Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Kind of your problem isn't it? 800 years ago this happened, 1000 years ago this happened.

Hindus understood what a divided society created and are organizing into a state addressing those issues

Jews nderstood what a divided state did to them and organied into a modern, powerful state

You, on the other hand rested on the little accomplishments of your ancestors and became weak.

And when someone asks you what exactly was the strategy behind initiating a conflict with this modern, powerful state of Israel your answer is bull and hot air.

Sun Tze said- Strategy without tactics is the slowest path to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

Your entire post is just noise.
The Jewish terrorist radical government initiated the conflict by repeatedly attacking and desecrating the holiest mosques and churches of Jerusalem. And cursing Jesus and Mohammed while doing so. The Jewish terrorist government was repeatedly warned to get their hands off these sites and to stop terrorism and hatred and violence.
Yeah. It's not enough. I mean not if the palestinians really want to achieve anything meaningful.

As for Kashmir etc....good luck with that.
Who are you joking. Land can only be restored through force. This doesn't become false because Palestinians are not militarily capable of doing so. Palestinians are fighting for their survival and not to get their land back. Apparently, you, a person who lacks principles, think it's justified to attempt wiping out a entire nation. And view it as a crime to fight for your survival. If I were you I'd feel disgusted at myself for lacking principles and lacking a moral compass.
Yeah. It's not enough. I mean not if the palestinians really want to achieve anything meaningful.

As for Kashmir etc....good luck with that.

It's a continuous process

Kashmiri and Indian Muslims, Sikhs , Christians, even other Indian states will need freedom and independence no different to the Palestinians

You cannot place you population of hundreds of millions, under a enemy as evil as the Zionists or the hindutva, it's just not possible

And the same process
The same resolve, resistance, determination

It's just a matter of time
This was three days before October 7:

Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque complex on fifth day of Sukkot​

Israeli settlers have stormed the complex in groups and attempted to perform ‘Talmudic rituals’, according to a Waqf official.

Dozens of Israeli settlers have forced their way into the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem to mark the fifth day of Sukkot, according to the Islamic Waqf Department.

Since Sunday, thousands of settlers have been carrying out provocative tours of the mosque complex following calls by ultranationalist Jewish groups.

This was three days before October 7:

Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque complex on fifth day of Sukkot​

Israeli settlers have stormed the complex in groups and attempted to perform ‘Talmudic rituals’, according to a Waqf official.

Dozens of Israeli settlers have forced their way into the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem to mark the fifth day of Sukkot, according to the Islamic Waqf Department.

Since Sunday, thousands of settlers have been carrying out provocative tours of the mosque complex following calls by ultranationalist Jewish groups.


Jewish terrorist radicalism is responsible for this conflict. Jewish terrorist society of Israel kept getting more radical by the day despite living in peace and the most peaceful period in Israel/Palestine since decades. When you give these Jewish terrorists peace, they reject the outreach and double down on their radicalism. They're a radical terrorist people. No one made them radical. Not Hamas or anyone. It's themselves. They fanned the flames of conflict with their storming of holiest mosques and churches of Jerusalem. And they implemented violent and terroristic policies aimed at wiping out and torturing Palestinians. Apparently this is not initiating conflict to people like you.

All you know is gaslighting and victimization and narrative building. That's your culture and mindset. Hamas showed the world no amount of threats will make them abandon God and justice in this life and the next one. Hamas won't subscribe to falsehood ever. Falsehood like your culture and mindset which entirely dismisses Jewish radical terrorism and fanaticism. I've yet to see you acknowledge Jewish extremism a single time. Despite there being tens of thousands of examples of so. Either you think it's cute or you support it. Which one ?
Hindus understood what a divided society created and are organizing into a state addressing those issues

Jews nderstood what a divided state did to them and organied into a modern, powerful state
Bringing Hinduism into this thread is pathetic. Why do Indians try so hard to be more Jewish than the Israeli? It’s completely off topic and tripe.
Full support again shown by India
Israeli Jewish terrorists, that claim to belong to this land and love it, are deploying mercenaries in Gaza and not reporting them as part of their casualty counts. Jewish extremism and claim to Palestine is a pyschological Jewish exercise. They do not have attachment to this land and are terrorists that are materialistic and psychotic.

Erdogan needs to lead the way.
Hah! Erdogan is only talk when he threatens Israel. Where is that "hyperwar capable army" that MMM-E talks day and night about? With the thousands of UAVs and smart munitions,the one with the superior AA systems and the strongest navy in the region? With the ability to fire missiles from far away and get back before getting hit? With the super weapons that are "only few in the world" and the indigenous AESA radars?

