Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I think Hezbollah to not wait for Israel’s severe response Hezbollah just said bring it please 24-48 hours I think it’s finally going to happen the real showdown in the neighborhood IDF has been fighting nonstop exhausted while Hezbollah is just sending out small teams to mess with idf let’s see if the idf can can handle a mini war and a war at the same time and perhaps iran might add a little something to the mix.
All politics set aside rooting for Hezbollah to eradicate any troop columns seen building up near their border
I think Hezbollah to not wait for Israel’s severe response Hezbollah just said bring it please 24-48 hours I think it’s finally going to happen the real showdown in the neighborhood IDF has been fighting nonstop exhausted while Hezbollah is just sending out small teams to mess with idf let’s see if the idf can can handle a mini war and a war at the same time and perhaps iran might add a little something to the mix

They've been taking out strategic posts and positions.

Israel will vanish in a full scale war. Just look at what's happened to them fighting Gaza and a rag tag militia. They lack honour and a dishonourable fate awaits the baby killers.

Israel is there for the taking.
Ben Gvir and Smotrich wants war but the rest of the Israelis don't want it. They are scared of a full scale war with Hezbollah.
We need to remember this....

Hezbullah/Hamas are militias while Israel is a country

So, militias are already at de-facto disadvantage.

Militias don't have liberty to pick and choose.

If Israelis go on killing spree in Lebanon, then Hezbullah needs to activate equation of Civilian for Civilian and hospital for hospital.

The only thing missing in this war till yet is "the death of Israeli Civilians"

Israelis are shameless cunning bastards who have no regard for civilian population (can be seen in Gaza) - now they intend to repeat the same slaughter in Lebanon which CANNOT BE ALLOWED.

This is the decisive opportunity/war for Middle East.

If Israelis hit Beirut then Tel Aviv should face instant boss music. That's what I am saying. Not only military targets but Israeli civilians as well

Israelis only respect brute power and force not one sided morals or forgiveness

Israelis couldn't be more vulnerable than they are now.

Civilian for Civilian and hospital for hospital.

Smash these fukers.

Glory to Hamas and Hezbullah.

Glory to Palestinians/Lebanese people
I reckon by the sheer number of bombs dropped - these hostages were probably killed by Israeli fire

Indeed. I've been saying this for a while, now. It doesn't take a genius to see there's not much of a chance many -- if any -- hostages would still be alive at this point. Especially the older and injured ones. Considering the Mujahedeen in charge of protecting them are targeted with that criminal assault of negligent and disproportionate homicidal bombardments, where would they expect them to be safe? That idiot Shaytanyahu had absolutely no intentions, zero as a matter of fact in rescuing the hostages. He probably sails the Mediterranean Sea with the saying "we don't negotiate with terrorist." let's see how far that gets him in his pursuit of staying in power.

Ben Gvir declares, “Tomorrow we will walk to the Nablus Gate and the Jews will ascend to the Temple Mount, Al-Aqsa Mosque. All the military officers in Gaza tell me that every house they enter they see the Temple Mount, so they must be struck in the place that is most important to them.”

Explicit calls to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque tomorrow during the annual Israeli media parade. As a reminder, it is the first of the two qiblahs, the third of the Two Holy Mosques, the second mosque in Islam, and the final resting place of our beloved Messenger.

Imagine being such a despicable & filthy scuzz bucket hateful cockroach to the point that it lowers your intelligence to the point where you make such dumbass comments that could literally get you killed in a million ways till Sunday? That despicable cretin is one of the biggest pieces of **** out of that slew of jackboot thug pigs. Ibn el kalb el sharmoot. Let him try it.

“A sick and rotting society, stupidly and madly rushing towards oblivion.” The Hebrew newspaper Haaretz attacks Israeli society, for choosing a leadership that leads it towards defeat and destruction!

You know what, through the decades of being familiar with stories coming out of Haaretz, I can actually say that despite it being out of the heart of zionistan, most of the journalists out of that outfit are actually quite level-headed in theirs & the paper's journalism in general. For them to actually say something like that proves the point.
We need to remember this....

Hezbullah/Hamas are militias while Israel is a country

So, militias are already at de-facto disadvantage.

Militias don't have liberty to pick and choose.

If Israelis go on killing spree in Lebanon, then Hezbullah needs to activate equation of Civilian for Civilian and hospital for hospital.

The only thing missing in this war till yet is "the death of Israeli Civilians"

Israelis are shameless cunning bastards who have no regard for civilian population (can be seen in Gaza) - now they intend to repeat the same slaughter in Lebanon which CANNOT BE ALLOWED.

This is the decisive opportunity/war for Middle East.

If Israelis hit Beirut then Tel Aviv should face instant boss music. That's what I am saying. Not only military targets but Israeli civilians as well

Israelis only respect brute power and force not one sided morals or forgiveness

Israelis couldn't be more vulnerable than they are now.

Civilian for Civilian and hospital for hospital.

Smash these fukers.

Glory to Hamas and Hezbullah.

Glory to Palestinians/Lebanese people

But as already said before the entity is not a legitimate nation as 90% of the Jews are settlers that are not indigenous to the land.

They will flee for their lives back to their real homes when enough death and destruction has been meted out to them.

That is the key to wiping out this blot that has imposed itself on Palestine.
Iranians need to get some guarantees from Russia in case of Lebanon/Israel war.

Russians can greatly help resistance forces here.

Special plans should be made to cripple Israeli airforce
Iranians need to get some guarantees from Russia in case of Lebanon/Israel war.
Russians can greatly help resistance forces here.
Special plans should be made to cripple Israeli airforce

In last few days, Biden has given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia using American weapons. In case of large casualties in Russia because of that, I think Russia is going to aid targeting the American troops in Syria and Iraq, especially if/when this becomes a regional war.

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