Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The number of bombs that Israel has dropped on Gaza has surpassed the total number of barbaric bombings of the Second World War!
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Since October 7th, Israel has dropped more than 70,000 tons of bombs on people in the Gaza Strip, which is much more than the combined bombs of Dresden, Hamburg and London during World War II.

Stop and think about that statistic for just a minute, right? That's pretty insane, especially if one is quite familiar with the number of ordinances dropped on Germany in only 1-1/2 years alone of WWII. Disgusting.

Another example of Haaretz having no qualms about telling it like it is. I was watching an interview of one of their journalists on BBC just yesterday and he was being grilled about netanyahu and he had absolutely no problem saying what was on his mind and how the paper does think that he's a war criminal. It pretty much supports that narrative. That's remarkable, really. Considering the Nazi propaganda propagated machine that is bred in the Palestinian occupied territories.

sirens were not activated. the drone totally escaped detection

reports of 1 IDF killed and 12+ injured. death toll may rise.

Israelis are calling this the most serious event in the north since the escalation with Hezbollah began

I gotta be honest, I'm quite surprised at how provocative Hezbollah has been. They're basically asking for war. Perhaps they see it coming either way but golly, I really hope they're ready for what's certain to come from 10K-20K altitude.
I gotta be honest, I'm quite surprised at how provocative Hezbollah has been. They're basically asking for war. Perhaps they see it coming either way but golly, I really hope they're ready for what's certain to come from 10K-20K altitude.
they are responding to Israeli provocations

for example, every other day Israel kills Lebanese civilians and assassinates Hezbollah fighters, so Hezbollah responds

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