Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

There are a lot of New York indians, they can't go to settle in Empire State building. And that land belongs to them.

Anyway, children are always civilian and innocent people, and only a insane brainwashed retarded like Hamas can consider them a valid target in a war.

Don't be completely obtuse.

We are talking about the same rights as Jews that can just turn up in Palestine and live anywhere that a private citizen can.

If you want a bit more respect around here then start talking logically and with ration.
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Nope, involving civilians as target like Hamas indiscriminate rocket launch to Israel cities and terrorist act inside Israeli city targeting civilians are the ones that makes Israel is also targetting Palestinians civilians

Hamas has been doing their stupid action for decades and understand what will be the consequence of such action but keep doing that due to their ego/emotion/abide with their leadership

We should abide and follow Allah, not emotion or other human

As per zionists, Palestinians or Muslims are Amalek or human animals- henseforth, they have moral rights to opresessed, humiliate, subjugated, enslaved and killed seeds of Amalek as they wish yet Hamas is the root casue of the genocide.
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The first was in pieces, the second was crushed by a bullet, and the third and fourth were a single bullet enough to impale both of them.

A sniper with one bullet hits two
An anti-bunker shell burns and maims a soldier

Jabalia before withdrawal
Al Qassam Brigades are consistently wearing down the Israeli army now. Israeli's hit a point in their war where they don't see why they're fighting, as Gaza has been utterly ravaged by Israel. Any deployment they still have in Gaza is just adding to their casualties.

Israel cannot occupy Gaza effectively like it did with the West Bank. And it certainly cannot build any 'settlements' in Gaza. Israeli's carpet bombed and destoryed everything in Gaza. And Gaza was left alone. Gaza is fighting for its existence and survival which is where the willpower of their people is coming from. Israel will not achieve in their attempt to wipe out Palestine from existence.
Israel PM rejects the ceasefire

View attachment 44722

Very important. Israel continues to reject its own ceasefire proposals. And continues lying to mediators. As expected, Israel would reject any attempt at a ceasefire yet try to blame Palestinians.

Embarking on a vague genocidal mission such as 'destroying Hamas' simply means killing and expelling all Palestinians of Gaza. As we know what the Israeli Jewish radical terrorists mean when they say that. Imagine if Arabs embarked on 'destroying the IDF'. IDF makes up one million people in Israel. You'd have to kill 4 million in the process. 60% of Israeli population. It's genocidal and Nazi rhetoric of. Let's see in the future if it's acceptable by the hypocrites to destroy the IDF, then.
They are A'rab (Aarab) not Arab. There is a big difference @Falcon29 isn't it bro?
I don't support blanket statements. Gulf Arabs are by far and large decent people. But I'd say they're in their own circle. Region is too divided. Gulf Arabs seem to be concerned with economy and security first and foremost. Which is why they don't take the initiative in the region. I've good experiences with Kuwaitis, Qatar's and Omani's personally.

What I believe should happen is Egypt turns a blind eye to smuggling into Gaza and Gulf support Egypt economically and politically during such process. Now Gaza should not go through more. But Egypt should strengthen its positions and start to deploy political and military cards without going to a all out war. Egypt is the only nation near Palestine that can have a impact, with backing of other regional players, but not at expense of Egypt's security. If there are people that conspire against Egypt and wish harm for it, then I do not stand for that. If someone is saying that they want change and change happens but they express different desires, then that is disturbing and even wicked.

I don't believe in revolutionary change of region. But I believe there can be harmony and more effective policies drawn that benefit everyone. Stability of Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Gulf, Iraq, Syria is better for the region long term. People need to live most people do not follow politics like we do on the forum. They seek to live and take care of their families and so forth. There has to be ways to draw up policies that hurt Israel in the long term. And gradually done.
It doesn't matter what I think.

The question is:
1) People who initated the conflict, what outcome did they think will come? Everyone knew that overwhelming response will come from Israel. Then why did they do it? Did they have a plan, did they work out what the implication was?

2) The response is on the lines that anyone would have expected. I'm still waiting for the explanation from Hamas leadeership on what the endgame for this strategy is

They are perfectly within their scope to initiate a conflict if there is an endgame. Surely there's no such thing here.

Israel's morality or palestinian righteoushness is not the factor here. The leaders (Hamas) initated a conflict with no endgame. To me this looks like a calculation of many Palestinians dying is not a big cost to the Hamas leadership.

