Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hate to say "I told you so".

While the occupation Zionist entity was fully engaged with Hamas, it did not have much left to deal with Lebanon.

Hezbollah should have started with destructive rocket and missile attacks on Zionist military and civilian infrastructure(power stations, grid lines, major road and rail junctions etc) in the north saying that it would stop as soon as the entity stopped attacking Palestinian homes and apartment buildings in Gaza.

There would be implied threat that these attacks would then spread to the whole of occupied Palestine(and civilian homes could also be targeted as well) if the entity tried in Lebanon what it was doing in Gaza, with Houthis and Syrian/Iraqi resistance joining in.

The world then would have seen the clear moral difference between the entity, that was mass killing people in their homes, and Hezbollah that was only killing armed Zionist terrorists and destroying civilian infrastructure with minimal civilian casulaties.

I think then it could actually have been called a war and would have been wrapped up before November, as the entity and its US vassal realise they have no option but to capitulate to the new reality where they will pay a severe price for targeting civilians either in Palestine or in Lebanon.
it took them time to systematically destroy IDF surveillance capabilities, which is why we see so many Hezbollah rockets and drones not being intercepted

and back then Israel had a lot of global sympathy, a sudden mass Hezbollah attack would have been terrible for public opinion and the US sent a carrier group in the Med to warn Hezbollah ...
Hate to say "I told you so".

While the occupation Zionist entity was fully engaged with Hamas, it did not have much left to deal with Lebanon.

Hezbollah should have started with destructive rocket and missile attacks on Zionist military and civilian infrastructure(power stations, grid lines, major road and rail junctions etc) in the north saying that it would stop as soon as the entity stopped attacking Palestinian homes and apartment buildings in Gaza.

There would be implied threat that these attacks would then spread to the whole of occupied Palestine(and civilian homes could also be targeted as well) if the entity tried in Lebanon what it was doing in Gaza, with Houthis and Syrian/Iraqi resistance joining in.

The world then would have seen the clear moral difference between the entity, that was mass killing people in their homes, and Hezbollah that was only killing armed Zionist terrorists and destroying civilian infrastructure with minimal civilian casulaties.

I think then it could actually have been called a war and would have been wrapped up before November, as the entity and its US vassal realise they have no option but to capitulate to the new reality where they will pay a severe price for targeting civilians either in Palestine or in Lebanon.

Hmm your possibly right,

Hezbollah or Iran went for a calculated strategy, keep hitting and harassing Israel.
And to be fair they have done, Israel has been humiliated in the North for the last 8 months with multiple targets hit, fires, and hundreds of thousands of Israeli moved out

I think the idea was don't go so hard to force a response from the U.S but repeatedly hit and harass the Israelis and wear them down whilst retaining and building up Hezbollah stocks

Iran for the last 8.months has upped shipments of weapons and Hezbollah has been on high alert

The biggest problem as always is that both Hamas and Hezbollah are irregular forces whilst Israel is a state backed by the U.S
Hmm your possibly right,

Hezbollah or Iran went for a calculated strategy, keep hitting and harassing Israel.
And to be fair they have done, Israel has been humiliated in the North for the last 8 months with multiple targets hit, fires, and hundreds of thousands of Israeli moved out

I think the idea was don't go so hard to force a response from the U.S but repeatedly hit and harass the Israelis and wear them down whilst retaining and building up Hezbollah stocks

Iran for the last 8.months has upped shipments of weapons and Hezbollah has been on high alert

The biggest problem as always is that both Hamas and Hezbollah are irregular forces whilst Israel is a state backed by the U.S

Yes but the entity is extremely fragile.

It cannot take presure like a real nation where the inhabitants are real owners of the land.

Vast majority of Jewish settlers would be allowed to go back to their homes, or that of their parents and grandparents in USA, Europe and Arab countries like Morocco. They would flee if enough pain is inflicted on them as they have options of relatively safe countries to move to permanently.

Yes it would have been a risky move and I understand why Hezbollah did not go for it but it may in the end turn out to have been the correct one.
sirens were not activated. the drone totally escaped detection

reports of 1 IDF killed and 12+ injured. death toll may rise.

