Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It has been many years since these fatwas were issued, you will see this yourself in the coming years, a narrative that claims Palestinians are at fault for fighting back, Islam says to not fight against rulers etc. Remember my words, they will trick is such a way that we think it kinds makes sense.

No way. Don't care what some random gulfi says or not. I know what REAL ISLAM is.
Certain Muslim nations/groups reject the Islamic history and culture, they want to make their own history as they are the badshas on this earth. People can find faults in Turkey but they surely love their history and are reviving it. I respect them for that.

Are they reving their Islamic heritage or are they wanting to become white european?
Really? I think you being naughty in comparing the forums bro. We are monitoring it better IMO

EXACTLY and I appreciate it bro but I don't ever want this great forum to become like the old forum when all the good Patriotic Pakistanis left and then it became an rss talk shop. That was horrible and sad. But I have full faith and confidence in the way you are running this forum.
Don't know why but the Gulf Arabs are very similar to Indian/bud bud ding ding people in that they are desperate to seek the approval and acceptance of white people even if means going against Islam and their fellow Arab brothers and sisters. Complete animals.

They are useless and inferior. They see white people as their gods. That is the truth. They also don't like practicing Muslims. The biggest mistake Pakistanis make is assuming the gulfies are pious Muslims. They are in fact closer to devil worship than to Islam.

They are A'rab (Aarab) not Arab. There is a big difference @Falcon29 isn't it bro?
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Whatever you call them, they are still useless, inferior, kuffar wannabe white worshippers. That doesn't change anything.
I don't disagree.

What I was trying to say was these A'rabs are not same Arab as Ahle Al-bayt or Sahabs or their descendants.

They are Registaan ke Bandars.
So the Gazans were not imprisoned and even denied the right to fish their own waters on the pain of instant death?

Imprisonment DOES NOT EQUAL autonomy.

Now do you have any rational arguments of your own or just repeating Zionist propaganda that tries to justify genocide all the time?

That was posted by an indian. Now do you understand why I said that they should all be permanently banned from the forum?
That was posted by an indian. Now do you understand why I said that they should all be permanently banned from the forum?

Posts like that should be construed as propaganda to justify genocide if the poster is explicitly agreeing with the tweet in it.

Mods need to be more firmer with the Hinduvta crowd if they break the more serious rules like justifying genocide in any way. They can come here and speak freely but not justify genocide in any way.
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What children?????

The Palestinians are a occupied people, they have the right to fight their occupier and oppressor , it's a matter of freedom and independence

Literally no one asked the Jews to come to the middle east, the local Jews were a minority before you have a insidious invasion under the British of foreigners who happened to be Jewish and who created a ethnocentric apartheid state

Seeing how monstrous the Zionists are, for the sake of peace the Jews need to leave the middle east, they are absolutely hated in the region for what reason would this continuing this colonial apartheid outpost make any sense except to create so much hatred for the Jew that their future is imperiled
Israel children are occupier too in your insane world vision.

USA people are also occupier in Native American people land, go and fight them.

Lack of own opinion, and only repeating mainstream nonsenses.
Israel children are occupier too in your insane world vision.

USA people are also occupier in Native American people land, go and fight them.

Lack of own opinion, and only repeating mainstream nonsenses.

You keep making this same invalid comparison!

A native Red Indian can settle in any part of the USA that a white descendant of settlers can.

Can a native Palestinian settle in any part of Palestine that a Jew from anywhere in the world can?

Please stop using this analogy as it weakens your credibility.
You keep making this same invalid comparison!

A native Red Indian can settle in any part of the USA that a white descendant of settlers can.

Can a native Palestinian settle in any part of Palestine that a Jew from anywhere in the world can?

Please stop using this analogy as it weakens your credibility.
There are a lot of New York indians, they can't go to settle in Empire State building. And that land belongs to them.

Anyway, children are always civilian and innocent people, and only a insane brainwashed retarded like Hamas can consider them a valid target in a war.
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