is backing him and giving him his full support. NEVER EVER TRUST a white man. They are ALL the SAME.
This blanket statement is obviously false. There are millions of decent white people all over the world who have gone out of their way to help make lives better for black/brown people.

Many decent white Americans feel sick about what is being done in their name by the Zionists. This includes me.
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Radicalism and outright psychopathy is spreading like fire in Israel. Israel just appears as a expression of Jewish psychopathy. Jews do not care for the land. It's this disturbing mental and pyschological and spiritual exercise they're undergoing. Like achieving a ISIS-like high. Except they have weapons of mass destruction and could destroy the global economy and global order overnight. And then they'll bounce. As they have no real loyalty to the land, rather to their selves only. It's about exercising a dominance on people. And they're on a path to implode and drag many people down with them. Because again, they hate people and hate seeing people do well. If they see a peaceful state in the world and Palestine independence, and harmony on global and individual levels, they'll seek to destroy all of that, unprovoked. Imagine how big of a loser you have to be to support this strange, psychological terror experiment known as 'Israel'.

Why would they care about the land when they have 0 connection to the land? They belong in Russia, Ukraine, Lithuanian, Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe. They need to go back home there.
Zionism is a form of colonialism from the get-go and its intent has always been to erase the existing populations. Zionism doesn't share, nor does it govern with equal rights for all.

If this is righteous as Herr Biden states, then Israelis will feel vindicated to keep the war going.

Revisionist Zionist Vladimir Jabotinsky, in an essay titled The Iron Law (1925) wrote:
“A voluntary reconciliation with the Arabs is out of the question either now or in the future. If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison for the land, or find some rich man or benefactor who will provide a garrison on your behalf. Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempt to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not difficult, not dangerous, but IMPOSSIBLE!… Zionism is a colonization adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force. It is important… to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot – or else I am through with playing at colonizing.”
They are all white racists who are backing each other in the massacre of brown/olive skinned Muslim babies. Publicly biden is pretending to be in conflict with netanyahu but privately who is backing him and giving him his full support. NEVER EVER TRUST a white man. They are ALL the SAME.
This!!! Never ever fall for the smiles - they'll stab you the moment your back is turned! I hope the recent events are opening the eyes of our people. I HOPE
This!!! Never ever fall for the smiles - they'll stab you the moment your back is turned! I hope the recent events are opening the eyes of our people. I HOPE

ALL white people are like this. I have known this to be true for over 35 years. However, most Pakistanis/Muslims fail to see this or don't want to accept this reality for some reason.

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