The endgame is freedom and independence

I've said this before, they can either act like Hindus and be cowards and slaves for a thousand years or they can fight, suffer but further their goal towards independence and freedom

Palestinians have the long term demographic advantage, they are much younger than the Jews and the population of Jews and Arabs is now equal across Gaza, the west bank and Israel

The aim is to ensure the Jews get no peace and through their monstrous actions become a pariah ,the Palestinians will suffer but they are suffering anyway but they will continue to be younger and have more children then the Jews, whilst the Jews will
Bend rules
Use Zionists
Try to control the media and they will kill Palestinians

But In the end they will still face demographic defeat, and have sheer unadulterated hatred directed at them across the world with more questions about Zionist and Zionist politicians

Let me put it in a way you might understand
In the year 1200AD if Hindus had a shred of courage and resolve and let's say fought the Delhi sultanate or Muslim armies
You would have suffered
Maybe hundreds of thousands dead, maybe more
But maybe, just maybe you would have saved yourself from ,800 years of further humiliation and defeat

Now ask yourself would that suffering be worth it?

Keep the Jews under constant pressure, missiles from the north
Chaos in the west bank
War in Gaza
North and South Israel empty with hundreds of thousands of internal Israeli refugees
Others Jews leaving Israel
International pressure
Countries recognizing Palestine
International institutions going after Israel
Israel becomes a pariah

And that's just the start, Israel will be hounded everywhere now

Resistance is costly, but it has to be done, it's just unfortunate Palestinians have to suffer but it won't end well for the jews
Israel children are occupier too in your insane world vision.

USA people are also occupier in Native American people land, go and fight them.

Lack of own opinion, and only repeating mainstream nonsenses.
If the occupation can target the children of the people

Why can't the resistance not fight back against the occupation ?
The endgame is freedom and independence

I've said this before, they can either act like Hindus and be cowards and slaves for a thousand years or they can fight, suffer but further their goal towards independence and freedom

Palestinians have the long term demographic advantage, they are much younger than the Jews and the population of Jews and Arabs is now equal across Gaza, the west bank and Israel

The aim is to ensure the Jews get no peace and through their monstrous actions become a pariah ,the Palestinians will suffer but they are suffering anyway but they will continue to be younger and have more children then the Jews, whilst the Jews will
Bend rules
Use Zionists
Try to control the media and they will kill Palestinians

But In the end they will still face demographic defeat, and have sheer unadulterated hatred directed at them across the world with more questions about Zionist and Zionist politicians

Let me put it in a way you might understand
In the year 1200AD if Hindus had a shred of courage and resolve and let's say fought the Delhi sultanate or Muslim armies
You would have suffered
Maybe hundreds of thousands dead, maybe more
But maybe, just maybe you would have saved yourself from ,800 years of further humiliation and defeat

Now ask yourself would that suffering be worth it?

Keep the Jews under constant pressure, missiles from the north
Chaos in the west bank
War in Gaza
North and South Israel empty with hundreds of thousands of internal Israeli refugees
Others Jews leaving Israel
International pressure
Countries recognizing Palestine
International institutions going after Israel
Israel becomes a pariah

And that's just the start, Israel will be hounded everywhere now

Resistance is costly, but it has to be done, it's just unfortunate Palestinians have to suffer but it won't end well for the jews

Kind of your problem isn't it? 800 years ago this happened, 1000 years ago this happened.

Hindus understood what a divided society created and are organizing into a state addressing those issues

Jews nderstood what a divided state did to them and organied into a modern, powerful state

You, on the other hand rested on the little accomplishments of your ancestors and became weak.

And when someone asks you what exactly was the strategy behind initiating a conflict with this modern, powerful state of Israel your answer is bull and hot air.

Sun Tze said- Strategy without tactics is the slowest path to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

Your entire post is just noise.
That was posted by an indian. Now do you understand why I said that they should all be permanently banned from the forum?
Bro as much as I like reading your posts, I disagree with this point of yours.

As you're well aware, our Awaam is basically asleep with their eyes open ever since our independence. The Indians, zionists terrorists should be welcome that those who are deep asleep and suck up to these finally see how these people view us. The likes of you, me, and perhaps others should do our duty and challenge these pathetic excuses of humans and hope that our people realise the danger we're in. That's my view on this matter.
If the occupation can target the children of the people

Why can't the resistance not fight back against the occupation ?
He must be a hasbara troll. It's clear to everyone who targets children on a unprecedented and disturbing scale. It's Israel. That has bombed over 20,000 children to death. Palestinians don't target children and never did. That's blood libel and defamation. Our people would never do such a unconsciousable thing.

