Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I think American Jewish Elite took over USA power after Lehman bros bankrupt and 2008 crisis until now.
You think wrong.

At least one hundred years before that, culminating with the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.

"Give me control over a nations currency, I care not who makes its laws."--Mayer A. Rothchild [i.e. Rothschild], member of banking cartel. Federal Reserve not so federal​

The Federal Reserve System is the head of the snake.
but keep in mind that the most aggressive states against Russia inside NATO are Eastern states who are near to Russia.
It's not the same a sovereign state (like USA) than a puppet state fully corrupted and bribed, and under hate emotions due to historic reasons against Russia (Baltics states, Poland, Ukraine, and so on).
I know a little about the eastern European countries wary of Russia; there is a long history to justify that fear under the Soviets. And if I were an eastern European citizen, I too would prefer the Western Europe over Russia. BUT... it is one thing to have a fear of a neighbor, it is another to become vassals of a remote power and poke the Russian bear so much that a very destructive war starts in Europe. No European country really wanted the Russia-Ukraine war, with the exception of the UK (which is a distant island nation--and, yes, being an island nation and some distance still matters, ICBMs or not) and possibly also Poland.

Now, in my opinion, everything in USA big decisions smell to Jewish American elite: cold rational decisions for the best and for the worst. Even with Trump administration.
It's too much to guess, but my opinion is: Since 911 attacks and Bush son administration something changed in how USA high power works, USA state is not in the hands of POTUS anymore. And POTUS is just a symbolic figure without real power, like the King in another states.

The last American President who showed some spine to Israel was Bush Senior (George H.W. Bush). He and the Presidents before him, including Reagan, knew, despite supporting Israel, when to draw the line to protect the larger American interests in the Middle East. Starting Bill Clinton, it is progressively more and more subservient to the Zionists, and Biden is the ultimate and self-proclaimed Zionist! BTW, the moral and intellectual caliber of the US Presidents also seem to be declining; they are intellectual dwarfs--pale shadows of even Bush Senior, who was mocked for his idiocy. Look at the choices we have now: Trump or Biden in 2024!! How low can you go!?!!
I know a little about the eastern European countries wary of Russia; there is a long history to justify that fear under the Soviets. And if I were an eastern European citizen, I too would prefer the Western Europe over Russia. BUT... it is one thing to have a fear of a neighbor, it is another to become vassals of a remote power and poke the Russian bear so much that a very destructive war starts in Europe. No European country really wanted the Russia-Ukraine war, with the exception of the UK (which is a distant island nation--and, yes, being an island nation and some distance still matters, ICBMs or not) and possibly also Poland.

The last American President who showed some spine to Israel was Bush Senior (George H.W. Bush). He and the Presidents before him, including Reagan, knew, despite supporting Israel, when to draw the line to protect the larger American interests in the Middle East. Starting Bill Clinton, it is progressively more and more subservient to the Zionists, and Biden is the ultimate and self-proclaimed Zionist! BTW, the moral and intellectual caliber of the US Presidents also seem to be declining; they are intellectual dwarfs--pale shadows of even Bush Senior, who was mocked for his idiocy. Look at the choices we have now: Trump or Biden in 2024!! How low can you go!?!!
was Bush father mocked? I think he was always considered as a smart man, I think you meant Bush son. Bush son is a perfect idiot, but I think he had not real power, and his administration was another Bush father administration.

In Spain politics I saw it too, in 80s and 90s, presidents were real rulers, but since 2000s were brainless figureheads. Maybe it's a inevitable progression of how power works in a state. It already happened in the past in a lot of countries, when kings passed from real rulers to a just symbolic paper.
was Bush father mocked? I think he was always considered as a smart man, I think you meant Bush son. Bush son is a perfect idiot, but I think he had not real power, and his administration was another Bush father administration.
Yes, Bush Sr. was also mocked but no where to the level of Bush Jr.
In Spain politics I saw it too, in 80s and 90s, presidents were real rulers, but since 2000s were brainless figureheads. Maybe it's a inevitable progression of how power works in a state. It already happened in the past in a lot of countries, when kings passed from real rulers to a just symbolic paper.

There is a general decline the world-over in all sort of intellectual matters and so having stupid Presidents in America and stupid leaders and general population in the world is no different. I think human beings have too easy access to info in the last 3 decades and so to 'think hard' is getting harder and harder. Only yesterday I was in a road-side little store buying peaches and the cashier couldn't give proper change for $10.17 total out of $15 given to her--and she was not a child--probably a high school graduate (grade 12 or more). But we will get off-topic discussing such things here so...
You think wrong.

At least one hundred years before that, culminating with the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.

"Give me control over a nations currency, I care not who makes its laws."--Mayer A. Rothchild [i.e. Rothschild], member of banking cartel. Federal Reserve not so federal​

The Federal Reserve System is the head of the snake.
Yeah, bankers were always influential in the USA.

But I mean about who is the guy who take wars decisions.

Take as a example 911 selfattacks, Afghanistan war or Iraq war, it smells to gentiles dumbfucks taking big decisions.

Take as example Libya war, it smells to smart Jewish Elite taking decisions.

Libya war was like a Hedge Fund handling/deceiving the market, but in social color revolution version. Deceiving and using third parties to do the dirty job, deceiving people to destroy their own country.

911 selfattacks it reminds me when Mayan rulers take out heart from Mayan people and did blood sacrificies, to keep the people in fear and easy to be governed, then come Christianity, Jewish invention, and it showed: it's not needed kill own people to rule them, you can use symbolic blood like wine and flesh like bread in a ceremony (Eucharist) and people will keep easy to rule as well.

Gentiles rule is brutal and lousy, they did nonsense wars in Afghanistan desert, just to earn money from military industrial complex, how can be anyone so fcking idiot?

Jewish elite is smart, soft and hidden, if they need money, they create in banks instead bomb deserts, and they use military surplus weapons in useful wars, like Uraine war to weaken Russia, instead bomb empty deserts caverns.
Late 60s.
Yes, he has said racist things about other races to me like 'The Asians study so much to succeed in life because their brains are slower'. I think he was referring to the East Asians.

So you think there is anything to gain by keeping company with old white racists?

Yeah, bankers were always influential in the USA.

But I mean about who is the guy who take wars decisions.

Take as a example 911 selfattacks, Afghanistan war or Iraq war, it smells to gentiles dumbfucks taking big decisions.

Take as example Libya war, it smells to smart Jewish Elite taking decisions.

Libya war was like a Hedge Fund handling/deceiving the market, but in social color revolution version. Deceiving and using third parties to do the dirty job, deceiving people to destroy their own country.

911 selfattacks it reminds me when Mayan rulers take out heart from Mayan people and did blood sacrificies, to keep the people in fear and easy to be governed, then come Christianity, Jewish invention, and it showed: it's not needed kill own people to rule them, you can use symbolic blood like wine and flesh like bread in a ceremony (Eucharist) and people will keep easy to rule as well.

Gentiles rule is brutal and lousy, they did nonsense wars in Afghanistan desert, just to earn money from military industrial complex, how can be anyone so fcking idiot?

Jewish elite is smart, soft and hidden, if they need money, they create in banks instead bomb deserts, and they use military surplus weapons in useful wars, like Uraine war to weaken Russia, instead bomb empty deserts caverns.
Instead of telling us what you think, and debating over recent events, educate yourself....


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