Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Comments? This is making the rounds on social media....​


by INTEL-DROP June 3, 2024
Frankly pretty hard to believe without visual proof, then aircraft vessel in red sea hit is hot merchant for sensational news and click bate monetisation.
So you think there is anything to gain by keeping company with old white racists?
The type he described? Don't waste your time.

BTW, I am a 60 year old white RACIALIST.

There is a difference. Prior to 1928, the word racist did not even exist in the English language. The word racist was coined by Jewish Bolsheviks in their program to get the browns and blacks to embrace communism.

The definition of a racialist is someone (any race) who is proud of his people and heritage. I see many racialists on this forum.

And have no problem with this. Why? Because I am not a hypocrite. I want all people to be proud of where they come from, like me.

We need to bury the Jewy Commie word racist. All it does is cause animosity - which was the real intent of the Bolsheviks.

And yes, there is some value talking with an old white RACIALIST, at least I hope so, because I am one.

(I actually get along better with other peoples than the "old white men" described above)
So you think there is anything to gain by keeping company with old white racists?

He's not a close friend and lives a good distance from me; we only text message about trivial stuff.
BTW, America is not as 'racist' as one might think nor as 'segregated' like the immigrant ghettos like in Europe. Yes, there is prejudice against this and that here--heck, where I live, even the whites (the 'Yankees'!) are disliked. But as long as people don't insult others, we need to understand there is a level of racial awareness or even racism in most human beings. Anyone remembers the Rwandan massacre here in the 90s? Most of the world couldn't tell them apart! But there they hacked each other to bits.
I think it will be off-topic to continue on this topic.
Frankly pretty hard to believe without visual proof, then aircraft vessel in red sea hit is hot merchant for sensational news and click bate monetisation.
Think the same. Why I am waiting for better proof.
I doubt that they walked trough even 1 KM in tunnels over whole Gaza strip.

My opinion of the IDF has been lowered so much in just last 8 months alone. Granted, there were some doubts about them when Hezbollah gave them a bloody nose in 2006 but, you know, myths are hard to go away quickly.

But this conflict in Gaza has changed that. It is now obvious that the IDF is an unprofessional force, full of hip hop and gay dancing part-time fighters whose main strength is using the immense air cover and intelligence resources to kill civilians in various ways. And I can't help but contrast the IDF with the Pakistani Army, which was so much better: Went into the Swat Valley in 2009 and then in the Tribal Areas of Pakistan after 2014 to fight the Taliban. The Taliban had great strategic locations, deep in mountains and forests and had pretty good weaponry and were tough fighters too. But Pakistani Army still prevailed after long bloody conflicts in both regions after the Pakistani Army paid a heavy price. That was true 'manly valor' despite Pakistan's very limited resources.

Someone here may not be wrong when they say: Even the Punjab Police is enough for IDF in a man to man fight!!
My opinion of the IDF has been lowered so much in just last 8 months alone. Granted, there were some doubts about them when Hezbollah gave them a bloody nose in 2006 but, you know, myths are hard to go away quickly.

But this conflict in Gaza has changed that. It is now obvious that the IDF is an unprofessional force, full of hip hop and gay dancing part-time fighters whose main strength is using the immense air cover and intelligence resources to kill civilians in various ways. And I can't help but contrast the IDF with the Pakistani Army, which was so much better: Went into the Swat Valley in 2009 and then in the Tribal Areas of Pakistan after 2014 to fight the Taliban. The Taliban had great strategic locations, deep in mountains and forests and had pretty good weaponry and were tough fighters too. But Pakistani Army still prevailed after long bloody conflicts in both regions after the Pakistani Army paid a heavy price. That was true 'manly valor' despite Pakistan's very limited resources.

Someone here may not be wrong when they say: Even the Punjab Police is enough for IDF in a man to man fight!!

In all seriousness, if the same weapons and same resources were given out equally, even the Dadyal or Kotli police force would smoke the IDF.
My opinion of the IDF has been lowered so much in just last 8 months alone. Granted, there were some doubts about them when Hezbollah gave them a bloody nose in 2006 but, you know, myths are hard to go away quickly.

But this conflict in Gaza has changed that. It is now obvious that the IDF is an unprofessional force, full of hip hop and gay dancing part-time fighters whose main strength is using the immense air cover and intelligence resources to kill civilians in various ways. And I can't help but contrast the IDF with the Pakistani Army, which was so much better: Went into the Swat Valley in 2009 and then in the Tribal Areas of Pakistan after 2014 to fight the Taliban. The Taliban had great strategic locations, deep in mountains and forests and had pretty good weaponry and were tough fighters too. But Pakistani Army still prevailed after long bloody conflicts in both regions after the Pakistani Army paid a heavy price. That was true 'manly valor' despite Pakistan's very limited resources.

Someone here may not be wrong when they say: Even the Punjab Police is enough for IDF in a man to man fight!!

I never thought the Zionists were good at all.

No offence but the Arabs were just bad at fighting them, through a combination of incompetence and/or lack of sufficient quantities of modern weapons.

What we are seeing with both their conflicts with Hezbollah and Hamas is that for the first time they are facing competent and disciplined adversaries.

Only the fact that Hamas was not supplied with modern anti-tank missiles and manpads has meant that Zionists have not turned tail and run out of Gaza already fleeing for their lives.
President Biden has hit back at Netanyahu personally in a newly published Time magazine interview, asserting that that people have "every reason" to believe that PM Netanyahu is dragging out the war in Gaza for his own political survival.

"There is every reason for people to draw that conclusion," Biden told the publication. Below is the full section from the interview:

Asked if Israeli forces have committed war crimes in Gaza, Biden says, “It’s uncertain.” From the start, the Administration knew Israel was pushing the limits of legal warfare, the Washington Post and others have reported. The conflict is driving a wedge between the U.S. and its allies. On May 31, Biden laid out a phased cease-fire plan that would end the war and secure the release of hostages. He has continued to pursue the complicated regional deal with Saudi Arabia.
Some close to Biden say the only holdout to the broader pact is Netanyahu. The President declines to say as much, but when asked by TIME if Netanyahu is prolonging the war for his own political reasons, Biden admits, “There is every reason for people to draw that conclusion.”

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