Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Muslim World is suffering from leadership crisis.

We are literally chickens as of now, who are just waiting to be slaughtered.

If Saudis hadn't pushed so aggressively for normalization while ignoring two state solution - Palestinians wouldn't have attacked Zionists. Palestinians literally felt left out and they had no way to voice their voice but to attack Zionists.

Imagine what Palestinians must have felt - that while their blood is spilled and their land is being encroached upon on daily basis - their Arab brethren are itching for normalization with same Zionist entity. THAT INFURIATED THE PALESTINIANS.

MBS is a fool, lack political acumen, loves to boss around people and thinks he is the leader of Muslim World. What a joke.

Can trust Iranian on the battlefield but cannot trust a Saudi...

GCC Arabs are embarrassment to Islam and Muslims.
Collectively as well, we Muslims are being subdued by our own rulers/puppets. That's a fact.

Saudi prince accused of hooker parties, threats and fart-in-face demand​

By Todd Venezia
Published Oct. 21, 2015, 7:46 a.m. ET

Prince Majed bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (left)Saudi Press Agency
A Saudi Arabian prince is accused by three female staffers of acting like a bizarre party boy — engaging in a gay-sex act in front of them, threatening a woman’s life, demanding that an assistant fart in his face while others watched and declaring, “I am a prince and I do what I want,” according to a report.

Have you heard any politician in the so-called Muslim nations speak like this with emotion?... No. We are a dead people. A treasonous people. A Munafiq people. A coward people.

We are surrounded by Munafiq amongst us! Curse them to hell.

This is why our situation is like this. Our leadership is the mirror of us. If we were real Muslims, we would have thrown this leadership in to Mangla dam, become honourable people and then elect honourable leadership, but we are not. This Gaza war exposed all of us, especially those Muslims who always screamed ummah, Islam, Quran, they are busy making worldly gains, the sympathy for Gaza is just talk. InshaAllah one day Gaza genocide will be avenged, their killers will hide behind stones and trees but will not be spared, that day the army will be from honourable people, who will sacrifice their lives for justice in this world.

Saudi prince accused of hooker parties, threats and fart-in-face demand​

By Todd Venezia
Published Oct. 21, 2015, 7:46 a.m. ET

Prince Majed bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (left)Saudi Press Agency
A Saudi Arabian prince is accused by three female staffers of acting like a bizarre party boy — engaging in a gay-sex act in front of them, threatening a woman’s life, demanding that an assistant fart in his face while others watched and declaring, “I am a prince and I do what I want,” according to a report.

That autistic prince is a crypto j, no doubt, as are many more leaders in the arab world.

Watch these, the chosen psychopaths are trying to start ww 3 via their control over western puppets, and destory 2/3 of the worlds

That is a broad, sweeping and incorrect statement - the leadership most certainly fall into that classification but not the population/people as a whole.

I was referring to the leadership in the main but even normal gulfi Arabs see white people as their gods. I have witnessed this first hand.
They are useless and inferior. They see white people as their gods. That is the truth. They also don't like practicing Muslims. The biggest mistake Pakistanis make is assuming the gulfies are pious Muslims. They are in fact closer to devil worship than to Islam.

We think like that because GCC has trillions, they fund TV channels, new style of molvis on YouTube, give free quran translations, Islamic literature, build mosques and maddrassas and tell us what Islam is lol. They recently changed Islam again, now the new islam is liberal type, before it was all mujahdeen and tawheed, shirk stuff. People are like sheeps.
Never forget. No one will bat an eyelid when it's their time. Just like Muammar Ghaddafi said. "Today it's me, tomorrow it will be you".

These GCC Arabs are in the money making business. They love money above anything else. Abraham Accords is all about trade with Israel. Don't be fooled when the supporters of the Abraham Accords tell you it is about peace and stability. It is all about money.
We think like that because GCC has trillions, they fund TV channels, new style of molvis on YouTube, give free quran translations, Islamic literature, build mosques and maddrassas and tell us what Islam is lol. They recently changed Islam again, now the new islam is liberal type, before it was all mujahdeen and tawheed, shirk stuff. People are like sheeps.

Which is why critical thinking is necessary. Read and understand the Holy Quran yourselves before you look to others to tell you what the Holy Quran says.

The modern day gulfi Arabs want to become like white europeans and be fully validated and accepted by the whites. That is the truth.
The following leaders of these so called Islamic Theocracies are crypto Jews known as Donmeh Jews, aka Sabbataens, and they are Zionist to the core:





The Emirates

Is Mohammad Bin Salman a Zionist?​

Motasem A Dalloul
4 years ago
Which is why critical thinking is necessary. Read and understand the Holy Quran yourselves before you look to others to tell you what the Holy Quran says.

The modern day gulfi Arabs want to become like white europeans and be fully validated and accepted by the whites. That is the truth.

What if the Quran is translated by the same gulfies, I always try to read classical translations and some modern ones to balance it out, keep in mind many people on purpose mistranslate Quran, at one time after reading Quran people became jihadis and these days become modern. These days gulfies are becoming modern and my local jihadi mosques are acting all westernise these days, making haram in to halal, they are also propagating that Palestinians are at fault, they should leave Gaza or submit to Israel, this is the latest fatwas from gulf, the claim is Israel is too powerful to fight against and Islam says dont fight back for your safety. I feel sorry for them.

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