Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

No offence but the Arabs were just bad at fighting them, through a combination of incompetence and/or lack of sufficient quantities of modern weapons.
Which reminds me of another WASP friend of mine but this one was very anti-Israel. Actually, he resented the Jews for 'not accepting Christ', in his own words, to which I actually defended the Jews on that matter. He told me, around the 2006 Hezbollah-Israel conflict something like 'No Arab or Asian military can ever defeat a European military because in the European military the lower level commanders have the freedom and the knowledge to act' [something like that]. Though he DID want Israel to be beaten and hated Israel!!

President Biden has hit back at Netanyahu personally in a newly published Time magazine interview, asserting that that people have "every reason" to believe that PM Netanyahu is dragging out the war in Gaza for his own political survival.
This one statement alone by Biden hugely delegitimizes Netanyahu!!! What a contrast from the 'bear hug' Biden gave Netanyahu in October 2013 at the Ben Gurion Airport. OMG!!

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