It's a disgusting campaign of defamation against Hamas which they thought would help turn public opinion against Hamas and it did not. It was a utter failure. Hamas has the most popular support of any movement in the world. Hamas is a righteous and moral group and army. Hamas is standing after this massive conspiracy against it and attempt to expel Palestinians into Egypt.

Hamas will not go anymore. And liars will be liars. And defamation will be rejected as we all know the truth. People who hate Hamas hate Islam and Allah. And projecting their hatred of Allah and Islam onto Hamas. Thinking of it as a clever manner to express that hatred. People who hate Hamas are cursed and will be remembered as accursed people. Hamas is fighting for Islam, Muslim claim over Jerusalem, Palestine, lovers of Prophets deserve the land of the Prophets. Hamas is keeping the spirit of Islam alive. And teaching Muslims what it means to have faith in God and what it means to not your sell land and religion over worldly matters.
Bro as much as I like reading your posts, I disagree with this point of yours.

As you're well aware, our Awaam is basically asleep with their eyes open ever since our independence. The Indians, zionists terrorists should be welcome that those who are deep asleep and suck up to these finally see how these people view us. The likes of you, me, and perhaps others should do our duty and challenge these pathetic excuses of humans and hope that our people realise the danger we're in. That's my view on this matter.

I somewhat agree with you but I just don't want this forum to become an rss talk shop like the old forum.
Kind of your problem isn't it? 800 years ago this happened, 1000 years ago this happened.

Hindus understood what a divided society created and are organizing into a state addressing those issues

Jews nderstood what a divided state did to them and organied into a modern, powerful state

You, on the other hand rested on the little accomplishments of your ancestors and became weak.

And when someone asks you what exactly was the strategy behind initiating a conflict with this modern, powerful state of Israel your answer is bull and hot air.

Sun Tze said- Strategy without tactics is the slowest path to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

Your entire post is just noise.

Strategy????? Is fighting for your freedom and independence it reason enough?

Is stopping regional integration and alliance with a enemy, not reason enough

Israel through it's own occupation and behavior will hang it self

Hindus are not doing anything, they are dividing their society and creating a state that was the basis of partition
A partition that is incomplete
And just like Palestinians Indian muslims will need freedom and independence so they can get representation of their people and culture/history/faith

It's a continuous effort, and neither Palestinians nor kashmiri, nor Indian Muslims intend to be subjugated by the enemy forever

It's a slow and gradual.process and the basis of it is sheer unadulterated determination from Muslims
Kind of your problem isn't it? 800 years ago this happened, 1000 years ago this happened.

Hindus understood what a divided society created and are organizing into a state addressing those issues

Jews nderstood what a divided state did to them and organied into a modern, powerful state

You, on the other hand rested on the little accomplishments of your ancestors and became weak.

And when someone asks you what exactly was the strategy behind initiating a conflict with this modern, powerful state of Israel your answer is bull and hot air.

Sun Tze said- Strategy without tactics is the slowest path to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

Your entire post is just noise.
I think the Jewish terrorists understand now what the price will be if they attack our Holy Mosques and Churches in Jerusalem ever again. Or curse our Prophet and storm our Mosques. Don't ever think to do it again and desecrate the mosque that all Prophets spiritually prayed inside of. We worship God and utterly respect his Prophets. And do not allow defamation or hatred of Prophets of God.
Strategy????? Is fighting for your freedom and independence it reason enough?

Is stopping regional integration and alliance with a enemy, not reason enough

Israel through it's own occupation and behavior will hang it self

Hindus are not doing anything, they are dividing their society and creating a state that was the basis of partition
A partition that is incomplete
And just like Palestinians Indian muslims will need freedom and independence so they can get representation of their people and culture/history/faith

It's a continuous effort, and neither Palestinians nor kashmiri, nor Indian Muslims intend to be subjugated by the enemy forever

It's a slow and gradual.process and the basis of it is sheer unadulterated determination from Muslims

Yeah. It's not enough. I mean not if the palestinians really want to achieve anything meaningful.

As for Kashmir etc....good luck with that.

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