Israelis are calling this the most serious event in the north since the escalation with Hezbollah began
The Iron Dome is crumbling!!
it took them time to systematically destroy IDF surveillance capabilities, which is why we see so many Hezbollah rockets and drones not being intercepted

and back then Israel had a lot of global sympathy, a sudden mass Hezbollah attack would have been terrible for public opinion and the US sent a carrier group in the Med to warn Hezbollah ...

Yes, plus, as @hussain0216 said just above, the Resistance didn't want to cross some threshold to get the Americans directly involved, which would be playing into Netanyahu's plans.
Hezbollah has done an absolutely brilliant job in the 'escalation' ladder. @UKBengali
The Iron Dome is crumbling!!

Yes, plus, as @hussain0216 said just above, the Resistance didn't want to cross some threshold to get the Americans directly involved, which would be playing into Netanyahu's plans.
Hezbollah has done an absolutely brilliant job in the 'escalation' ladder. @UKBengali

And thats the Crux, netenyahu and the Israeli were desperate to expand this conflict and drag the U.S into it to fight on their behalf

America has given tens of billions in financial support
Burnt through massive diplomatic currency in the face of world opinion
And supplied Israel with weapons to fight

Without the U.S, Israel would be cooked

But keeping the U.S out of the direct conflict was also important

The face of the Zionists has been revealed to the world, and even the patriots in the U.S are beginning to become really angry at the control of the Zionists over the U.S
And thats the Crux, netenyahu and the Israeli were desperate to expand this conflict and drag the U.S into it to fight on their behalf
America has given tens of billions in financial support
Burnt through massive diplomatic currency in the face of world opinion
And supplied Israel with weapons to fight
Without the U.S, Israel would be cooked
But keeping the U.S out of the direct conflict was also important
The face of the Zionists has been revealed to the world, and even the patriots in the U.S are beginning to become really angry at the control of the Zionists over the U.S

There is no disputing a word you said!!
Those, who have been impatiently asking for Hezbollah to have escalated too early, meant well but they were wrong months ago and they would be wrong now to have wanted a full blown regional conflict before the right time.
Please remember what John Ulmer from the Electronic Intifada said a couple of days ago--I posted his video: 'Hezbollah has only probably used a fraction of its resources so far' [paraphrased]. The burning you see in Israel over the last 2-3 days is still a fraction of the firepower: Trees burning in a land parched by extreme heat.
Before I forget: My deepest sympathies to the flora and fauna in that region ;)
Wish I can find a better article, than the one linked, without the obligatory fairy tale about God's little darlings.

One of Napoleon’s oft-cited statements, which appeared in de Las Cases’ book, reveals his profound understanding of the strategic reach of God and human goodness: “There are only two powers in the world: the sword and the spirit. By the spirit, I mean civil and religious institutions. And in the long run, the sword is always defeated by the spirit.”

To save the five minute read, in essence,

No One Can Curse What God Has Blessed

Still waiting for my Qur'an in the mail. Read it once or twice some 25 years ago.

I think The Prophet had something to say about times like these. A bit more sensible.

Again, we are in a spiritual war. Flash point - Palestine.
In a scene of defiance uncommon in the West, representatives of the proud French bloc wore the colors of the #Palestine flag in support of Gaza, and in confirmation of the position of their colleague Sebastien Delogue, by raising the Palestinian flag inside Parliament.

A french member from the same leftist group (La France Insoumise) named Rachel Keke waved the palestinian flag again and the the National Assembly got suspended for 5 min. And the rightist groups wore the french flag and

Where tf he is getting those information. Even Egypt got the American and Israeli delegations in Cairo and Qatar with Hamas. And Hamas delegation will visit Egypt in the upcoming hours or days. Why isn't he talking about the Qatar?

Why hiding behind such a framed question?

Did Hamas kill innocent/burn/rape Israel civilian? => Yes
Did Hamas hide behind civilian? => yes

Debunked by these British journalists

No burning
No mass rapes
No use of human shields.

Above documentary scrutinises these claims in every detail, they even interviewed the first responders who made those claims. It's interesting to watch how quickly these lies spread due to Jewish extremist hasbra.

Only Jews use human shields


I've asked you SPECIFIC questions, because they were SPECIFIC allegations made by them against hamas.

Those SPECIFIC claims were then used to justify their genocide. I do however like how you've framed your question.

Let's switch it around

Has israel killed / burnt and raped innocents? What magnitude of hatred are the Palestines allowed to show towards them?
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