All talk. Erdogan tries to promote himself as the defender of the Ummah,but when it comes to saving his "brothers", he nags that Arabs are doing nothing about it.
Don't forget Israeli extremist savagery. Here is one example:

Israeli Jewish terrorists, that claim to belong to this land and love it, are deploying mercenaries in Gaza and not reporting them as part of their casualty counts. Jewish extremism and claim to Palestine is a pyschological Jewish exercise. They do not have attachment to this land and are terrorists that are materialistic and psychotic.

I thought obscure twitter sources were forbidden with the new PDF rule?

Anyway,I was watching an interesting video today. A bit old,but still very interesting. Another one of those videos were settlers in the West Bank do what they want,build new houses and outposts and like a Palestinian man said "settlers are now de facto law enforcement here"

Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 13-35-18 West Bank settler expansion a year on the frontline - YouTube.png
Hah! Erdogan is only talk when he threatens Israel. Where is that "hyperwar capable army" that MMM-E talks day and night about? With the thousands of UAVs and smart munitions,the one with the superior AA systems and the strongest navy in the region? With the ability to fire missiles from far away and get back before getting hit? With the super weapons that are "only few in the world" and the indigenous AESA radars?

All talk. Erdogan tries to promote himself as the defender of the Ummah,but when it comes to saving his "brothers", he nags that Arabs are doing nothing about it.
The Ummah is Hamas. In Islam if no one is observing Islam but one entity, then then are the جماعة.

There is no Ummah besides Ummah of Mohammed. It just means followers of Mohammed. It does not imply a Muslim NATO. And never implied so.
I thought obscure twitter sources were forbidden with the new PDF rule?

Anyway,I was watching an interesting video today. A bit old,but still very interesting. Another one of those videos were settlers in the West Bank do what they want,build new houses and outposts and like a Palestinian man said "settlers are now de facto law enforcement here"

View attachment 44766
Hanzala is a verified user and very well known Twitter user. The clip is published by the armed wing of Hamas, officially.

Not surprising settlers are religious fanatics which Israel deploys to the dirty work them. Israeli government wants the land and resources for long term reasons. And only invoke religion to achieve that.
First moments of Toofan Al Aqsa operation, the greatest operation in modern history against a extremely advanced military. That Israeli savages tried to smear. We won't allow Israel to smear or defame this just military operation or cause. Hamas, being the most moral military in the world, directed precise rocket strikes on Israeli bases on the border, paving way for punishment of the IDF southern command division made up of multiple Brigades and thousands of soldiers. Responsible for massacres of civilians in Gaza:

After Hamas, the Saraya Al Quds Brigades, all other Palestinian factions and the people of Gaza, took it upon themselves to defend Islam and the sanctity of Jerusalem on behalf of Muslims and Christians, Israel began carpet bombing Gaza razing entire blocks in a cowardly manner. Storming hospitals and forcing babies off incubators and killing them. Storming hospitals masquerading as civilians and murdering people on their hospital beds, Palestinians fought for their survival.

And Muslims, may God forgive them, just stood and watched. Shame on them. They wrote history. History of betraying Gaza and leaving its people to their fate. History in Islam as being the most cowardly generation of Muslims to ever walk the earth. History with God and judgement day, in the book of destiny of God's creation, as having not heeding the call of Toofan Al Aqsa. And being known to God and the Prophets and their companions as cowards that had to lower their heads in shame. That's what they will be known for.

After Hamas, the Saraya Al Quds Brigades, all other Palestinian factions and the people of Gaza, took it upon themselves to defend Islam and the sanctity of Jerusalem on behalf of Muslims and Christians, Israel began carpet bombing Gaza razing entire blocks in a cowardly manner. Storming hospitals and forcing babies off incubators and killing them. Storming hospitals masquerading as civilians and murdering people on their hospital beds, Palestinians fought for their survival.

And Muslims, may God forgive them, just stood and watched. Shame on them. They wrote history. History of betraying Gaza and leaving its people to their fate. History in Islam as being the most cowardly generation of Muslims to ever walk the earth. History with God and judgement day, in the book of destiny of God's creation, as having not heeding the call of Toofan Al Aqsa. And being known to God and the Prophets and their companions as cowards that had to lower their heads in shame. That's what they will be known for.

Muslims couldn't even dedicate 2% of their power. Just imagine. The Prophets and his companions fought in their 50's and 60's. And sacrificed themselves. And only number around 300 or less. And lacked resources. Only having weeks of resources at a time.

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